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i personally do not want billy / grissom to take a break. :( a girl needs her grissom action! :devil: also, even though there have been excellent episodes without much / any grissom input, i don't know about anyone else, but i find myself thinking, 'where's grissom? where's grissom?' not good! :rolleyes:

at the same time, i don't mind billy taking a break if he wants / needs to - as long as its for greater good! and that he realises what he's doing to us all by taking a break! :lol:
desertwind said:
So, girls, how do you feel about him leaving for a while? are sad..mad.. don't care.. and what's your take on this "replacement" Liev guy? have any of you ever seen or heard of him before now.. I hope he does good.. but no one can replace Grissom/Billy :mad: in this show!!!!!in this role!!!!!

How do I feel about BP taking a break?
Good for him. I honestly think he's bored with CSI. I am too. :eek: Do I blame him for being bored? Nooooo. :rolleyes:

I don't know Liev and really don't care. No offense. :rolleyes:
I don't understand why they need him in the first place unless BP is planning not to return next season.
Maybe TMTB are planning to have Liev as part of the team. :eek: Which sucks!! :mad: :mad: No one can replace Mr. Petersen!
I don't understand why Marg can't take on the role as Grissom's replacement. :mad:

That was my two-cents. :)

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
I don't understand why Marg can't take on the role as Grissom's replacement. :mad:
I agree. I think the characters are strong enough without Grissom to be able to hold a few episodes strong. There has to be some specific reason that TPTB are bringing in this new character...
grissoms_gurl said:
I agree. I think the characters are strong enough without Grissom to be able to hold a few episodes strong. There has to be some specific reason that TPTB are bringing in this new character...

No kidding. It's not like he's gonna be gone for half the season. :mad:
Personally, I think it's an insult to Marg they have to bring in another person. What's wrong with having a female lead the team? :mad:

Morons. :mad: :mad:

completely agree with that. do they not think a woman can hold the main job or something???? cath kicks nore ass than most of the guys there! :mad:
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Personally, I think it's an insult to Marg they have to bring in another person. What's wrong with having a female lead the team?
Or anybody else on the team? We saw Warrick lead the team in one episode.. let's see what the otheres are capable of!
grissoms_gurl said:
Or anybody else on the team? We saw Warrick lead the team in one episode.. let's see what the otheres are capable of!

For me, it would have to be Cat. She has seniority. :D
After all, she did some supervising during Swingshift.

grissoms_gurl said:
Agreed! :D But that clearly isn't what TPTB want!

Apparently not!

Morons!!! :mad:

So Grissom will be teaching. And here I thought it had something to do with a personal matter. :rolleyes: You know, a mid-life crisis.

ETA: Destiny, TallyHo, I know there's a spoiler thread but may we bring the sabbatical up in this thread, provided, it's in the spoiler tag? If not forgive me. :)

Only if its kept short on the discussion and pertaining only to the Sabbatical. Though we would preferre it in the spoiler lab, just keep it this side of the spoiler as a generalized topic. ;)
Destiny said:
Only if its kept short on the discussion and pertaining only to the Sabbatical. Though we would preferre it in the spoiler lab, just keep it this side of the spoiler as a generalized topic. ;)

Thanks Destiny :)
I've seen spoilers in other threads.
I'll stick future spoilers on Gil in the Spoiler Thread. :D

In the past I've tried to avoid them but still read bits and pieces. :lol:

sorry to break topic, but i've been looking at those new pics from the bruckheimer do on WPAP and billy has dyed his sideburns. i'm sorry but i love his his grey sideburns!!!!! :D they're messing with his hair again! :(
You're welcome and thank you. ;)

I don't think its possible to ever really avoid them especially on a public board, we try to keep them contained as much as possible but there are the little cracks that they can slip through.

Generalizing the topic can take the subject one way or another while saying it might be a spoiler BUT its also apart of the "What if" ect.
poppylvsgriss said:
sorry to break topic, but i've been looking at those new pics from the bruckheimer do on WPAP and billy has dyed his sideburns. i'm sorry but i love his his grey sideburns!!!!! :D they're messing with his hair again! :(

Maybe it's BP's idea to color it for the play.
I don't mind the dye-job. :D

Still missing the beard BUT trying so dang hard to get over it.

well if its for the play i'll allow it :D but i'll expect the grey back again when he returns :D#

i'm missing the beard least we get to see the dimple though! :devil: minding the beardless action a little less now :D
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