The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

hehe. i heard that archie kao was on ER too.

sidler, i agree with you 110%. he needs more screen time, the csi fans are noticing him, and we need to know about his past. they have to give him more than 5 minutes an ep. lets cross our fingers.
i think that he is too much of a labrat to go out in the field as a csi like greg did, but it would be nice seeing him go out sometimes as a labrat. sorta like when doc robbins show up at crimescenes sometimes. he went out in a bullet runs through it part 2, but only had 3 minutes of screen time, and grissom was annoyed with him. i loved the road rash scene with bobby though. LMAO

back when i was 15 and watched ER, i knew dr doyle, but i did not place her as jorja fox till someone told me recently.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I love his scene with Grissom and the gun in ABRTI2!

(Grissom wants Hodges to throw a gun on a roof to prove a theory)
Hodges: Okay, I'll do it but I've never been good at sports.
Grissom: Sara.
Sara: Yeah.
(She throws the gun on the roof)

:lol: Poor guy.

He definitely needs more screen time. 5 minutes (sometimes less) is not enough. But I never want him to go out in the field like Greg did. Greg is excellent both as a lab tech and a CSI, but I feel that Hodges is best where he belongs – in his lab coat playing with his gascromatic-graph mas-spectrometer. :)
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i know. grissom was so mean to him then. i have never actually seen grissom being nice to him. it makes me sad.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

When I saw "I like to watch" last week and when Hodges was waiting for the cameramen and prepping, I yelled out ... "that's me! I would so do that!" My mom was like "calm down."

And I love that he's a lefty.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

youre a man? if do you are the only man here :) cool :p

i am not the type who would want to be on a camera, i hate even having my picture taken.

why did hodges want to be on the reality show?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I think this forum is 85% She and 15% He. :)

His scene in I Like To Watch is great. Sara was all :confused: and Hodges was all :D :D. I think Hodges wanted to be in the reality show because he likes the attention. I think he's the type who craves attention, not just from the camera, but also the attention of his superior, colleagues and friends.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i also think that he needs attention. people dont give him enough attention because they dont take him seriously. it is sad. he deserves more. he probably craves attention because he did not get enough in th past.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i dont know. what i do know is that it is most likely that you are the only guy here.
i also know that it is a very good thing. we need some more guys.
do you like dealing with a bunch of crazy girls? cause i think that you already got yourself into that situation :lol:
we are all crazy (yes, all- no offense to anyone, crazy is a GOOD thing) and out ages are between 14-32. im 23 (almost)

you are the first guy that i know who likes hodges, which gives you alot of credit in my book. only one of my guy friends actually watches csi. and he laughs at me for liking hodges :lol:
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Regarding "Ages" and "Male to Female ratio" see this thread that I bumped up for the new members Who are YOU!.
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