The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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Ooh yes, Eurphoia was a good episode! Cant wait til next week now. :D

I can't believe how cliff-hangy the X-files season 6 finale DVD was! So...I had to cave in and bought season 7. Im pathetic sometimes. :rolleyes:
Aww poor Palm. *runs to Wal-Mart and buys Palm some TUMS*

I can't believe how long I have to wait until new episodes of EVERY show come on. Let's go people, two months is too long. Get. There. Faster.
I can't believe how ignorant your friend is. *smacks Katie's ignorant friend*
obsession_360 said:
I cant believe how homophobic my friend is. Im basically in tears because she told me im gonna go to hell for being bi. :(

Tell her about Kinsey's sexual sepctrum which basically says: no one is 100% straight, and no one is 100% gay.
Katester, tell her pissed off Jayney is coming over to kick her ignorant straight homophobic arse off this planet! :mad: Nobody messes with my friends! You know where to find me if you want to talk ;)

I can't believe how happy I am.. I still haven't studied for my exam this afternoon, but I'm going to enter the room with a happy face and leave it with a happy face, even though I'll probably hand in a blank paper :lol: It's just such a grand day.. and I don't give a feck about anything :D :D :D :D :D :D <- sorry, just can't stop smiling and I have no clue why actually!
obsession_360 said:
I cant believe how homophobic my friend is. Im basically in tears because she told me im gonna go to hell for being bi. :(

Tell them if you're going to Hell, they're coming with you. :lol: But seriously, what do they know? They have no right to tell you that. Do I need to get in my hot-air balloon and go kick their ass? :lol:

I can't believe I still have this stupid headache! :mad: I've had it for almost 12 hours! >.<
I can't believe that yesterday somebody rolled over my left foot with an office chair leaving it badly bruise and then this morning I stepped on something with my right foot and got five punctures in the sole of my foot. ARGH! I need to just wear steel shoes or something.
I cant beleive I finally got my N64 ontrollers after a year of it being at my brother's friend house. :rolleyes:
obsession_360 said:
I cant believe how homophobic my friend is. Im basically in tears because she told me im gonna go to hell for being bi. :(
Hey, don't cry. Your friend is a ignorant... everyone knows that good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere... :lol:

I can't believe "Without a trace" ended and started "CSI Miami" (season 4)... :eek:
I can't believe it said 'Ch-ch-changes' in the TV guide, while it should actually say 'Killer'.. :eek: WTF?!? How can they show a rerun while we're not done seeing S6?? :eek: :mad:

I can't believe I got up at 6am for no reason :rolleyes:
I can't believe my cousins Christos from Halkida, Greece will be visiting my family and I next summer. I'm so excited :D!
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