The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe it's already Sunday and I have to go back to school tomorrow.
I can't believe my old classmate is getting married next month :eek: Who wants to marry such a guy? :lol: Oh well, I guess he has grown up
Lovin_W_Moseley said:
I can't believe it's already Sunday and I have to go back to school tomorrow.

Was just thinking exactly the same thing :rolleyes:

I can't believe my housemate was so funny about a snail crawling on her upstairs window I had to get our retractable washing line pole to knock it off!! And almost broke my neck doing it :eek:
:eek:IlovemySNICKERS What province are you living in that it is snowing? I know it has been really windy and cold and rainy in Brant County in Ontario but we haven't seen much snow this winter. Thank God for the Banana Belt. ;)
I can't believe how young you people are good god you make me feel old talking about school. Man I wish I was 18 again. On second thought, life sucked the first time I was 18. So never mind. :lol:
I can't believe I had a massive argument with my sister over my car door (totally ridiculous argument). Now she's giving me the silent treatment and it wasn't even my fault. I hate it when we argue. :(
MaddMudder said:
I can't believe how young you people are good god you make me feel old talking about school. Man I wish I was 18 again. On second thought, life sucked the first time I was 18. So never mind. :lol:

No not that young...I talk about school cause I teach there, it's a long time since I was 18 ;)

I can't believe I had to go to a training session on the easiest computer program ever, when I could have been here :D
aww, thats just mean^^^^^

I can't believe that I managed to get addicted to Big Brother again, so soon, already

I can't believe its nearly Tuesday again which means it's nearly time for csi
Oh yeah gotta love that tuesday CSI feeling ;)

I can't believe I have actually had no work to do tonight, for the first time this year, it feels wonderful :cool:
I can't believe my brother's on nightshift and yet everything's ended so I have nothing to watch! Right. When. He's. Gone.
Augh! D:
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