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In honor of Halloween I came up with this idea for Grissom's costume
Would he be EXCELLENT as THE PHANTOM, from Phantom of the Opera?
he is sexy, and mysterious, and appealing and all of the above.....

think about it Ladies, him singing to you....
"Past the point of no return..." :devil: :D
hhunter said:
In honor of Halloween I came up with this idea for Grissom's costume
Would he be EXCELLENT as THE PHANTOM, from Phantom of the Opera?
he is sexy, and mysterious, and appealing and all of the above.....

think about it Ladies, him singing to you....
"Past the point of no return..." :devil: :D

I love that part in the POTO. Singing to Christine in a sexy black mask.
Grissom could be my Phantom any day!

Hey guys!! I've actually never posted on this thread before (usually I'm hanging around the Eric/Greg threads :D) but I love William/Grissom and I just thought I'd drop by cause we just bought tickets to the last show in January for "Dublin Carol" and I know it's over two months away but I'm SOOOOOOOO excited to see Billy's dramatic acting live and up close!! :D :D :D
Lovely photoshop job there WP_Rocks_MY_World! Well hope you all had a nice halloween, nobody came around in work or at home tonight. Has been really quiet.

@sherlockanna you are soooooooo lucky i am really jealous, have a fantastic time. I bet if i was there i wouldn't be able to restrain myself lol!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL OF YOUR FABULOUS BILLY/GRISSOM FANS you've all got great taste.. and that's a fact.. maybe he'll just hand out candy.. or maybe he is with the grandson.. they live in California..soo, that'd be cute.. how about Billy as a pirate... with tights on :lol:and a bottle of rum.. and sword.. but NO eyepatch :(
sherlockanne said:
Hey guys!! I've actually never posted on this thread before (usually I'm hanging around the Eric/Greg threads :D) but I love William/Grissom and I just thought I'd drop by cause we just bought tickets to the last show in January for "Dublin Carol" and I know it's over two months away but I'm SOOOOOOOO excited to see Billy's dramatic acting live and up close!! :D :D :D

OMG!! can't believe your going to see billy!! it's not fair! i want to go! stupid atlantic ocean getting in the way! :lol: you must get back to use and tell us all about it when you go :D
Hey guys it's November. :D

I survived Halloween. :lol: Even ran out of candy. :lol:

grissoms_gurl said:
WP_Rocks_MY_World that picture is awesome!!

grissom4ever said:
Lovely photoshop job there WP_Rocks_MY_World!

Thanks. He's just one frickin' sexy Phantom in my book. And with the Beard!!!

sherlockanne said:
I love William/Grissom and I just thought I'd drop by cause we just bought tickets to the last show in January for "Dublin Carol" and I know it's over two months away but I'm SOOOOOOOO excited to see Billy's dramatic acting live and up close!! :D :D :D

Have a wonderful time Sherlock :D I'll be with all of you in spirit. :)
God :eek: the thought of seeing him in person and hearing that sexy voice.

I just saw WP in 'Passed Away' this morning, he was so cute and befuddled playing the second son of this big Irish-American family. He still looked way too young for being a guy who had three kids in their late teens though. He really shined with his ability to be funny, sad and sweet all at the same time. Only thing I didn'y like was how the others in the cast kept saying how 'dumb' his character was! Unfair! To their credit, they also couldn't help saying how handsome and cute he was too. :devil:
I really liked this movie and not just because of Billy, he was the reason I watched and I was delighted to find a very funny and touching movie about a big, slightly crazy family.
He wears a suit through most of the film but there's a part where he's got on a pair jeans, workshirt and a bright red varsity jacket. Very yummy! :devil:
Sherlockanne, you are SOOO LUCKY
you HAVE to come back and tell us about BILLY and how gorgeous he is in person

Tonight Ladies.... Butterflied
The tormented Grissom episode, one of his best IMO!
Yesterday I watched Formalities and was drooling even more than usual.

Those first few seconds just take my breath away. God, he's soooooo gorgeous in a tux!!!

Formalities, classic hotness episode lol!

I just watched cousins, omg the hair blew me away i mean sooooooooooo sexy even if he was a bad boy with all those ladies.

To their defense though how can they resist him.
I watched Formaliites last night!
then Mea Culpa afterwards... MORE HOTNESSS!!!!!!!!!

I SOOOO need to see more movies with Billy in them!
Hell yeah! I'm currently looking for my next purchase after having seen the following:

To Live & Die In LA
Kiss The Sky

Really want to get the staircase and hard promises but i think they must be region 1 only, hard promises looks so good, let me rephrase that lol he looks so good.
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