The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

It cracks me up everytime I hear Brass' Ba dum bum. :p

I've been wondering what David's apartment would look like... I think it looks clean and tidy, but not Zen-like. The furniture is comfortable and not artsy-fartsy, and there's a stereo system with his collection of favorite CDs on the shelves. There are small paintings on the wall, but very minimal. I don't think he's the type who displays photographs of his family and friends. What do you think?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i think that he probably has a picture on the shelf of his neice :) but other than that, he probably has albums in a cupboard.
i totally agree about the appartment. obsessed minds think alike!!
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

We think alike! Loonies are Loonies after all. :D

Do you think David is a doting uncle, the type who pampers his little nieces and nephews? Or is he a strict uncle, the type who tells those brats to get their grimy hands off his tv set? :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i think he does both. i think that he probably just has 1 niece (his sister's kid) and he loves her. he takes care of her alot he hates when she makes a mess, but he loves her :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I thought that too. He loves the little kid to pieces and will HURT anyone who lays even a finger on her. But he will use sarcastic words if she does something bad. :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

We've settled on the uncle issue then. "Uncle David" hehe! :D I think he'll turn beetroot red if his niece screams out for him in a crowded mall and someone he admires (but doesn't know he's an uncle) is there. :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

its not giving me the option to edit my post anymore, guess i wrote it over 24 hours ago...dont want this thing to fall off the page.
no one has anything to say about david?
what do you think david wears around his house when hes off work? i think boxers and a ratty old tshirt :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

one of those tshirts from a million years ago thats really comfortable but falling apart :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Sorry I've not posted for quite a bit! Mean old schoolwork and down-ness kept me away. But I'm back! Nice to see you back too, alias. :)

I'd say at home he wears his boxers/shorts and jerseys or his old college t-shirts. Btw, where did David graduate from college?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

ive been giving that some thought lately and i dont know. i also dont know american schools so well.
i think that not harvard, but something else very up-class and for smart people. i dont think that he would go to harvard out of principle- cause its too mainstream.
disler, feel better. no more down. listen to you know who about the schoolwork stuff.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

You just called me DisLer. :lol: Thanks for making me laugh, even though its not intentional. :)

I don't think he went to Harvard either, nor Yale for that matter. Maybe Cambridge or Oxford? I have no idea actually. :p

I will listen to the you-know-who. Cause she rocks. :)
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