The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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I really like Killer. :) When I read the summary and I haven't seen it I thought it'd be boring, but its great! What's the rabbit foot scene again?
he was telling grissom that he used to carry a rabbits foot "not that im superstitious, i thought, why take the chance"
grissom was looking at him as if he wanted to say 'shut the ____ up!'
Ah, he used to carry a rabbit's foot? What happened to it? Maybe he gave it away to Nicky. Nicky sure needed it for his bad luck in the past seasons. :p Do you think it's a real rabbit's foot or artificial? Wow.. I can't really see David believing in good luck charms. I thought that's more of a Greg thing. Btw, Griss almost always gives him that look when David says something doesn't he? :(
i dont think he really belives in them. hes funny.
in dog eat dog, did gris give him a look? i gotta see it again. all 3 times tha i saw it i paid attention to the nose clip so much that i didnt notice gris's expression
Ooh alias I see Hodgie in your av! :D I keep looking at it as I'm typing this. Sly smile, mysterious eyes... I think he and me are sharing a secret. ;)
When I rewatched DED, and saw this scene, I was like ... I got to have that image on my computer. And I found it!!! (Obviously). I thought he looked so cute in that scene ... that face he makes when he's handing something to Catherine and Grissom.

This just reminded me about Fresh Prince of Bel Air "You have those cheeks, those sexy dimples, and there's your face."
i know. ive seen it. no offense but i found it stupid.
my sense of humor is similar to davids i think.
has anyone here seen the movie the royal tennenbaums? who thinks that it is davids style?
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