The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Hello Hello!!! Many thanx for the warm welcome, me lunatic feels very very at home! :lol: Do you remember the episode where david wore that suit and warrick told him he looks good?! I loved him in this suit he looked soooo handsome, I think we should try and find the man a girl, its hightime, isnt it???? :D
A GIRL???my opinion says no.
alias, you havent heard the speech by glodenand sidLer?> here lies lunatics(at least 1) wait for them and theyll tell you.
sorry did I get something wrong, is Hodges gay??? Because in many episodes he talked about women and dates and so on. Please let me know??!! Iam absolutely confused now?! But wouldnt mind if he is gay, thats even cuter!
hodges_alias_47 said:
there's no one here who is a lunatic ... maybe a little crazy not lunatic
No one here's a lunatic? We're just a little crazy?? :eek: You're kidding right? :lol: I'm, NOWHERE near sane. I rate 8.5 on the lunatic scale. pabzi, well, she's off-tangent. :lol:


^See that? That's pabzi. She's a nut. A walnut to be precise. :p :lol: She's CRAZY about Hodges!! And crazy is putting it MILDLY. ;) Lemme see, what other words can I use to describe pabzi? Whackjob, bonkers, flipped, mental, unglued... and many, many more. If you look up those words in the dictionary it'll say 'See also: pabzi' at the side. :lol: That's how maniacal she is for our dear Hodges. Am I right, pabzi? :p If you've got a question about Hodges, pabzi's your woman! So I gotta say, welcome to the loony-bin gsrhappyending! Hope you don't mind being in a room full of whackos. :lol:

gsrhappyending said:
sorry did I get something wrong, is Hodges gay??? Because in many episodes he talked about women and dates and so on. Please let me know??!! Iam absolutely confused now?! But wouldnt mind if he is gay, thats even cuter!
Don't worry, you didn't get anything wrong. :) It's not known whether Hodges is gay or not, it's just what we think. What's your opinion? Share with us what you think. We won't scold, we're nice, crazy people. :)
thats what i was waiting for. yup. me be crazy.
about hodges abd about everything.
if you want to see exactly what i think about the time that he talked about a woman, gho back, ive written it a few times. i think that he is gay, but you are entitled to your opinion.
hes cute however he is. if you are looking for fics about him, pm me. most are slash, there are some good ones out there.
the guy is adorable, and i am crazy :D
You be crazy, Me be insane. :p Uhh, I hope gsrhappyending and alias didn't run away because we're whackos! *pops some sanity pills* There ya go. I'm a bit saner now. :) *eye twiches* *jumps up and does the hustle* Maybe not. :lol:

Let's talk about David summore. Which one do you think he prefers: Leather or Lace?
dont worry! I am finally where I belong :lol:
So I am not quite sure If he is gay, dont get me wrong, it doesnt make any difference, hodges is THE sexiest lab rat EVER!!! But I could see him with a girl as well, The writers should give us the chance to find out, there should be a hot lab chick who is witty, sexy and weird just like him. If he does not respond to her than we will know !!
leather or lace? dunno. some guys dont like either i guess.
he is definately the sexiest lab rat ever :D
Do you know If there will be more of hodges in s7?, there better should be....
Okay ... yeah we're all crazy here! Lunatics! Hodgaholics! How about that?

Everyone knows how I feel about Hodges ... he needs a boy ... maybe Nicky or Bobby?
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