The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

This is my first post in here and is it wrong to say I'm scared?! :lol:

Just wanted to pop in to say how much I loved Hodges in BTK1 and in particular, his Butterfly Chicken scene. I had to laugh out loud! He is a fab character and I hope we get more of this from him! And the 'I work to serve...: :lol:
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Why would you be scared? There's only nice people around here as far as I know. (I'm kinda new here too.)
But as long as we just share the Hodges-Lovin' there's nothing to be scared of, right?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Absolutely, though I have to admit that I'm a Grissom Girl at heart and I just really liked Hodges' banter with Warrick this episode. He makes me laugh and CSI needs a bit of comedy to make the drama work. Hodges is the man for that!
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

he is THE MAN!
britfan, on one side, i could tell you not to be scared, cause we really are harmless, but on the other hand, we are so insane that it can be scary. on the third hand (for those who are so delusionall that they think they have 3 hands - its late so im acting weird :p) always be paranoid!
"Why are you looking at me?" (who said to who and in what ep)
i loved the cooking scene. that was hilarious. i was howling with laughter, and as i have said, i really think that consciously or unconsciously that was how he 'outed' himself.

uh, sidler? golden isnt around much lately and we have alot of new ppl, can you do her job?

now for the big question: who here thinks that david is gay?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

now for the big question: who here thinks that david is gay?

Me does. But I think everyone is gay until proven differently :p
No seriously, he's got the vibe and I'm usually very spot on in detecting that ;)
It's the little things he does, the things he says, the way he walks, talks, acts. He can flirt with Sara all he wants, I'll always be convinced he's gay. (And has a crush on Nicky)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

:D :D :D
im proud of you. very much so. im used to trying to convince ppl that hes gay. he has the vibes alright :D
i like him with nicky. although from what i have seen, him and greg is more common. do you write?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I do like Greggo better than Nicky so I'd prefer Hodges with Greg. But there's just something in the way he looks at Nick that makes me wonder what's going on there...
And yes I do write. Though mainly girl-stuff.

Edited to add:


because it fit the topic... :devil:
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

*walks in with a reminder* shipping and slashing belong in shipper central. ;)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

hehe. thats a cute looks like greg is holding aa life size poster of david :lol:
i love the way david looks at nicky :D
if you ever write anything with david, you know where to find me ;)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Busy beavers! Great to have more peeps on board. :D

pabzi said:
uh, sidler? golden isnt around much lately and we have alot of new ppl, can you do her job?
*grumble grumble* I gotta take her job pabzi? But it's the weekend. Me needs rest. :p Ohhh okok, since I'm nice. If you wanna know how crazy pabzi is, go back to page 19 of this thread. All the explanations are there, and I even included a nutty pic of her. :lol: If you guys are lazy bum-bums and going back a few pages is too much of a hassle (It is a hassle for me. What can I say? I'm a lazy ass! :lol:), let me summarize what I said there. pabzi is WHACKED! Wackier than a do-do bird. :p One of her fav sayings is "Crazy is as crazy does" (said by my beloved Sara :D) when she said that to David. That saying is also applicable to pabzi! Oh, and if you wanna know facts and stuff about David, pabzi's your go-to girl. You know where to find her. ;) 'Aight pabzi? Hows that? :p

MiaCharlize said
I think everyone is gay until proven differently
Hey, I like the way you think! Gay until proven straight. :lol: When I started to notice David I didn't think he's gay. Thought he's straight as an arrow actually. But thanks to my friend (She's a complete lunatic. I tend to befriend crazy people coz I feel comfortable around people like me – CRAZY :p) I started to believe that David's gay. So yeah, my once straight guy is now gay. :lol: Gay guys are the greatest don't you agree? :)

britfan said:
This is my first post in here and is it wrong to say I'm scared?! :lol:
Be VERY afraid. No really, I'm serious.

Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Okay, I'm probably late on this announcement, but it's really more of a personal WOO-HOO. I did NOT know Wallace was in Little Miss Sunshine - but it was SO awesome seeing him. Tiny part, but he was fantastic - especially when he applauds at the end.

Have I mentioned my love for Wallace?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

hey, i gotta meet that crazy friend of yours! maybe i know her. does she haave a cat named harry?
i also love that 'gay until proven straight'. and even when david tried to tell cath that hes seeing a girl it was...well, it screamed 'im gay, but im trying not to show it' :lol:
gay guys are the best. agreed.
anyone need info, fics pics...come to me :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Thanksies. :D Yeah, she has a cute kitty named Harry who likes to scare big kitties. :) Do you know her? Gay guys are the best! Theyre sarcastic and wayy funnier (and nicer!) than straight guys. No offense to any straight dudes over here. ;) Gay is Hodges! *cough*Your PM box is full*cough*

Btw sarahvma, I heard that Wallace is in LMS and that he looks scary and weird. :lol: I'm going to watch it when it comes out on DVD. :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Well, Wallace IS in LMS, and he's rocking a pretty horrific John Waters-stache, but he plays a really nice guy. Also a cool cameo by the chick who plays Chloe on 24 - and it's DEFINITELY a nod to her role, because she does a kind of millitant routine when sheparding the girls around.

Either way - Wallace's character is ultimately quite sweet, and unlike Chloe, it doesn't seem to be a nod to Hodges, so I assume that he's friends with the director or producer or something, because it's not really much of a role, but it was still fun to see him.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

what is that movie about?
sidler, i fixed the box hours ago :p
yup. i know her. from what i hear, her cat is half asleep right now :p
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