The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

We need start him off any storyline in order to build him up to a big one (like what they did with Greg)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

agreed. the only thing that they gave him so far is a mysteriuos past in LA
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Wait. Greg has a storyline? I fear TPTB have totally forgotten that they had once written David a past. Maybe when they brought Wallace in they just needed a reason, any reason so they can introduce a new lab tech on the show. So they used that sad excuse of a past, and then forgot about it. So far we've only heard little quips here and there about his past. Like David saying "They said I had an attitude problem. Said I thought I was entitled" and "I know what this is. You guys heard those rumors about me from LA." I really hope they're not just mindless cracks the writers included in the script just for the heck of it. I hope they have plans to where these "puns" are leading to. They had better lead somewhere... and not to oblivion.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i hope so. i dont think that they would give him such lines and such a personality for no reason.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I guess every show needs a cocky guy, and David's it. I'm glad. :) Wouldn't it be boring if David is just an average Joe with the personality of a door knob? Talk about boring. :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

he has an amazing personality. i wouldnt have it any other way.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Hodges makes CSI all the better. I haven't really read any spoilers on Season 7 ... is there anything coming up for Hodges/Wallace?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

hodges gets to go out to the field in one of the first episodes!!! YAY!!!
alias, do you know how to read the spoler code? if you dont, tell me :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

SQUEE! I can't wait for Season 7 to start! What do you think he'll wear when that ^ happens? A tee, button down shirt or his lab coat? :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i hope he wears a T, but most likely a button down :)
i cant wait either :). remember that spoilers are not 100% accurate...
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Yup, spoilers aren't confirmed until they are. But I like knowing things that might happen. :) I hope he wears a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His sleeves MUST be rolled up! And of course, his vest. It has his name on it. :D
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i know!!! :) why does he have a vest with his name on it? he is a trace tech. dont only the csis have vests? its cool that he has one!!
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I think everyone working in the crime lab gets a vest. :) It looks really great on him. Maybe one day he'll wear the blue jacket that says FORENSICS at the back. :D Wouldn't it be great if in one episode all the lab techs get to go out in the field? I'd like to see how they'd interact with one another. Just picture David, Bobby, Jacqui, Archie and Wendy outside in their vests gathering evidence and irritating the hell out of each other. :lol:

Wendy: Archie! Will you PLEASE stop staring at that woman and start collecting evidence??!
Archie: But she's so... BLAM!
Jacqui: ARGH!! Shut UP! Shut UP! SHUT UP!!
Bobby: *busy inspecting a gun* *oblivious to the commotion*
David: Sigh...

I'd love to see that! :lol:
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

what would david be sighing about? about them arguing? id also like to see them all going out to the field. why does everyone get a vest even if they are a tech?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

The vests are normally wore incase they need to be identified, if they are either not known by other (ie cops) or so they can be identified by people at the crime scene.

Alot of times they are not worn except in certain circumstances or if you are not usually in the field, better to be safe then sorry, or have someone come in claiming they are with the lab and not be and contaminate the scene.
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