The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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I also like the Love. There is a lot of chemistry between Nick and Greg. And, especially in the earlier seasons there was a lot of touching and flirting and joking between the two. And now, Nick seems to look out for Greg, and they share so many looks where they can communicate without the need for words i.e. Empty Eyes, Redrum. And haha I loved the liquid latex scene!!

Thanks for reminding me of the liquid latex scene, definetly a defining moment and memorable at that. :guffaw:

Greg and Nick have a great way of communitcating without using a lot of words, especially with facial movements and ever so slight touching. One that comes to mind when Greg was a lab rat and he and Nick were standing so close it looked like Nick was behind him and they were cuddling.

I have to add, (before I hide) that I could easily ship YoBling,and the Love. :cool:
I agree... I had stayed away from this thread for a VERY long time! It's fun to debate! I don't know why people bash other ships either... i think it's okay to state why you don't like a ship... and it's another thing to get right down and dirty and start bashing characters. I don't know how many times Catherine was bashed in ordered to say why a certain ship was better. Now it's Heather!<-- just an example of the things that have been said. To me that's not debating... it's just being rude. And people will respond. I agree we should all get along... it is fictional! But, I think at times a poster or posters will come in here just to stir the pot...and say things to purposely irk others. And that is when the fighting begins. Anyhow... I close this part on... If I have upset any fans, I'm sorry. I think I debate reasonably... and I try and take into account the thought of others.

Strawberry Tea... they do have a bond! They seem to get each other.

But... you know I really miss the dynamics of a Grillows friendship! They are funny together!

Oh heck... I like most Catherine ships!

The Love is interesting... and the liquid latex scene was funny! I love how Greg rattled off what it was... and then later on Nick told Catherine all about it... like he knew about it!
So this is my first post in this thread . I totally like the chemistry that built up between the characters of CSI . And here are my favorite pairings :
1. Sandle - I so love this pairing ... to quote what some of you said , there is an amazing friendship bond between them , but I see it as being more than a simple bond , I see at as love , as mutual attraction . Greg likes Sara . We all know that . He just adores her , she's cute , smart and always next to him when he needs her . And I believe Sara likes him too . He always changed her mood in better . He makes her smile or laugh from the bottom of her heart , and he's one of the few who can make her feel like that . She feels natural when she's with him . And they seem fit for each other , they understand each other very much , they look so damn good together ... So , for me they are the best pairing from the show .
2. My second favorite pairing on this show is none other than Warrick & Catherine . Willows . They are ... wow . Amazing ... just amazing , they are fit for each other and the one thing I dislike is the fact Warrick was shot and he if he dies ... It will totally make me sad .
3. And I also find Nick and Sofia pretty cute together ..maybe because I like Sofia so much .
i've never noticed much spark beteen Nick and Greg. truth be told, it was on Talk that i first learned that they can even be shipped. i don't really think it would work out. mostly b/c both characters always strongly showed their interest in women, not men. i also doubt TPTB would ever have the courage to bring them together. it would be jumping the shark so much, i can't even describe it, lol.

i have to admit Wedges annoys me. some of their scenes together are quite funny but i just can't see Wendy and Hodges together *shudders* as much as i love Hodges, Wendy should find someone better. somehow i can sense that when Grissom and Sara exit the show permanently, it's Wedges that will become canon. if so, i might just stop watching the show so religiously.
Adzix, I do agree that TPTB would probably not ever have the courage to put Nick and Greg together, it'd be too risky I guess, and I bet that many people would oppose it. I never really thought of Nick and Greg together for a while, I thought there was something there, and then I came on here and saw that they were shipped, and then I started to notice little things, and now, when I look back over old episodes I see so much subtext there, but I only noticed half of it before ,and dismissed the other half as just something that friends would do! But now I guess I'm a big Nick/Greg shipper :D

I do agree about Wedges though, I've seen a few of their flirty moments, and just thought that they don't fit together. Wendy seems too nice for Hodges, I don't know I just don't feel it (but I've not seen much of S8)
That's a good point; I'm not sure how many of the fans would be "accepting" of Nicky and Greggo coming out of the broom closet.
I mean, I'd throw them a freakin' party, but you know...mehh.

Wedges, on the other hand, I could definitely see happening. They're like me and this kid I know; they only pretend to hate eachother, but they're secretly wanting to rip the socks off of one another :D
I think Wedges is very interesting; I don't ship them, but I think they could have something fun going on, if they wanted to lean that way.

Waiting; you confuse me, really.

NnG; Your always such a sweetheart in these things. :)
Wedges could be very intersesting. Their back and forth flirting is SOOO much fun to watch, but once it goes cannon then, it's done. I don't think they'd have the same 'spark' they have now. But that's me :D
It's a little bit like a newlyweds thing, IMO; sure, it's cute now because it's brand new and it's situational irony; the audience sees all but the other cahracters are still in the dark. But if they move towards anything beyond tension, I think some if the fans will be leaning away because they might find it a bit soapy. I would love to see it happen, but I know a lot of people want to see more of the procedural stuff the series was originally built on.
Yes, it is a procedural, but the relationships have been woven throughout since season 1. Sara was introduced as a character with some type of relationship with Grissom from the beginning; it just played out over many years because of the length of time the show has been on and the fact that the original cast remained for so long. If it weren't for WP having some say and being a producer, it might have ended; but I think he and tptb appreciated his scene chemistry with JF and the rest, as they say, is history.
I think the producers will continue some relationship stuff because it spices things up in a procedural. L&O has been on a long time, but its viewership is down. Some people continue to watch for the crimes, but no one would cry if it was cancelled tomorrow.
I also think that Wedges is somewhat cute, but could easily be overdone. Part of the intrigue to GSR is the clandestine nature of it. I can't see that being a factor in a Wedges relationship. I like Wendy and Hodges, but neither have the same depth of character that Sara and Grissom have, but I guess that could change.
I'm more of a Mandy fan; I think her character has more potential. I would love to see somebody try to flirt with her; I think she could take any man down a notch or two in a subtle, nerdy sort of way.
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i do like Mandy. Her character could have potential, but i do like Wendy too. I don't know. If Nick didn't have Greg;), I do like the idea of Nick and Mandy (sorry!) but I still just don't see Wedges (sorry again!)
ITA; the whole point of the GSR love was that "we didn't want you to know" idea, and that's what kept it from getting over-the-top. It seems like all Hodges has to say these days is "*gah* Wendy your boobs are huge." I've gotta say, that's pretty much the only thing either of them has said to indicate a relationship brewing. Hodges is just fascinated by the fact that Wendy was the first lab rat to stand up to his superiority complex, and so he's fallen into puppy love.

I think Mandy and Henry should be gettin' it on in the broom closet. They're both kinda the perfect weirdos in their episodes, and I think they have chemistry. They do give eachother "looks," and I just think they have a little more going for them than some of the other characters. Plus, Mandy's boobs aren't falling out all over the place; that's always a bonus.\

This one'll be short, but on something you were discussing earlier, Strawberry Tea would be hot. :D You know, since Warrick's probably dead, and Catherine will need a way to "release her emotions" :D
I love Strawberry Tea. Two hot women with strong personalities. Enough said ;)

I'd never thought of Mandy and Henry, but now you've said it... :D

And I do agree Hodges likes Wendy because she stuck up for herself agaisnt him, she's different and he likes it.
I would love to see Nick and Mandy get together. He SINGS for her. They are cute.
I also wanted Catherine and Warrick to get together, and maybe I can swing Wedges, but I am still not really sure about that. I love the crimes, science and all, but I also love the chemistry of GSR, YoBling and I also thought Sandle could have been cute.
I am a GSRer and I can't help it.
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