CSI Level One
I agree Strawberry Tea is hot... and it would be intense. I do agree with what someone said earlier... if Wedges became canon it would lose all its charm.
On another note, I respect the fact that JF character was created for a love interest for Grissom... but I saw more to both of these character's besides a romance. Or I did at one time. Season 7... Sara was reduced to Grissom's girlfriend... or it felt that way. It seemed clingy... yet without emotion or feelings. Again... I think a lot of that had to do with bad writing... I just think when GSR became canon.... it was nearly pointless by that time and ruined the development of their characters. I think the writers waited way too long to link them together...
I've seen better chemistry for Grissom... that I just don't care to see GSR. It seems blah in comparison... and not really believable. I'm not saying... it doesn't exist... just that is not a ship to write home about. To me GSR had more chemistry before they were canon... and it makes me wonder what happened when they turned canon? Was the writing that bad?
As far as The Love goes... I see them as good friends and that is pretty much it.
I'd love to see Catnip go canon... but then I really think about it, and I wouldn't want them to be ruined. Or maybe I'm scared that if that happened... if the writers would botch it.
PureJoy... has been slowly coming back to me. I truly enjoy their friendship and love how Catherine easily gets him. They have a great bond...
Oh wells... it seems that possible relationships are just dwindling now with Warrick gone... not that I truly shipped him with anyone... but what a loss!
On another note, I respect the fact that JF character was created for a love interest for Grissom... but I saw more to both of these character's besides a romance. Or I did at one time. Season 7... Sara was reduced to Grissom's girlfriend... or it felt that way. It seemed clingy... yet without emotion or feelings. Again... I think a lot of that had to do with bad writing... I just think when GSR became canon.... it was nearly pointless by that time and ruined the development of their characters. I think the writers waited way too long to link them together...
I've seen better chemistry for Grissom... that I just don't care to see GSR. It seems blah in comparison... and not really believable. I'm not saying... it doesn't exist... just that is not a ship to write home about. To me GSR had more chemistry before they were canon... and it makes me wonder what happened when they turned canon? Was the writing that bad?
As far as The Love goes... I see them as good friends and that is pretty much it.
I'd love to see Catnip go canon... but then I really think about it, and I wouldn't want them to be ruined. Or maybe I'm scared that if that happened... if the writers would botch it.
PureJoy... has been slowly coming back to me. I truly enjoy their friendship and love how Catherine easily gets him. They have a great bond...
Oh wells... it seems that possible relationships are just dwindling now with Warrick gone... not that I truly shipped him with anyone... but what a loss!