The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

those are in england!! do you think he went to england for school? maybe never know. OT but mulder went to oxford.
sorry about the name mixup. im looking at the keys and not the dcreen and i just woke up.
she doesnt rock. i talked to her yesterday :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

She rocks! You don't know her as well as I do. :p

England Unis! I feel so dumb now! I think I just whacked my head against the bed's head board. :lol: Nick when to Texas A&M right? Don't think David goes there...
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

nonono you are not dumb! youve just never lived in the states :)
mick went to a&m. i dont think that it is david-y at all, plus, they would have been there at around the same time since nick is 35 and david is 38. they didnt know each other before (i dont do AU). i think that david was somewhere on the east. what about pitt?? (wishful thinking) im not sure how upscale it is though, but its cool.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Which Universities are David-y to you? I think its Dartmouth or Princeton. If only he'll say where he graduated from when the season begins. Somewhere in the East... where did David originate from?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i think that david is from ohio. that sounds david-y. dartmouth or princeton :) maybe. i wish he went to pitt though :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

cause for some reason i grew up thinking that it is the coolest building in the world. dont know why. ill try to find you a pic. i was in there a few times (had meetings with a student on tuesdays when i was 6) and it has 40 flkoorsa and its all dark. its really cool!!!!
as for david, i think that he learned in some dark, beautiful school in the northeast. dont know which though :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Hey Sidler ... thanks for the love. He seems like a North Easterner (of the US) to me. Maybe something in Pennsylvannia ... Penn state?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

pitt!!! like i said!! pitt isnt penn state. i was never at penn state (2 hours away from where i used to live) but if allready he learned in pennysylvania, i insist that he learned at pitt!!!
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Pitt sounds like a beautiful school. :) Penn State too, alias. But he has to have gone somewhere where they offer his speciality, right? And his speciality is... Trace? Science? Chemistry?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

science in a whole, but i think that science breaks down to many things, and maybe chemistry breaks down to trace. someone here should know :p
i have a good friend who's learning buisness. it took me a long time to figure out that buisness breaks down into a million other subjects (human resourced, marketing, finance, enterpreneurship) i guess that science is the same way :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

You're right, Business is broken down into many different components. The 5 you've mentioned are just a few. Accounting and Business Law are some of the others. I'm glad you've figured it out pabzi! :) Science has many other components too I'm sure. But since that's not my arena I don't know exactly what they are; I don't know what David studied either. I went to Pitt's website and found that they offer Information Science courses. But I doubt David took that. :( What do you think his specialization is? I went to Penn State's site and they offer Science Courses and get this, Forensic Science courses too. Courses like Principles of Crime Scene Investigation and The Examination and Analysis of Physical Evidence. Cool huh? Maybe one of them went there. :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

wow! maybe he did go there!!!
what is information science? isnt that library science? the library science course that i am considering taking is called informationism in this country.
does one who majors in science also minor in science? or would he have minored in something else? if so, what?
my dad majored in social work and minored in buisness, so i think it is possible. although my mom majored in special ed and minored in general education, so i guess that both are an option. does anyone think that maybe david minored in liturature?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

You're considering on taking a library science course? That's great!! Tell me more. :) I don't know if one who majors in Science also minors in the same thing. It's possible, but it depends on the courses offered too, I guess. :) I think if David took a minor, it'd be English Language, English Studies or Linguistics. I can see him taking those. :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

what is linguistics? i think his thing would be english stuff, defianately (he made fun of gregs spelling as if it was an insult to mankind!! but also without connection to that)
as for me and library science...itll take a while till i actually do it. i have to fill out a missing course first, then figure out a bunch of things...
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