The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Hehe! I enjoy his scenes with Cath and Nick. But I notice that he has more scenes with Nick than with anyone else. :) Wonder why. :p What is the episode where David waved his arms around to attract Griss' attention? I think it's from Season 6. I'd like to watch that one again. But I gotta purchase the DVD first.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Season 5! That means I can watch it again. :) The scenes with David and Nick are so cute! David's always so snarky and Nicky's always so sweet. It's like watching a married couple bickering. :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

hehe true. i gotta see king baby again. i like in 4x4, the scene with them when they were talking about the 12 year old who was drinking
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

pabzi said:
yup> saw it last night> he certainly said it!
in the same ep< later on< cath was arguing with grissom (about the fact that she argued with a suspect) and david was watching> after grissom left< david gave cath a look< and she said WHAT?????? in a very exasperated tone>

In Secrets and Flies again, Catherine argues with the doctor of Project Sunflower about the philosophy of their institute. When she's back at CSI, Catherine and Grissom have a talk about what happened and to cite Leviticus 17:11 (the life of the flesh is in the blood). Afterwards you see Hodges waiting and motions for Catherine to come in.

He tries to get her to talk and she's like tell me about the blouse. They were testing it for GSR.

I love this episode because of the Hodges moments.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

hodges_alias_47 said:
Afterwards you see Hodges waiting and motions for Catherine to come in.

He tries to get her to talk and she's like tell me about the blouse.
I think everytime he tries to talk to someone the person will brush him off. Like that episode where he thought Grissom and himself will finally get the chance to talk and he closes the door, but Grissom told him to close it from the other side. Poor dude. :(
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Some cute Hodgie pics to look at. :)

When Season 7 starts, we're gonna have a collection of NEW Hodges pics bwahaha! :devil:
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

AWWWW. hey sidler, just noticed your sig, i put that song on my ipod last week :D
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

SidLer said:

I think everytime he tries to talk to someone the person will brush him off. Like that episode where he thought Grissom and himself will finally get the chance to talk and he closes the door, but Grissom told him to close it from the other side. Poor dude. :(

That was Rashomama ... right?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

me too :D did you see the one i posted in the other hodges thread yesterday? go see it. its one of the best! crazy is as crazt does...what do you think sara meant by that/ thazt david is crazy?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Ah yes, Rashomama. Can you tell how horrible I am at remembering episodes? :p

I think Sara was just kidding with him. I don't think he's crazy. But then again he is isn't he? Aren't we all? :p Do you think he consumed pills before for any mental disorder he might have had?

Btw pabzi, I like Closing Time too. :D
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