The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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hodges_alias_47 said:
This just reminded me about Fresh Prince of Bel Air "You have those cheeks, those sexy dimples, and there's your face."
:lol: I love Fresh Prince! I even have the theme song by Will Smith in my MP3. :D

And I found it!!! (Obviously).
alias, that sounded like something Hodges would say. :p

Does anyone have any news on Hodgie?
*mod steps in makes clones and pushes the real one out the door* Now you each have your own david. :lol:
:D Not telling, but lets say he is in the hearts of everyone and he is perfectly safe. :)

*Hmm who'd have thought part of a mods job was protecting fictional characters too. Hmm* :lol:
Nope I am protecting the fictional part, the real person went into hiding on his own. :D Who am I protecting him from well see he whispered that he need a small vacation so he asked me if he could have clones made so that he could take the vacation. I am sure he will come out of hiding soon. :lol:
hehe. when you say real person, you mean wallace, right?
where did david go for vacation?
i saw him yesterday, so did he leave today?
He's staying with me for a couple of days because I'm not likely to jump him :p
That poor guy was freaking out saying there's these crazy people who stalk me. So I promised to keep him save.
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