The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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I'm in as well. The Hottness is OMG!! Burning.
I was actually gonna ask the same question is he doing the Golfing thing tomorrow.
I live here, and to my knowledge- NO GOLF TOURNAMENT :eek:if there is one - it's the best kept secret in Las Vegas- their is one up in Lake Tahoe, NV however- but if WP was in town you can bet your sweet life I'd be there- cheering him on? here's the one played here last year he's on Pg. 3 :p

Click here Or try this Click Here ;)

Sorry Destiny- I tried the "click here" for some reason- probably my screw-up it didn't work :(

~Edited: No problem all fixed, hmm might try edit or quote and see what I did as a reminder. Remember you tried its all you can do.~ ;)
Adzix said:
I'M IN!!! WPFC!!!!! woohoo!! :D

hey, that can be the name for the next WP/GG thread! either 1-800-ADDICTED TO GRISSOM or William Petersen Fetish Club :lol:

So glad I was able to help by accidentally coming up a name for our mass addiction to this sweetheart of a guy! :lol:
According to the experts, the true meaning is:
Main Entry: fe·tish
Variant(s): also fe·tich /'fe-tish also 'fE-/
Function: noun
Etymology: French & Portuguese; French fétiche, from Portuguese feitiço, from feitiço artificial, false, from Latin facticius factitious
1 a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : PREPOSSESSION c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
2 : a rite or cult of fetish worshipers
Yeah, points 2 & 3 about sums it up! :D
well The showd killer here in Norway at tuesday and That mad mee thinking that grissom maby was starting to leave the dark a bitt couse sara was saying somting about loving his care and a bad temper wen they found that destroyd car and the look grissom gave sara was like are you talking about mee? that was a bit funny I did enjoy that they worked togetther at that episode,annyway back to grissom dark side, wee dont know wat Big G was trught wen he was a kidd that make him that dark he told a bit to my name sister cathrine earlyer in an episode but I think somting bad happend to him wen he was a littel kid maby 1 to 4 years old that he cant tell to anny1 couse he is afraid he will scerd themaway frome him :( and thats sucks big time :confused: and thats will always bee a prob fore my grissom :eek: caerycath frome Norway
Has anything ever been said about why he started the series beardless and then showed up with the beard in S4? Just curious...I actually like him way better with it than without.
In "Binding Ties" (one of the CSI books) it says something about him growing the beard "to save time, only to find trimming the thing was its own burden." I think he did it because he wanted to remind us all of how sexy he is in Manhunter.
They actually had an article about this in of all magazines 'TIME' in the TV section-2004, saying "the big news in S/4 is that the lead man has a "beard" and for CSI fans that's big news"- :lol:I personally think it slims his round face somewhat- and plus it is so "sexy" and he grows a really nice one :p


BEARD "Dead Ringer"

And thank's Destiny for fixing the "golf" link- I tried and tried- probably missed one of the parenthesis{} ;)any way I appreciate you fixing it ;)
I'm so in shock because My Icon started this convesation.WOW the power of the avatar. :lol: I was in love with the avi hehehehe!!
newflame13 Isn't that avie Nick?? where's your man? just a bit surprised- not that he's not "hott'' too--- but-- :mad: Gris is our man- right- :p
My Avi is of Will Graham from Manhunter.Desertwind and My Banner is of Nick. I Love William but I like George. So I have a win win situation. Hehehe.
desertwind said:
newflame13 Isn't that avie Nick?? where's your man? just a bit surprised- not that he's not "hott'' too--- but-- :mad: Gris is our man- right- :p
No no, that's our man, alright :cool:
Will Graham. Manhunter. On the phone :p

That's one of those moments when I wish I was a phone.

Cool scene. You can see emotions playing on his face. Darkness. Great light.
And he's hot, too ;) Just - sitting there ... holding a phone :lol: :D ... WHO would have thought it would be possible to look HOT holdin a phone, huh? Only WP can do that :rolleyes:
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