The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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:eek: He'll never age. :lol:

I can't believe my mind hasn't rotted away from being at Talkcsi for a year.
OI! the dude that I saw was pretty attractive for a 60 some year old!

I can't believe that Speed_Cochrane signed up on CSI files after me and she has more posts than me!!! lol :lol:
Well it's not like I'm spamming or anything... :rolleyes: ;)

I can't believe I have more posts than Obsession_360 :lol:
on the topic of Rory Cochrane look-a-likes

I can't believe there was this guy at softball who looked exactly like Rory Cochrane! and he was smoking and everything! :eek:

too bad he was a complete jerk though :(
I can't believe we're still talking about Rory Cochrane in the 'I Can't Believe' thread. ;)
I can't believe this thread has suddenly become the 'Rory Cochrane' thread.

Okay, just to add to it:
I still can't believe Rory Cochrane shares the same birthday with me! Feb 28! :D
*cough* Erm, moving on from Rory Cochrane...

I can't believe the terrible dance song on the radio this morning that samples Britney Spear's 'Toxic'. I think this new song is called 'Toxic Rhythm' or something. Anyway...bleh, the rap in it is terrible :p (in my opinion)
I can't believe the hangover I'm having.. *looks at empty beer bottles on table* well.. yeah that might explain it..

I can't believe I'm screwing up everything in life.. it's still plain old Jayney but I might start to act funny later on.. and I'm armed with a cigarette.. so stay away from me if you intentionally try to harm me!

I can't believe the weather is good.. so I'm going outside to clear my mind.. (read=clear my headache and have a smoke)

I can't believe I kept staring at Wibble's avvie for minutes on end!! :eek: Gawd, Alan Rickman is soo yumyum!! :D
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I kept staring at Wibble's avvie for minutes on end!! :eek: Gawd, Alan Rickman is soo yumyum!! :D

Aw, thanks Jayne :D I was actually expecting people to say 'who's that in your avvy?' :lol: Glad I'm not the only one who thinks he's yummy ;) I loved him in Sense & Sensibility *drools* :devil:

I think I have a thing for older men :eek:
You think, wibble?! :lol:

I cant believe how tired I am- was watchign the X-files til 5am, I didnt expect it to be so friggging light! and I couldnt sleep... :( oh well. *watches more X-files* :p
wibble said:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I kept staring at Wibble's avvie for minutes on end!! :eek: Gawd, Alan Rickman is soo yumyum!! :D

Aw, thanks Jayne :D I was actually expecting people to say 'who's that in your avvy?' :lol: Glad I'm not the only one who thinks he's yummy ;) I loved him in Sense & Sensibility *drools* :devil:
Yeah me too!! :D I drool when I hear his voice, and I don't understand why ppl don't think it's just plain sexy.. that godly low manly voice he has *swoons*

I can't believe my hangover.. it's still there! I also can't believe that I haven't done anything for my thesis in the past 4 days.. I was off all of those days :rolleyes: I can see big trouble ahead of me, and I don't even need to read my tealeaves for that.
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