The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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You really can't wait, can you? :) How are you gonna react when you first see him in the opening credits? Me: SQUEEEEEE!! I'm really excited to see him there. :lol: I wonder which of his scenes they're going to use?
im gonna squee too!! they might give him the nose clip scene, or the smile they used in the promo...never know...
Aww the smile. :) Sweetness! I hope they use the smile. I'm sure it's only a few seconds long but what the heck. He's going to make the opening credits! What would you do if in the end they decided not to include him? Is it confirmed that he's in?
It is confirmed, also awhile back (there might be a link in here not sure) CSIFiles did a news story on it.
such a sweet/snarky smile. i dont know how he manages to pull sweet and snarky at the same time :D
oh, i rewatched compulsion yesterday the whole "i sniffed it" scene...i cant believe that i forgot that griss called him DAVID!!!! (and he called griss gil)
Yay it's confirmed! David will be in! *throws marshmallows into the air* :D

You watched Compulsion, pabzi? Cool. :) Damn report. :p I don't remember David and Griss calling each other by their names either! That's... sweet. Weird type of sweet. :)
very sweet! you didnt really miss it, cause you have it on dvd. watch it. its a good ep, and that scene was sooooooo cute!
hodges_alias_47 said:
Grissom and Hodges have a twisted respect for each other I think.
Twisted respect... meaning?

I think David is always trying to impress Grissom (as he does Ecklie) and Grissom is trying to tolerate David. But you can tell that Grissom can't stand David. He seems to be annoyed by him ALL THE TIME. Maybe it's David's attitude, maybe he knows what happened back in LA. It can be anything.
Hello everyone, I am so glad I am not alone, I began to wonder if I am a lonely lunatic but it looks like I am not!!
I absolutely LOVE Hodges!!!! He is so funny and kind of sweet, people just dont seem to get that?! :D I wish the team would regognize his witt and talent cause what would they do without our favorite lab rat ???? :lol:
you? lunatic? *waits for sidler and golden smile to come and intraduce the local lunatic*
you are definately not alone. david is a sweetie and we love him!
theyd better start recognizing him...
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