The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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Oh sorry. I didn't know it was a joke that really hurts feelings. I thought your friend was just being over sensitive.
^ Thanks Dolphin! (call me Jayne though.. that whole piece behind it is just extra baggage :lol:) but I don't have the job yet.. and!!! >>

I can't believe the day after I'll have another job interview in another place, where I can teach fulltime and higher levels.. *crosses fingers for that job now* :lol:

I can't believe me and my friend F are going over to the pub tonight to harass another friend K who's working there and then we're going to order way too difficult things like, uhm.. toast ham/cheese... but instead of ham we want bacon.. and 3 slices of cheese.. and a bit of thyme on the top and 2 slices of tomato etc etc.. and then we're going to complain at her boss that she's a horrible waitress :lol: Well, the boss knows us, so she won't take us seriously though..
I can't believe how much I enjoy cereal shopping and pushing a shopping cart. I've done it plenty of times but I just realized how much fun it is. :D
I can't believe a guy walked up to me this afternoon and asked me where he could buy Paul Mitchell shampoo. :lol: It just seemed so random.
I can't believe I actually ate all my dinner :eek: I actually cooked for two days, but it looked and tasted so yummi that I ate it all.. and it will function as a good bottom for when I'm in the pub tonight :p
I can't believe that almost every time I have to explain to someone that I'm in a borrowed car because I can't afford to have mine repaired, they say "Why don't you just buy a new one?"

In what world does not being able to afford repairs on a car equal having the money to afford an entirely new car?

I can't believe that my dad asked me to work in the nursery at his church on Sundays. I'm not fond of children and we're not the same religion. I also already work six days a week. I told him I needed one day a week where I didn't have something planned that I had to do. And I can't believe that later when I met him and Mom for lunch, he told her he offered to pay me to do it, but that I "just don't want to work."
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I actually ate all my dinner :eek: I actually cooked for two days, but it looked and tasted so yummi that I ate it all.. and it will function as a good bottom for when I'm in the pub tonight :p

I can't believe how much I can't wait to be old enough to go to the pub!
zippy said:
^^Wow, why did he say that?^^

He said it because I wouldn't shut up. If you whine, you can get anything :lol:
Don't quote me on that =\

I can't believe I have to make my brother Supper. All I know how to cook is Macaroni!
Guess what's for supper tonight.......
i cant believe its raining again.
well actually i can cos im here in uk and it always rains
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