The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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:lol: :lol: you are my hero as well :lol:
Billy if you are reading this, i'm gonna be in Rome sometime in september, could you please write me an email if you'll be there at that time????? :D i just gotta hug you :) you'll be able to recognize me, i'm 20, tanned, slim, 5'10 :lol:
Just stopping by to remind everyone that Billy is the hottest. He's so hot he melted the Coor's beer train. :devil:
I still consider Tux-Mac tops, but last night's tux-Grissom was right up there too. And then he took the tie off and had the top of his shirt open....<pantpant>

Formalities, that was the ep.
*siiiigh* i LOOOOOVED when he took the bow tie off ... maan, he is amazing :D

ETA: today's Billy's and Gina's 3rd anniversary!!!! i wish you ALL THE BEST Billy and Gina!!! :D
Crysthala You ROCK!!(Your MY NEW HERO)
Also if this is Billy reading this Please Note I hope your in Chicago in July MAN I need to meet you in person. I'll think you'll notice me because I have a cubs jersey that has Grissom and the #52 on it. I'm 5'3 and I'm 14 but I look 16.
If this is TPTB If you need a forensic genious that about the age of 14-16 and she needs to Be Hispanic with light brown hair. That helps a shirt-less Grissom out in a pool crime scene. I'm your Girl. Hehehe. Just Email me and it's all good.:lol: :p
Hehe, thanks guys. :p
OMSG (oh my sexy Grissom), TPTB? Because we are so completely in love with Grissom, could you put us on the show? That would be so totally awesome. We'd be like, <thud> (Billy? are you there?). Because apparently, he's even hotter in person (Billy? can we hug you?). Yeah. If that's possible (pleaaaase? <emo tear>).

Yeah. Billy is really hot in a suit. I'd give more links, but my Internet's acting up and being slow. >.<
Hey All!

Happy Third Anniversary Billy and Gina!

:eek: Happy anniversary Billy and Gina, indeed! Dude, what a lucky girl. ^.^
<confetti> And I brought 131232342.2 different kinds of cookies. And 12213¾ bottles of liquid marshmallow. Mmmmmm. <eats the ¾ full one with a spoon> You want some, Billy? <looks around> Biilly? BILLY?! <hangs head> *emo*
Happy Third Anniversary! :eek:
Whoa. Already three years! :cool:

How about a baby, now? :D ;)
Now seriously, that would be awesome. WP a father again. A little Billy, wouldn't that be great? :D I'm pretty sure this little guy would have his dad's hottness :D hehe
oh, yeah, i remember, there was a rumour that Gina's pregnant some time ago. it happened to be false. but that would be awesome, i agree. on the other hand he's so private we really wouldn't know anything except the pure fact of him being dad again, and he would also want more time for his family - less for CSI. so, as a total egoist, i can bear that he spends most of his time CSI-ing :D
Crysthala said:
Hehe, thanks guys. :p
OMSG (oh my sexy Grissom), TPTB? Because we are so completely in love with Grissom, could you put us on the show? That would be so totally awesome. We'd be like, <thud> (Billy? are you there?). Because apparently, he's even hotter in person (Billy? can we hug you?). Yeah. If that's possible (pleaaaase? <emo tear>).

Yeah. Billy is really hot in a suit. I'd give more links, but my Internet's acting up and being slow. >.<

We should form the "We're having internet problems" club LOL. But at least you *have* it at the moment. Blasted SBC idiots! I'd like to send Brass or Mac over to lean on them to make them fix my DSL lol.

I'm only not going nuts 'cause I can still grab some CSI on most nights....NY or otherwise.

hmm yeah I'll be on the show...crossover...I'll be the corpse and Grissom and Mac can take turns examining me...<ggl>
i would be SUCH a bad corpse if WP would be examining me! i would jump on and hug him in the first shot, in the second i wouldn't be able to take my eyes off him and giggle, and then they would kick me out :lol: but hey! i can play an entomology/forensic geek who would be completely in love with him! oh, yeah, i can play that!! :D anytime, anywhere. i actually wouldn't have to play much ;)
I would want to play the suspect. Why? I know it isn't his job, but I'm sure TPTB wouldn't mind making Billy search someone. While electronica music pulses in the background, and I search him back.
No, seriously. TPTB? I could play an awesome ninja-vampire teenage serial killer whose intelligence matches Grissom's own, the problem being that I have a massive crush on him. And of course, he doesn't catch me, and I do him favors consisting of things like forcibly removing Ecklie's face with a blunt spoon. And helping him catch other, less awesome serial killers. And hooking him up on awesome dates with a certain other CSI who shall remain anonymous because <coughGSRcough> this isn't the shipper thread. Adzix, you can be one of my victims. Mel23, you can be the victim who was visiting from NYC and got killed, thus bringing Mac into the equation.
Why, oh why, TPTB, must you be so ignorant of my existence? Whyyy...?
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