The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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a poptart is a breakfast pastry kinda. It's flat and it has dried (sorta) icing on the top. It has a sweet jelly filling in it. and when it's toasted and hot its gooooood!
I can't believe an aide told me how to write an incident report and I'm the nurse! "Just write what I did." I can't believe I didn't go Taratino on her butt! Guess I was too tired to care! Sigh....some people......
I can't believe how much hungry I got from readding your description of poptart... hum... :p

I can't believe how much my feet hurt! :(
SparkyGirl said:
I can't believe an aide told me how to write an incident report and I'm the nurse! "Just write what I did." I can't believe I didn't go Taratino on her butt! Guess I was too tired to care! Sigh....some people......

I would have been really pissed.
I can't believe that somebody has drunk all the coffee again, and I have to work a double shirt :mad:
Mmmm...poptarts. I love poptarts. Just gorgeous. Hmm, that reminds me, I havent had one for quite a few years.... :p

I can't believe Ive found a CD that Ive been looking for quite a while now! :D Cos Ive been feeling guilty about losing it cos someone online sent it to me as a nice present so Im pleased I found it! :D
I can't believe my brother wants to pick a fight with me on IM about whether friends you know on the internet are 'real friends' or not (he thinks I'm saying they're not *sigh*)
Yep never, I can't believe I didn't get pissed. Been working on my quick, explosive, red hot inferno and keeping it down to loud rumbles and puffs of steam.

::::still shaking head over not being pissed:::::
I can't believe I have to hold that conference talk in about 8,5 hours and I'm still missing the important bits and pieces to tell :eek: Uh-ohhh..

I can't believe I'm not having a hangover, and I'm wide-awake :D
Yeah it's 666 aaarrgghhh the omen!!! And now they're showing the movie here. I remember when I watched it the first time when I was a kid, I remembered being scared and the number on the boy's head but that's all.

I can't believe Omen read backwards is Nemo!!! The fish!
I can't believe how hungry I am. I'm supposed to be on a 2 week Kellogg’s cereal diet. Apparently if I stick to it I will drop a jean size in 2 weeks! :rolleyes: I tell you, it's hard work. I'm really getting sick of eating cereal. :lol:
I can't believe my conference talk went so friggin' fantastic :D

I can't believe my teacher said: "Jayne, you're always so quiet but when you have to do your conference talk you open up and I can see you being a teacher" Awwww :D

I can't believe I couldn't stop staring at my fellow student.. she has such a nice appearance :devil:

I can't believe (since it's 666) that I used to fancy the devil.. we used to have puppets to play theatre with, you know, those small ones, and the devil was always my favourite, and he isn't really evil you know.. he's just cute.. well that puppet was anyway.
i cant believe people are making a big deal over the 666 thing....ITS JUST A DAY PEOPLES!!! lol imagine saying that in a christian school (i did today :lol: )
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