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I'm sure he does get an earfull :lol:

Billy seems mellow and doesn't seem like he would be 'bothered' by all the stuff floating around and the gazillion sites dedicated to him. ;)
puppypower76 said:

Billy is very aware of The WPAP, however you won't find him checking in to the weekly updates LOL. If I remember rightly he's not really into the whole web thing, but he hears quite a bit from friends and family who do visit the gabillion sites out there.

Well I think it's very sweet that there are so many dedicated BP fans out there. :D
If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't be reading either. :lol:
And I bet he does get a lot of teasing from family and close friends. :)

^^^ lmao, i never thought about this WPRMW. i bet they tease him a whole lot. anybody from Billy's family reading this? tell him Adz says he's awesome, lol.
Billy is very aware of The WPAP
How do you know? Did you speak to him? *faints*
I remember watching it in my teens
I thought you said in your jeans! I was like why would that matter? :lol:

How you gals like the new avatar?
It's awesome. I use that word too often, you know I never say it? Just write it. Anyway, yeah it's a nice pic of his lips and general mouth/chin area. ;)
anybody from Billy's family reading this? tell him Adz says he's awesome, lol.
Yeah! and tell him Egg says...says...*runs away*
Question? if were that popular and had a gazillion fan-sites dedicated to you, would you go surfing the net, and read about yourself.. I think he's so way beyond that, he's too busy, and probably could care less, I don't mean that he has fans.. I'm sure he's thrilled that so many admire him, but he seems to be so not conceited like many other "big stars" he comes across as quite humble, with a bit of cynicism, and sarcasm in the mix.. contratictory traits, be he's both! thus making him a intriguing and fascinating personailty! enigma..hard to understand or explain..mysterious
desertwind said:
Question? if were that popular and had a gazillion fan-sites dedicated to you, would you go surfing the net, and read about yourself.. I think he's so way beyond that, he's too busy, and probably could care less, I don't mean that he has fans.. I'm sure he's thrilled that so many admire him, but he seems to be so not conceited like many other "big stars" he comes across as quite humble, with a bit of cynicism, and sarcasm in the mix.. contratictory traits, be he's both! thus making him a intriguing and fascinating personailty! enigma..hard to understand or explain..mysterious

Yeah, WP sees himself as 'just a guy' despite his incredible good looks and endless charm. The 'cynicism and sarcasm', seems directed more towards the producer/beancounters that have no concern for artistic merit. Their goal is the almighty dollar sign.
Billy wants to do the best work he can in whatever venue is availible to him as an actor. So a bit of sarcasm towards the 'money-men' is entirely understandable.
mrb105 said:
Ok so which is better. Live & Die in L.A. or Manhunter??

Talk about an 'Apples & Oranges' debate! Well, since I'm old enough to remember when these films came out and most of the reviews at the time for both were excellent. There were little nit-picking about violence and language, but for the most part, both films and their lead actor were considered wonderful. Despite poor box-office which was due more to poor advertising than anything else, no promotion, no hype = no word of mouth and little or no profits made.
For me, I loved them both equally as well, although I did have a little trouble with Billy playing such a harsh and rather cruel 'anti-hero' in TLADILA. But was he ever gorgeous all the same! :devil:
YEESSS, he was in fact 'gorgeous' as always, but the movies weren't high quality, they'd be box office bombs in todays world.. he's just much better in other films. to me.. but we all agree he's always the best part of any movie he's in :p
Thank you for the feedback, I might have to make some rentals this weekend.

We debated last week about what is bothering us about Grissom's role lately, or lack of I should say. And I realized today the part that is bothering me. It used to be "all rivers run through rome" so to speak. All the cases, all the evidence collected, it used to all run through Gris. Now it just seems like he has taken a backseat to everything, and everyone in the team is equal. Everyone in the team has the same role, and nobody is really standing out. I don't want to say he is no longer the leader of team, because I think he is, but it is like he isn't the lead on the investigation anymore. IDK, but that is just the impression I am getting, but I hope it changes soon.
don't want to say he is no longer the leader of team, because I think he is, but it is like he isn't the lead on the investigation anymore. IDK, but that is just the impression I am getting, but I hope it changes soon.

It is my speculation that we will see more Grissom soon. We know that the MCSK thing has to wrap up, and Grissom is the primary CSI involved in that one. Also, as we all know, Lady Heather is going to make a return, meaning: more Grissom. If I were a betting woman, I'd put my money on more Grissom-centrism in the near future.
Ya I know what you mean, and I've said the same thing, I mean it is expected we see more. But what I'm really trying to get at is that it shouldn't have to get to that. They shouldn't need Lady Heather & The Mini killer to get more Grissom, you know what I mean?
oh sure they did. there is a couple of folks in here that met Billy this year in Providence.
he comes across as quite humble, with a bit of cynicism, and sarcasm in the mix.. contratictory traits, be he's both! thus making him a intriguing and fascinating personailty! enigma..hard to understand or explain..mysterious
You're really good with words. Where can I learn some of that? :lol:

Jumpin' in in the middle of the convo, *plonk*, do you remember in like season 3 maybe it was really obvious that G was the leader, what with them all trying to impress him and such. They now have more cases on their own don't they? Remember when it was such a big deal when G sent Sara solo on that hannibal sort of case, Nick was all sarcastic. I miss the competition with the others, it was fun to watch. :lol:
Ya that is why I just realized what is irritating me, I have rewatched Season 3 in the past month, he had so many good lines and scientific insite in episodes like Got Murder & Forever, and now he is a lot duller. I think the writers are trying to get the point across that the rest of the team has grown up, and like he said in Leaving Las Vegas, he is a teacher with no students.
I think the writers are trying to get the point across that the rest of the team has grown up, and like he said in Leaving Las Vegas, he is a teacher with no students.

I guess it's a necessary evil. After 7 years, you'd expect the young'uns to come into their own and need Grissom less. But we, the viewing public, still need Grissom! You'll never hear me make the argument for less Grissom or fewer Grissom-centric episodes.

By the by, all this talk of Manhunter and To Live and Die in LA induced me to look up clips from those films. (And Cousins.) Heavens to Betsy, if I didn't turn into a gelatinous mess at the sight of Billy's absurd hotness! Note to self: in future, take care of the size of dosage of Billy hotness. Overuse may cause dizziness, faintness, palpitations, the vapors, etc.
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