The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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Hey my Cousin and I doing that so I'm gonna get to him first. Hehehe. :lol:z J/k but we are going to sneak into a couple of the baseball games so hehehehehe. I may be able to get a picture with the Hottness and speak to the guy Yayness!!! AND WHo Are you? Who who who. Come on and tell me who the **** are you. Who are you? hehehe sorry hehehe
I just got finished watching 'Hard Promises' -for the hundrenth time- other than making me howl like a she-wolf at the moon; I've come to the conclusion that Billy is naturally smooth-chested and he also doesn't seem to have an great deal of hair on his arms. Guys who /GAK/ wax or shave their chests and such, tend to have a sort of 'shiny' look to them because like when we shave our legs, what do you do afterwards but moisturize the heck out of your skin. I'm not saying that some chest fur can't be cute on a guy, but Billy is adorable just as he is! Someone mentioned in another message about his wearing sneakers. After last nights rerun of 'No More Bets' did anyone else notice he's got realy cute feet & toes too?!?!? Another 100 points in his favor, 'cause I've seen some ugly guy feet from lack of
care. Not smelly, just ugly, anyone else notice that in some fellas?
COOL puppypower glad that's still there- ;) and fans can read it- ;)

No for Rhode Island- unless I win a powerball jackpot :lol:but will still try and catch the cast when they film here in Vegas- :p I got so close -yet missed them- so hopefully will catch them this fall when they resume filming ;)
I hate all of you people that live in Vegas. You must recognize every shot of the Strip... >.<
Desertwind, your avatar? Is HAWT. That's 'cuz it's Billy.
the feet, hmm ... i've got something for those who have foot fetish :lol: i noticed them in Kiss The Sky actually. the moment of the first.. umm.. encounter between Jeff and the blond british girl (forgot her name, sorry). there is a shot, that we can see his bare feet pretty closely ;)
I found myself giggling at last night's NY. I wanted to tell them about the bug eggs they were trying to ID "Just call Gil and let him see 'em on a webcam or something, he'll tell you what they are! LOL.

I wonder what he would have thought of all the eating of bugs going on during last night's ep.

(can you tell I desperately want a NY/LV cross? lol)
(Your so not alone ON the Cross.)
Yeah Grissom would have done the Job for anything that invovles Bugs and Rollercoasters. Like he said in turn of the screw "I wrote and Entomology paper so I can just ride Son of the Beast."*Inserts The OMG smile* Man If Only. *huff* :lol:
Right after the 'Turn of The Screws' Episode the National Geographic channel did a show called 'SuperCoasters' with a history of 'Son of Beast' :lol: I wonder does WP like roller coasters too or is that strictly a Gil Grissom quirk?
I don't necessarily have a foot fetish as much as I have a William Petersen fetish! :D But it's just so nice to see just stuff like that a get a giggle out of it. So cute watching him tap the telephones buttons with his toes to prove a point. That's the Grissom character, doing what it takes to investigate a case; but it's pure Billy to be completely at ease with himself enough to go with the scene and have fun with it. Silly, I know but he's just such a cutie!
Sadly, I've yet to find a copy of 'Kiss The Sky' :( But I am looking at online DVD stores. Keeping my fingers crossed.
exactly jeanmacgreen !! i don't have a foot but a WP fetish too :lol: and he is SUCH a cutie!! :D
"WP fetish" :lol:

First the 1-800-ADDICTED-TO-GRISSOM Support Group founded by yours truly :D

And nowwwww *drum roll*

The William Petersen Fetish Club :cool:
I'M IN!!! WPFC!!!!! woohoo!! :D

hey, that can be the name for the next WP/GG thread! either 1-800-ADDICTED TO GRISSOM or William Petersen Fetish Club :lol:
I'm in whoo-hoo-hoo as well-!!!!! :p the "man"

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