The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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zippy said:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe the friggin oxymorons cancelled my job interview for today :mad: Now I've only had one interview and must hope that I'd get that job.
Oh that's too bad! Hmmpphh their lost...
You're darn right zippy! :p

But I did have another one that afternoon, which went alright! And I'm having another interview this afternoon, but I don't actually want that job :lol: But oh well..

I can't believe it really snowed in Germany :eek:

I can't believe no one has said a thing about my gorgeous new pants so far :(
IT REALLY SNOWED IN GERMANY?! :eek: Hahha, that's some crazy weather. :lol:

I can't believe I was so bored I decided to clean. So I cleaned out my computer. I feel a lot better now that my computer isnt hoarding dust now that Ive cleaned it. :D
I can't believe people keep track of their scores so avidly during the photo competition voting :eek: I guess these competitions must be more popular and important than I thought :lol:
I can't believe it's not butter! (people in Britian should get it! :lol:)

(anyone who has read my post in the weather thread will realise why I am so wacky with my posts today :p, sorry!)
I can't believe Jayne got 2nd place for the 3rd time in the photo competition. That's an amazing feat!
And oh! I can't believe your new pants are gorgeous! :lol: Why do I feel this sentence isn't quite right?

I can't believe my internet connection is suddenly alright again!
wibble said:
I can't believe people keep track of their scores so avidly during the photo competition voting :eek: I guess these competitions must be more popular and important than I thought :lol:
And wibble, that's when I get to say: pompidom :rolleyes: :lol:

zippy said:
I can't believe Jayne got 2nd place for the 3rd time in the photo competition. That's an amazing feat!
And oh! I can't believe your new pants are gorgeous! :lol: Why do I feel this sentence isn't quite right?
I can't believe it either, zippy, It's fate I'm telling ye! But the ducky was cute though, it won just the amount of hearts I needed to get second place!

And erm, I can't believe zippy thinks my pants are gorgeous while she hasn't even seen it :lol:

I can't believe the amount of job interviews I have, I feel so wanted.. but I have an exam tomorrow and I haven't studied yet. Whoopsy!
^ I know! :eek: I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that lately :lol:

I wonder if it's because the season finales are now over, or something.... :confused:
wibble said:
I wonder if it's because the season finales are now over, or something.... :confused:
I remember this happening last year, a increase in users after the seasons had finished. :confused:

I can’t believe my dad made dinner for the family tonight - I nearly fainted! :lol:
^^ I would probably faint from the food that my dad would cook! I wouldn't trust anything that he would cook - don't think he has cooked all his working life! Well all his life actually!

I can't believe how good a House episode this is! Episode is 'Euphoria (1)' :D
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