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britfan said:
Not seen Gunshy myself. Amazon has just laughed at me when I tried to search it! :lol: KTS has some :devil: bits in, but there is absolutely no sense whatsoever to the plot. Some nice Billy action though! :devil: :devil: :devil:

EXCATLY :( no sense at all, and I didn't care for the sleazy chick, what was her point?.. "The Staircase" is good, he's an angel, (isn't he though) and is real mellow and low key and gentle.. such a versatile actor,and if any of you fans get a chance or can find this "The Young Kennedy's of Mass." talk about great acting, you won't even recognize him, just about the opposite of Grissom as he can be ;) and 'Long Gone" he's incredible.. so darling, and so upbeat, and boy can he play baseball :eek: I think maybe I'm a hugh fan ;)
Okay everyone...I decided....*drum roll*.....Gunshy, Kiss the Sky, and the Staircase! I want them all, so why not get them when i can. i got them dirt cheap too, so i splurged and ordered all three.. :devil: Now if you all dont know is an awesome online store...I got all three for less than $24! and there is no shipping costs. So if its hard to find....that site might have it. Billy is a terrific actor and I will watch anything he's in (I have Kingdom of the Blind for goodness sake :rolleyes: ) Thanks for all the feed back and the pics helped desert. :D
loveforgrissom said:
Okay everyone...I decided....*drum roll*.....Gunshy, Kiss the Sky, and the Staircase! I want them all, so why not get them when i can. i got them dirt cheap too, so i splurged and ordered all three.. :devil: Now if you all dont know is an awesome online store...I got all three for less than $24! and there is no shipping costs. So if its hard to find....that site might have it. Billy is a terrific actor and I will watch anything he's in (I have Kingdom of the Blind for goodness sake :rolleyes: ) Thanks for all the feed back and the pics helped desert. :D

FANTASTIC..AMAZING :eek: unbeliveable prices.. that's so cool, I'm happy for you ;).. thank's for the site, I've been looking for S/4 (my fav) on DVD, and couldn't find it anywhere, and this site has it, and can you believe it's the most expensive of all the seasons, must be the most popular :rolleyes:
Hey guys!! Remember me? I posted on here a few months ago saying I was going to see Billy in "A Dublin Carol"? Well I saw it this week!!!! Billy was AMAZING!!!!! He did the entire play in an Irish accent, and the whole thing was 80 minutes with no intermission and had only two other characters!! It was such a great play and even though it was a serious drama, it had a lot of really funny moments, almost all with Billy's lines!! Unfortunately the theater wouldn't let me take ANY pictures... :( But the theater's website has some pics here and he looked exactly like that!! I'm soooo glad he had his beard! I'm guessing they used makeup to make it white to age him (the character was supposed to be pretty old). We sat three rows back from the stage (it was a small theater) and there was one time where I could have sworn he looked right at me!!! :D Eeep sorry to brag! :eek: Just thought I'd share! BILLY ROCKS! :D
I wish I could've gone and that there was a way to see him backstage afterward...without me getting too scared to say a word LOL.

I thought the white was closer to natural color...
another Billy fan who got to see his play!

again sooooo jealous..... :eek:

and I think desertwind is a pretty big fan :D

and I watched Fear the other night... boy his voice is so unsmistakable and he is such a good actor
MacsGirlMel said:
I wish I could've gone and that there was a way to see him backstage afterward...without me getting too scared to say a word LOL.

I thought the white was closer to natural color...

ME TOO, it would be quite overwhelming to come face to face with this incredible man :p, ~~~mouth drops open~~~ ~~~drool comes out~~~~he's be real impressed by that :D and your right his natural hair color is grey has been for years, he's mentioned how they dye it black and his beard, I presume to make him look younger..and it works :p

I have to say, the darker beard & hair is my favorite - not that I have anything against his natural look! I just have an attachment to that dark hair :D
grissoms_gurl said:
I have to say, the darker beard & hair is my favorite - not that I have anything against his natural look! I just have an attachment to that dark hair :D

Hey Grissom fans!

No I didn't watch him say goodbye....I'll wait for the real deal. :rolleyes:
My other show on Thursday nites has only a few ep left to go before it ends for good. :(

So I see the play is over. I'm glad to hear some fans from this site went to see him. :D

Yes grissom_gurl I prefer the darker beard too. Although I don't mind a touch of grey. After all, he is 53, so some grey is fine on DaMan!

BTW, Welcome to all the newbies! Enjoy posting your thoughts on William/Grissom.

Yes, yes, yes!
A touch a grey all around his face.

But I still gotta have the beard.
Damn, I just can't let go. :( What is wrong with me??? :eek: Sheesh, get over it WPRMW. Get over the beard already.

poppylvsgriss said:
it's ok - there's nothing wrong with you. i miss the beard too! :(

Oh thank you. :D

It's just that I came along when DaMan had the hott beard in Season 5 and 6.
After all this time you would think I could let go? :rolleyes: And I thought I did?? :eek:
I guess not. :confused:

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