The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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I know I'm so going to see Billy!!! hehehe. I want front row. hehehehe :devil:
And yes Grissom freak that is the reason I wish I was a phone too. Damn it wasn't he sexy in that Movie. *squee* Gotta love Billy.
Hey good taste- :p aren't they all "hott" the best looking men on TV- Nick-Warrick-Greggie -even Brass and Doc are cute in their own way- and Archie- not Hodges- :( :(or Ecklie- but they play good roles ;)
My opinion is Grissom is the hottest and then Nick is the second Hottest. I believe that!! Then Warrick and his lips. Okay back on track to Billy. Yayness That man has a nice pair of lips. And last I did a search on Billy in yahoo under image search. And I found a wallie that most of us girls would be very happy about. It's a couple of scenes from TLADILA. MAn he was hot in that movie!!!
If you are going to wirite a episode fore csi fore season 7 what woud you write about :D? I woud wirite about Love and I dont meen only fore Big G and sara but fore every1 and that my brass will be friends wit his daughter :) and ofcouse murder :devil:
Hi. Here the UK they have just shown Manhunter again. WP is sexy as Grissom - but he is so HOT as Will Graham!

But I wanted to ask a question.... In Manhunter you see WP's naked :)) legs several times and you can see his bow legged knees. Something I had noticed many times on CSI is you can very clearly identify Grissom's walk from this. I don't know if this has been asked before but does anyone know why WP legs are like that???
I read somewhere (probably an interview) that his legs were bowed due to genetics, and also because he played baseball a lot when he was younger ;)

Or maybe it was a video :confused: Can't remember.

I think it was mentionned on this thread :confused:

Shoot. Bad memory.
I'll try to find a link.
For all the ladies of the WPFC, here's the viewing times/channels of one of Billy's 'bad boy' roles.
-which he plays to perfection, of course-

In Kingdom of the Blind, the Man with One Eye Is King

Mon Jun 12 08:00P on Showtime Showcase
Thu Jun 15 11:50P on Showtime Extreme
Sat Jun 17 11:50P on Showtime Showcase
Adzix said:
does anybody have those channels???? haven't seen them anywhere :confused:
Sorry about that, these are channels availible on the Comcast cable line up in my area on the East Coast. This channel is Showtime3 Extreme. In our area in Pennsylvania this is channel #342.
You can try online listings like &
where you view all your local cable listings by typing in your zip code.
I have DirectTV so I get those Channels as well. Thank you very much for posting those time slots. :devil: I'm a enjoy this movie. I love it when he's the "Bad Boy" I get weak in the knees.
(I have a thing for Bad boys.It's a very bad habit but damn it they're hot!!!)
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