Speaking of
Butterflied, I re-watched it today. He is so HOT in it
Hottness factor aside, it's a damn good episode
I love it. Awesome acting , beautiful photography, great music ...
Got a question for you guys:
could you come up with your top 4 'Pure Grissom Hottness' episodes?
Here's mine:
Jackpot *nothing beats the backward cap, t-shirt and jacket
Formalities *the tux, man! the tux!!
Butterflied *confused Grissom -confusion looks good on him
, close ups, peanut butter, silk and butterflies
Committed *just hot. Enough said.
My first idea was to come up with my top 10, but I rapidly concluded that it was nearly impossible
So I came up with my top 4 instead.
Thinking back, I realized that in these particular episodes, he is incredibly HOTTT from the beginning to the end
, so that's why they're in my top 4
IMO it doesn't get any hotter than that.
PS: I know this is not the pic thread, but hey I had to justify the hottness - and my ranking