The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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thanks :). what i really want is hodges sitting here me holding me, but we all know how impossible that is :)
I'm new on here. I just saw this past Thursday's episode with the reality tv show following everyone. Hodges was hilarious waiting for the crew to see him. I loved it when he was prepping for the crew ... (looking in the mirror and fixing his hair, eye brows). Then Sara comes in saying "hey gorgeous". This was great.
it was. i like seeing the more positive things about him. the human side. some say that i read into him too much. i do, i took that upon myslef.
i loved it in grave danger when he fought with the guy for the package to get the trace off of it. shows that he cares. do you think that he has been through something big in his past?
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Probably something that made him a bit standoffish initially. Eventually his co-workers warmed up to him. I love your banner and avatar. I can't wait to put up my own.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

they did warm up to him :)
you can put up a banner allready i think. check the help guidelines (up top). im pretty sure that an avatar can only be when you have 100 posts.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i am the last person to ask how to make them :p
i dont think that it says how to make them. do you have pfotoshop? what it does say in the help guide is the size that the banner/avi have to be. if you have photoshop and know how to shrink pics, your situation is good. if not, ask around. im sure someone will be happy to help you. in the mean time, why dont you dig up the pic that you want for your banner.
do you read hodges fics?
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