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Overuse may cause dizziness, faintness, palpitations, the vapors, etc.
It really is dangerous isn't it. I get odd emotional feelings sometimes and other times I need to go for a run! :lol: Most frequently the running though. :devil:
eggbe4thechicken said:
egg Nooooo, I missed all those movies. Booooo hiss. Heres hoping for repeats.
I just did another search on Sky Movies, and here is what is coming up for us Brits:

12 Angry Men on Sky Movies classic Wednesday 11 April 08:25.
To Live and Die in LA on Sky Movies Modern Greats Tuesday 10 April 00:00.

Sadly that is all for the next fortnight. :(

Hi guys. Billy Petersen is hot.
That about sums it up. :D Welcome pjl can I call you pjl? :lol:

he's moving forward, and is once again satisfied and happy.. good for him
I agree. He has been rather miserable in past episodes. Butterflied anyone? :( I've only seen a few clips, but he seems more relaxed, things seem to be going good outside work, so it can't help but transfer to at work.

What else can I say...

:eek: How can I forget! I was randomly reading stuff online, and I read this persons story of when she met BP! It was the funniest thing ever, one minute I will go and find it is:

'I have a mad crush on William Petersen and his character on CSI. One morning I was in the grocery check out line in front of him and told him I really loved his show… I was so dumb struck i then turned back to him and said “I have a crush on your character” He said “I’ll be sure to tell him.” I felt like it might have offended him but I didn’t want to make him feel that I was delussional in thinking he was the person he played on T.V.'

Isn't that the funniest thing you have ever read?! :lol: I wouldn't have had the guts to say that to him. :eek:

Hey Egg, you might want to double check that listing for 12 Angry Men, since WP's version is a remake of a film from the late fifties.

As to the 'crush' story, I'd imagine Billy might have been teasing the young lady a bit, since no one here saw his face or if he gave her one of his classic sweet naughty boy grins. I can't see him being truly nasty towards a stranger who posed no threat to him. Just not his style, not at all.
mrb105 said:
Ya that is why I just realized what is irritating me, I have rewatched Season 3 in the past month, he had so many good lines and scientific insite in episodes like Got Murder & Forever, and now he is a lot duller. I think the writers are trying to get the point across that the rest of the team has grown up, and like he said in Leaving Las Vegas, he is a teacher with no students.

Oh, sweetie he's never dull :p he went on his sabbitical, and was gone for 6 week's and had a lot of time to reflect, & think what was important, and what was not! and came back a more mellow Grissom, but the 'twinkle' of his charm is still there.. he's just happier now, and not so full of angst, he's also involved in a personal relationship, which adds alot to his new deameanor :p I fnd him a bit different but on a higher plain, then the "old" Grissom..calmer :cool: change.. nothing ever stays the same
I do admit, while I don't think anything major has changed with Grissom, I do miss his quirky, sarcastic one-liners. He does seem a lot more calmer now, and more relaxed. Perhaps that sabbatical did him good :p

OT - desertwind, I love your signature! heehee.
I definatly think he was teasing her. He seems to sweet than to be nasty.

Well, i'm not ashamed to say I cried at Billy's sweetness last night, the past week's been an emotional rollercoaster, which still hasn't stopped, and I found the sweetest, most sincere and genuine award acceptance speech by Billy and that was it, I was off! It's his acceptance speech for GQ's Man of the Year in 2005 I think. Jesus, when he starts talking about his Mum, how much he loves his wife and how his daughter gave birth on that morning, it's so sweet. He's adorable. What a guy. That sounds so embarresing when I read it back but I don't care, bless this man. He's bloody perfect. Gina, you lucky lady!!

Annnnyway, on a lighter note, if you guys worked in LV crime lab with the guys, you rekon you'd go for Grissom? TBH I don't think I would, sure, he's a lovely guy and he's gorgeous but i'd need someone a little more lively. Like Nick! I'd probs fancy Grissom though lol.
Hey Egg, you might want to double check that listing for 12 Angry Men, since WP's version is a remake of a film from the late fifties.
I completely forgot about that! Sorry guys. *hangs head* I sat down yesterday to watch it with a bowl of noodles (the new popcorn ;)) and it was black and white, and there was no Billy in sight. *sobs*
As to the 'crush' story, I'd imagine Billy might have been teasing the young lady a bit, since no one here saw his face or if he gave her one of his classic sweet naughty boy grins
I can imagine that too. He's a funny guy. *giggles*
TBH I don't think I would, sure, he's a lovely guy and he's gorgeous but i'd need someone a little more lively.
*frowns* Don't make me use my title, because I will. *pout*
Annnnyway, on a lighter note, if you guys worked in LV crime lab with the guys, you rekon you'd go for Grissom?
...I would want to.....but wouldn't be able to...
eggbe4thechicken said:
Billy is very aware of The WPAP
How do you know? Did you speak to him? *faints*

Almost everyone involved with the WPAP over the last 7 years has met Billy at some point, including myself. Some of us several times. He's a great guy and wonderful to talk to. Forgive me for not going into too much detail, several promises were made which we intend to keep and we do not want to abuse his trust as he went out of his way for us.
Awwwwh, ladies and gentleladies, just when you think he couldn't get any more perfecter (yes, its a new word lol) I read that. What a nice bloke. He needs to get his fine arse over to the UK, preferable Blackburn LOL. And Yorkshire for poppylvgriss & Britfan. Whatcha say eh Egg, you up for that kiddo?

Does he look as good in RL as he does on pics?! Silly question I know but i've heard from some people who've met him that he's even better looking in person! (possible?! I think not!)

Tell us what you can Puppypower, tell us what you can. *jigs*
Like you I really, really love toladila and Manhunter which are my favourite films of BP.

But does Anybody here love "cousins" ? We cannot put it on the same level as Manhunter and Toladila, but I've got something for this film. I think it's a delightfull movie. And I love this movie not only because William Petersen but because there are a lot of funny lines and I love the character of Mitch who is really, really funny. As regards the role of William Petersen, I love him in it ! I felt bad for him at the end, and I don't know if it's a normal reaction :rolleyes:. In fact I think I'am probably biased :lol:...But you know I think he was not such a bad guy ;)
Well, i'm not ashamed to say I cried at Billy's sweetness last night, the past week's been an emotional rollercoaster, which still hasn't stopped, and I found the sweetest, most sincere and genuine award acceptance speech by Billy and that was it, I was off! It's his acceptance speech for GQ's Man of the Year in 2005 I think. Jesus, when he starts talking about his Mum, how much he loves his wife and how his daughter gave birth on that morning, it's so sweet. He's adorable. What a guy. That sounds so embarresing when I read it back but I don't care, bless this man. He's bloody perfect. Gina, you lucky lady!!
i just watched it for the first time. and it was ... unbelievable ...

sorry i need to watch it again. i think my crush on this guy just elevated to the highest possible level, lol.
Adzix said:
Well, i'm not ashamed to say I cried at Billy's sweetness last night, the past week's been an emotional rollercoaster, which still hasn't stopped, and I found the sweetest, most sincere and genuine award acceptance speech by Billy and that was it, I was off! It's his acceptance speech for GQ's Man of the Year in 2005 I think. Jesus, when he starts talking about his Mum, how much he loves his wife and how his daughter gave birth on that morning, it's so sweet. He's adorable. What a guy. That sounds so embarresing when I read it back but I don't care, bless this man. He's bloody perfect. Gina, you lucky lady!!
i just watched it for the first time. and it was ... unbelievable ...

sorry i need to watch it again. i think my crush on this guy just elevated to the highest possible level, lol.
Where can we find watch this video, I've already heard of it but never watched it ?
^ try WPAP in the Multimedia section. it's in "Entertainment & Awards". it's from 2003 so you need to scroll down a little.
Almost everyone involved with the WPAP over the last 7 years has met Billy at some point, including myself. Some of us several times. He's a great guy and wonderful to talk to.

A quick check of my skin color tells me that I've literally gone green with envy! I'm glad to hear he's such a mensch. I did love that little story quoted above, when the woman told Billy she had a crush on is character, and he said "I'll be sure to tell him." Hee! And. . . *die*

Alienor, I, too, have always liked the movie Cousins. Despite his being a rascal, Billy is 50 kinds of adorable in that movie. How one could pick Ted Danson over Billy boggles the mind, however.
puppypower76 said:

Almost everyone involved with the WPAP over the last 7 years has met Billy at some point, including myself. Some of us several times. He's a great guy and wonderful to talk to. Forgive me for not going into too much detail, several promises were made which we intend to keep and we do not want to abuse his trust as he went out of his way for us.

We understand Puppy. Thanks for all the wonderful photos at WPAP! :D

Whatcha say eh Egg, you up for that kiddo?
Hell yeah! Sign me up! :lol:

Guys when they all clapped about his 94 y o mother that smile....I nearly died. :eek:

Almost everyone involved with the WPAP over the last 7 years has met Billy at some point, including myself.
:eek: So we are talking to someone who has talked to Billy, which is almost the same as talking to him ourselves!..................almost. :(
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