The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Yup, The Nose surfaced in Iced. A recap of the scene from

In the Autopsy Room, Dr. Robbins and Sara stand in front of Trip and Paula's bodies. He tells her that cyanide can turn a body pink and not everyone can smell the presence of the poison, which smells like bitter almonds to those with the genetic ability to detect it. Hodges enters and announces that he has the ability and smells the stomach contents from both decedents. Hodges smells beer and cheese whiz, but no cyanide.

I can't believe he sniffed some dead dude's stomach contents! :eek:

Good guesses about The Nose pabzi. :) I think his mother worked with cyanide when she was pregnant with him, so his nose is ultra-sensitive to the substance. Or in college he has a habit of sniffing cyanide while working in the lab, so he is very familiar with the smell. But maybe it's just a genetic quirk. :p

I think he hates hotdogs because he found out what they are made of. :eek:
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i think that it could be a genetic quirk, but i still dont get how that works.
he said that it smells like stale beer, not just beer :lol: and he made a face.
in iced and dog eat dog he dealt with stomach contents. in dog eat dog it was by far the worst.
it could just be that the smell of hotdogs grosses him out. i cant be in a room where people are eating eggs because the smaell makes me sick.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

A genetic quirk can be an oddity or a trait, like being born with an extra finger, or having a heightened sense of smell (which could be in Hodges' case.) Stale beer. Urgh! I bet it was sour. :p I think raw hotdogs smell more gross than cooked ones. But in his situation both are just as bad. :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i think that cooked hot dags smell worse.
i also think that the ablity to smell cyanide is a very intersting quirk. it adds some more to the interestingness of david hodges.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I can just picture his resume.

David Hodges
Qualified in: Trace Analysis
Expert in: Smelling Cyanide.


Hotdogs do smell funky. I think I'll give tofudog a try one of these days.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i hate tofu. or any form of hot dogs for that matter.
hes not just qualified in trace, he's an expert. i wouldnt be surprised to hear that he is one of the best :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I don't think Hodges is the type who likes tofudogs or tofurky. I’m not big on tofu either but I've tried tofucrab before and it tastes like the real thing! Though it's quite rubbery. :p

Remember the chem set Nick and Grissom bought Lindsay for her birthday? I think Hodges got one for his birthday when he was younger, and as soon as he played with it he got interested in science.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

As anyone relized throughout the year Hodges has got more and more popular infact i am starting to like him now at first i thought God he is wierd, i know that his just his character but know i think hi is really good at playing the part of Hodges!
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

he is weird. but in an extremely good way. some people are too normal. those who are weird, not cause they try to be, but just because they are, are special.
ive always liked him. love came shortly after. the first episode of vegas that i saw (well, it was the second, cause the first one ever slipped my mind till a long time later) was 4x4. i kept asking my friend who made me watch it who the funny guy under the sink was. he didnt know his name ( and even though he likes csi, to this day he has no idea who i am talking about when i say hodges :rolleyes: ) so the next day i found out that he is david hodges...and the rest is history :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Normal people are weird. :p

I honestly can't remember the sink scene. What was Hodges doing under there?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

heey, i only wanted to say that i adore Hodges. he's one of the funniest guys on CSI. gotta lov'im ;)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

azdix, you should come here more!!!

sidler, he was checking how many germs there were under the sink. warrick came in to get his trace and asked hodges what he was doing. hodges said something along the lines of "if you knew what went on in these pipes, you'd be under here too.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

SamStokes said:
As anyone relized throughout the year Hodges has got more and more popular infact i am starting to like him now at first i thought God he is wierd, i know that his just his character but know i think hi is really good at playing the part of Hodges!

he's weird in a good way. good as in u cant help but smile when he makes a joke that is actually funny and sometimes his costars/coworkers don't get it.
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