The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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wow, you guys have been busy. id say nicky, but everybody knows my opinion.
as for s7, he will be in the opening credits!!!!
once i know more, after it has been aired, i will say.
loved them! i dont know if i need a spoiler box, so ill wait to see what destiny says, but HE WAS ADORABLE!!!
If it has aired in all time zones in the U.S. then it is no longer considered a spoiler. So part one of BTK can be discussed without tags.

Part two though hasn't aired and therefore would be considered a spoiler, BUT Any discussion about Part One, is allowed. :)
thanks. i LOVED the cooking glove scene! LMAO!
didnt know the guy can cook, and not just anything, gourmet!
"the women love it, well, mom" more prood that hes gay in my opinion. :p
"say the magic words"
warrick "shutup hodges"
I posted this in the ep discussion thread regarding the opening credits. Keep in mind they never said how he was going to be credited, so techinqually he was created.

Here is how the credits went, in this order,

"William Petersen, Marg Helgenberger, Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox, Eric Szmanda, Robert David Hall, Louise Lombard, and Paul Guilfoyle."

Then when it went back to the show it said "Special Guest Star, Wallace Langham".

Couple theory's as to why he wasn't in the opening theme song, maybe they were just delayed in putting him in. or because is may not be in every ep, so if they use "Special Guest star" it will definitly prove he would be in that ep.

Another theory Louise was listed before as a special guest star, and Wallace's name was just listed as someone who would be appearing. Now Louise has been bumped up to the theme, and Wallace to "Special Guest Star".

We don't know what the show has planned and like I said they never said he would be in the opening theme song, or rather never promised the fans, what they said is that he would be credited. whether anyone likes it or not, at least when the theme is over and the ep comes on Wallace (at least in this last ep) was the first one listed.
i thought, as well as many other people, that the credits meant the song. at least he did get bumped up, which is a huge improvement, but i still dont get why sofia made the song and he didnt. i have nothing against her, shes ok. a good cop (better as a cop than a csi) but david has been on longer, and in my opinion also otherwise deserves it much more.
thanks destiny
No problem your welcome, it might have to do with contracts, it could be that Louise is contracted as regular cast (ie like william, ect), and Wallace is contracted like Louise was before she got bumped up.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how long someone has been on but their negotations and also if they want to commit themselves for however long.
true. as it was said before, superdave and bobby have been on since the beginning and not made the credits...
but soes that mean that louise is signed for s8 and wallace isnt?
It could just mean that if they went in to negotate maybe Louise wanted added to the theme song credits and Wallace didn't, we don't know for sure what was done. We don't really know who signed for what season. The reason I say this, is because the show is only picked up through this season, we will have to wait till later to see if CBS picks it up for more seasons.

I know some from other shows in the past regretted signing for more seasons once the inital was up and nothing had been said about picking them up. The reason for the regret was because some of those shows were not picked up for new seasons, but because the actors agreed to a certain amount of seasons they were bound to CBS for that length, unless they made a deal with CBS, if they didn't and they were tied, they had to get permission from CBS to do anything out side their network, ect.

Which is why I am betting that any actor on CSI who might have signed for more seasons, probably had a clause in the contract to make sure that if they were not picked up then they wouldn't be tied just released. Wallace might have decided to hold off, being credited on screen instead of opening themes, just for the reason to make sure there would be another season, and so on.
oh, wow. i didnt know that it worked like that. why is that? making sure i understand...if wallace had signed on till after season 8, and there was no season 8, it would be hard for him to get a job outside cbs for that year?

does anyone have an opinion as to if david always wanted to be a trace tech, or if he knew that he wanted to be a scientist and only decided on trace in college? i think that he decided on trace in college.
I don't know if CBS still does it that way, but not long ago they did that, to several actors, one actress joined a cbs show in season 7 or 8 and she signed on for 3 yrs, well the show only went for one more season then it was canceled, she was told that because she signed the three year contract (as did the others) they were tied to CBS for the remaining time of their contract. The one actress stayed with that, but the others fought it. The reason the one actress didn't fight it is because she had already been established with CBS prior to joining that show.

If they are still doing this then if wallace for example signed for 2 more years (to season 9) and the show ended this season, if he didn't have a clause put in his contract that would allow him to get out of the tie, he would have to either fight it, or when ever he wanted to guest star on anyother show (on another network) or do a project that isn't tied to CBS, he would have to get CBS and those involved in the contracts (studios,Ect.) permission.

If I were him, in the situation of knowing most shows tend to go 7-8 seasons before contracts of all actors are up, and shows tend to come down from their high, and the unknown starts coming into play, and especially if CBS is still playing the game mentioned above, then I to would only go either one season at a time, or make some kind of deal, so that if it doesn't come to pass, then I wouldn't be held longer then that year. Or there is a way to get out of the contract, if need be.
most of them are signed till the end of this season only, right?
what about wallace? is there a chance that one or more of the actors may only be signed halfway through the season then leave in the middle?
well, either way, david is here now, which is a great thing. what im worried about is that the show wont last another season.
Half way through season seven, no I doubt that when they signed their orginial contracts it was until the end of season 7, with some negotations inbetween, at which time the orginial actors could have said okay here is how we want it, I am signed for seven seasons I reserve the right to continue a new contract for [insert number of seasons] if the show is picked up for [insert number of seasons] otherwise I sign for only one season at a time.

So that would be like you signing on back when they did and then saying okay season seven is up and unless it gets picked up for two or more seasons, I will only sign for one season at a time. Now that type of negotations can go one way or another. Now did Wallace do this, probably not, he wasn't really in a position to make that kind of big demand. He might have asked something like, reserving the right to go season by season or two seasons at a time.

The only time an actor signs for half a season is if that actor is testing the waters to see how the fans react to their character, Wallace he is known, and liked so there would be no reason for him to test those waters, unless he is being careful not to be tied in case it ends sooner.

Well the thing is the show lasting is up to not just the network, but the studios and the actors on the show, if the studio's and network say "okay were up for 3 more seasons who is with us?" and the actors are like, "3 huh, well I would preferre to sign on for 1-2" they can drop it, course if they came to them and said that they have the right to negotate their contracts.

I am sure the networks would like a show like Law & Order in its 17th season, but then again I don't think the fans could take the change up, L&O has had the revolving door pretty much every season (minus a couple) since 1990 when it started. CSI has had a constant cast while they have added to it, they haven't brought in say Tech one, who leaves and then brings in Wallace as their replacement as a totally new character.

My guess is whether or not the actors believe they can hold the show whether or not the networks and studios believe they can should one of them leave, how the ratings are, and if they all think the show would be good for one or two more seasons, Most the time shows that go off the air are blamed on ratings due to the network or bad writing, bloated cast, ect, when in fact alot of shows actually perferre to go out with high ratings and on top, then dwindled down and people ticked that someone didn't stop the train wreck from happening.
WOW. So many words. I love reading long posts. :D *huggles D* And since I miss pabzi... *huggles pabzi too* :)

First, I've got to say that I'm disappointed Wallace didn't make the theme-song credits. But since he's been upped to "Special Guest Star", I guess it's okay. He's SPECIAL isn't he, pabzi? ;)

The show hasn't been signed on for Season 8 yet, but I hope they will. Seeing that L&O is still going strong after 17 Seasons, I believe CSI has enough fan support, good ratings and demand to keep going. As for Wallace, I hope he'll sign on for the upcoming season/s.

Destiny said:
The only time an actor signs for half a season is if that actor is testing the waters to see how the fans react to their character, Wallace he is known, and liked so there would be no reason for him to test those waters, unless he is being careful not to be tied in case it ends sooner.
You're right. Wallace's character Hodges is one-of-a-kind on the show. There's no other snarky, cyanide-sniffing, gourmet-cooking ( :lol:) lab tech like him. So he has no reason to sign on for only half the show and only decide where he'll go after he's seen the fans' reactions. Unless, like you've mentioned, he doesn't want to be tied to something that's not certain. fact alot of shows actually perferre to go out with high ratings and on top
Yup. I can think of one: Friends. They ended the show when the ratings were sky-high and the demand was great. I think most shows would rather go out with a bang (when they're still super) than fade away into oblivion.

Thanks for your elaborate explanations, D. It's very useful and I understand a lot more now. :) You seem to be familiar with the ongoings and process. Do you have connections with CBS?

pabzi said:
does anyone have an opinion as to if david always wanted to be a trace tech, or if he knew that he wanted to be a scientist and only decided on trace in college?
I think I've mentioned somewhere before that he's been tinkering with chem sets since he was young. But I'm not sure now. I think when he was in college he was still undecided what he wants to focus on, until he took up a science module and found his calling. :)
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