The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe that when I get the job (where I have a job interview next week) I'll be working on the other side of the road of where one of my best friends works :eek: It's fate! She's starting her job there in August too.. and we used to live in the same city before.. it's too much of a coincidence!
MaddMudder said:
I can't believe how young you people are good god you make me feel old talking about school. Man I wish I was 18 again. On second thought, life sucked the first time I was 18. So never mind. :lol:
Young? Nah...not at all in my case. But I forgot to grow up long time ago. :rolleyes:

I was at the mall, quietly sipping my coffee at a cafe, watching people and next to me was an escalator. I looked at people going up and sometimes they looked back. I can't believe there was this man who stared back at me but his eyes got bigger and bigger and BIGGER AND...BIGGER still! I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and I just kept staring. Then he laughed. :rolleyes:
WillowsWannaBe said:
I can't believe that I'm hated here...... :(
Yeah, I hope you don't mean Talk CSI people. Heh, misunderstandings is common on boards like this so hang tight because it'll be smooth sailing again.

I can't believe that my friend is getting all worked up over some joke. It was a joke(=not intended to hurt people's feelings). And the joke couldn't have pricked her that bad. Now she ain't speaking to me and I see I'm not the only one going through this things lately *looks around*.
I can't believe I spent nearly £110 (about $207) on theatre tickets for Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Cats' musical this afternoon. Dear lord...I swear I'm gonna be avoiding looking at my bank balance for a while :eek: :lol:
I can't believe the lovely weather has returned! Hail my Goddess.. I love thee!! :D *goes to riverbank*

I can't believe my presentation on Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism was praised during class! :D

I can't believe how hyper and cheerful I am.. and I haven't had coffee in hours :D :D
I can't believe how many randon students kept walking into one of my classes today, I had to keep shooing them out, and they kept coming back and claiming it was their class, it was so surreal :lol:
needmorecsi said:
WillowsWannaBe said:
I can't believe that I'm hated here...... :(

No one hates you here on TalkCSI, at least that I know of.
I do mean Talk CSI, but it doesn't matter. I don't really care actually. I only can't believe it.

I can't believe that I'm at school :mad:
I can't believe that I'm going to have a big chemistry test and I know nothing.
I can't believe Shahbaz has left Big Brother after 5 days, that's got to be a record. :lol:

Actually, I can't believe I'm that interested in Big Brother. :eek:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Aww thankies wibble! I should go for second places to maintain the effect I think :lol:
Oh very clever! That way, you can show both banners! :D Wanna bet if you're gonna get 2nd place again next? :lol:

I can't believe I've been waking up earlier than usual to do yoga for the past few days and today too. :eek:
zippy said:
Wanna bet if you're gonna get 2nd place again next? :lol:
Nahhh.. I'm not allowed to bet from my pappa! :p

I can't believe there are no sights of spring around here.. so I probably skip this photograph competition.. hmpf.. don't like it though :(
zippy said:
^^^Is that joke another one of your Dirk's Joke again? :lol:
Erin! You think I am THAT mean to make a Dirk's joke that hurts people's feelings? That is the new low even for YOU my Asian friend....

Uhm, yeah it was and she was pissed. :lol: But we're fine now and she's happy that we're friends again and this friendship cycle bores me. :lol:
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