The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

Adzix said:
and to be honest you won't make me UNDERSTAND GSR.
well, someone here asked us to explain why we are drawn to GSR and we replied in the best way we could.

I'm not so sure there was offense taken to the explanation. It was how it was worded. To use the phrase 'make others understand' sounds like trying to make converts out non-GSRs. Now let me point out right now: I'm not saying this is what you're doing. I'm saying that is what it sounds like.

Unfortunately, one of the downsides to message boards is the lack of facial expressions and tone of voice to go along with the words we read.

So yeah, I would just be careful with wording. I think a GSR fan would take just as much offense to "I'm gonna make them understand why GSR sucks". It's not any different than what happened above.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

edog said:
Adzix said:
and to be honest you won't make me UNDERSTAND GSR.
well, someone here asked us to explain why we are drawn to GSR and we replied in the best way we could.

I'm not so sure there was offense taken to the explanation. It was how it was worded. To use the phrase 'make others understand' sounds like trying to make converts out non-GSRs. Now let me point out right now: I'm not saying this is what you're doing. I'm saying that is what it sounds like.

Unfortunately, one of the downsides to message boards is the lack of facial expressions and tone of voice to go along with the words we read.

So yeah, I would just be careful with wording. I think a GSR fan would take just as much offense to "I'm gonna make them understand why GSR sucks". It's not any different than what happened above.

NO-NO-NO, that was not at all my intention.. like religion you can explain to someone, your beliefs, and try and "make them understand them" that doesn't mean you want to convert them, anymore then if they explained their beliefs to me or you, I don't mind, nor care what who wants, I just wanted them to understand.. that's all ;)and I stated 'maybe'
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Yeah, I believe you, no worries. ;)

I just wanted to point out where and how some of these debates go awry. It's all in the wording. And it happens on both sides of the coin.

Oh and I guess, just to add really quickly: it may have been better to say 'help others understand'. 'Make' is a strong word and implies the use of force. In my experience, people don't like to feel forced. ;)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Waiting said:
I'd love to see Catherine and Nick together because to me that couple has undeniable chemistry. It's all over the place. And the best thing is...they remain true to how they have always been portrayed on the show. TPTB will not have to work to put Cath and Nick together...they mold beautifully together. I love this ship.

I love how I don't have to say a word, you do it for me :D

gsrLOVE said:
I do however; wish Catherine and Nick would get their thang on.

Ditto my friend, Ditto!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I liked old!Sara
:eek: Old Sara was depressed, drinking, had no social life, and was without a boyfriend, and when she did have a bf it turned out he already had a girlfriend. :mad:
The 'new!Sara' is happier, no longer alone and moping. She has someone now, and he's a good guy too. :D
I don't really understand you liking the old Sara, care to explain?

What I think has made me like GSR so much is the journey they have been on over the years. No other ship has this, others are pretty boring to be fair. Sure I
wish Catherine and Nick would get their thang on.
but they haven't been through anything. Has their been any angst? All of it is the same, cute, but the same all through the seasons.
GSR has had some really flirty scenes, some angsty scenes, real jealousy scenes, and lately lovey dovey scenes. :D

There is also the fact that it said at the top of Jorja's script that Sara was brought into the show to be Grissom's love interest. ;) You can't really argue with that.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Egg I didn't know Jorja's script said that. Only more reason they belong together! They are absolutely remarkable.

As far as CatNip goes, you are right.. There hasn't been much angst with them. I thought for sure in BTK when they were dancing that they were a couple, but when he left her, and she left (Unfortunate circumstances)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

but they haven't been through anything. Has their been any angst? All of it is the same, cute, but the same all through the seasons.
GSR has had some really flirty scenes, some angsty scenes, real jealousy scenes, and lately lovey dovey scenes.

Have you not seen season 7? There was a major angst scene with Nick and Catherine. I mean major...more than anything GSR has gone through. When Nick felt betrayed by Catherine...A lot of emotions was in it more than I've ever seen. Back in season two...another major angst scene when Nick opens up to Cath. GD?!?!? Should I go on...They have a lot of scenes.

Though I will say GSR has gone through alot together, but so has Catnip. The whole team has worked well over the years together. It's not like Sara and Grissom are the only two that have been on the show for the full 7 years.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Have you seen Redrum? Nicky was very angsty towards Catherine in that episode. Have you seen BTK? That was angsty.

When Nick felt betrayed by Catherine...A lot of emotions was in it more than I've ever seen. Back in season two...another major angst scene when Nick opens up to Cath. GD?!?!? Should I go on...They have a lot of scenes.

I agree, they've had ALOT of angst.. CatNip has gone through a lot.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I do not like the old Sara, she is very depressed, has no live, moping around 'till Grissom come around. I like this new Sara, she is happy and finally got a boyfriend who is very nice looking. I'm sure Jorja like this new Sara.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Yeah, I agree about lately, in season 7, but nothing else in the earlier seasons. Also, you can't say GD was angsty, that was "Crap the guy I think is really hot is dying." Not particularly between just the two of them. Annnd have they ever talked about their relationship? Sorry if they have, I just can't remember. :rolleyes:
Therefore it doesn't keep me as interested as GSR does. I like CatNip, don't get me wrong, just not as hugely as GSR. ;)
finally got a boyfriend who is very nice looking.
Understatement of the century. :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Heyyyy. Let's start off by pointing out the obvious: GSR isn't really my thing. I tolerate it, but I fail to see the chemistry or whatever that the writers think they're working with. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty psyched that we finally got a canon relationship on the show, but... I'm a total Purejoy/Snickers girl myself... which I know, goes totally against GSR and CatNip. But hey, without different opinions on things... how boring would that be? :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Grave Danger...I find that a Catnip episode. Catherine goes out of her way to help Nick however possible. That meant sucking up to dear old Dad...who at that time she wanted nothing to do with. She was overought with emotions, and not that the others weren't...but she was just obvious.

There is a lot of older episodes showing Catnip. Really good catnip scenes too...just look at my banner...there is one. Also Justice is best served cold, crow's feet...nothing mentioning a relationship, but that obviously doesn't mean anything. There are tons of older episodes...but it's cool as purejoylove mentioned we all have different opinions.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

There doesn't have to a mention of a relationship to ship something. But CN has a lot of great episodes and moments to make up for that mention, and plus knowing my ship, theres probably a few where a mention might've slipped. Anyways: The point is, Catherine and Nick have a lot of great points and scenes that shows they do have chemistry. They care about each other. :)

and GD is partly CN because Catherine went to get the money and she didn't care, all she cared about was Nick.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Grave Danger...I find that a Catnip episode.
If we are saying whose relationship was shown most in the ep, then it's the Warrick and Nick relationship mostly, with Grissom and Nick at the end. Sure all the others were losing it, but was I the only one who saw Warrick watching Nick thinking he was going to off himself? :eek: Then the ending, Grissom calling Nick poncho, enough said. I don't think it was a relationship episode, I think it was a friendship episode.
Sure Catherine got the money off her dad for the ransom, but any of the others would have done the same if they had a rich member of the family. Plus who went and risked his life to hand over the money....Grissom.

all she cared about was Nick.
That was who all of them cared about at that point. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Yeah but who held Nick's hand at the end, and took her glove off to have hand to hand contact. :D

Also, Grissom would not allow Catherine to deliver the money because of where the funds came from. Who talked to Nick first when he was still under ground! :D

Oh and I'm not saying this was purely a catnip moment, but it held some strong scenes for them. Another words it had catnip moments in it! I'm just saying that GD had a huge impact on Cath. Of course GD had impact on all the characters, but Cath was more obvious in my opinion.
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