The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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Whining for me works on:

I can't believe my team won second place in the Singapore-Malaysia Bilingual Olympiad 2006! Yay. Got a huge trophy. :p
I can't believe how quiet it is at work today. I'm so board and the day is just dragging on and on and on. I feel like I’ve been here a week. :eek:
I can't believe how weird some friendships can get. Hmm.

I sure can never believe that clerk! She is bloody impolite! I'm no longer a student there and she treats me like dirt! I mean, for crying out loud, treat others with respect and you'll get the same treatment but she is just so....soooo...bloody $^&%$&^%%^*$! Oh my, I better stop venting here.. :lol: :mad:
I can't believe I was up until 3am reading a Harry Potter book. :eek: I became so engrossed in it that I didn't realise the time. I'm now really tired. :lol:
I cant believe some risky joker wouldnt let me buy the X-files DVD cos I didnt look old enough to buy it! He was dont look like over fifteen, more like 13...I JUST TURNED SIXTEEN YESTERDAY! Oooh Im mad. :lol: Pssk, I have no way of showing him proof that I am indeed 16. :rolleyes:
well thats a bit harsh! that happened to me...but the person at the movie theatre said i look more 10 than 16 lol. :lol:

I can't belive im watching arthur. I must be really tired.
I can't believe how many people post in here either saying 'I can't believe I'm still awake' or 'I can't believe how tired I am' :lol: I think there must be a link between the two :p
^ :lol: :lol: I can't believe you noticed that but uhm.. yeah I can't believe I'm still awake.. and I can't believe I will be still awake for several hours.

I can't believe I'm going to install Yahoo to talk to some of my TalkCSI friends because I just always need them!

I can't believe me and my good friend have talked things over and are cool :D YAY!

I can't believe I'm not going to edit this post.. but just mention here that I made a grammatical mistake in one of the above sentences... :lol: It must be the beer :rolleyes: I just can't be bothered.
I can't believe I'm still waiting for Rory Cochrane to return to CSI:Miami even though is character is very much dead.

I can't believe there are 7 soda cans in my room-all full.
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