The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

I like GSR because it's not an a-typical TV romance. Past that, it's really my own personal preference. I just discovered it, and liked it. I don't find any kind of father-daughter vibe between them.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

And to add to this the actors themselves, William Petersen and Jorja Fox, want this and WP, beings he's on of the producers and the star of this show, has clout of what happens and what doesn't! and not to mention the strong polls everywhere one comes to mind from the popular mag. TV Guide, on this GSR paring it showed that 85% were for it, and 15 % weren't .. so the producers ans writers and WP, aren't going to go "HMM, lets try and plesse that 15 % fan base", their going with the numbers. and just a little quote from WP

I'd like to kiss her before the show ends
Galaxie Magazine..2005 so it is what it is!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Hey, I haven't quit watchin' it yet. -holds up hands in defence- that reminds me... I haven't watched 'Big Shot' yet... Best watch that tomorrow...
Re: The Great Ship Debate

i love GSR simply b/c Grissom is the sex, and i like Sara. i think they have an amazing chemistry, they share a past and they fit perfectly together. i've never thought about them in the father/daughter category. this is way too big of an exaggeration IMO. i mean, okay if he was 30 years older, but heck, Jorja is even older than WP's real wife.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I support GSR 100%!! I mean, forget about the age difference.. or the supervisor/subordinate factor... It's just two people who connect so well together. I'm quite happy that Grissom and Sara finally ended up together! They have so much chemistry together, and it really seems like their relationship has brought out the best in eachother. Both Grissom and Sara seem alot happier because of it.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

You guys are killing me here!!!! No not really...I respect your support of GSR...but honestly to me they are boring and the writers have gone out of there way to make it work. Grissom has lost his personality and the same with Sara....who is Sara again?!?!?!!?!? Because to me she has lost her personality altogether.

Having things in common with someone doesn't equate chemistry. Sharing a brain with someone doesn't create chemistry. I don't see the chemistry between these two at all...and never will. Grissom has always been more like a role model for sara to me than anything, and sorry...Grissom being Sara's boss will play a role into their relationship no matter what. CSI can't go on the way it has...with GSR as a couple. This whole season it has been hidden...and why? The relationship will most likely end...or one of the two will leave if the relationship lasts...JMHO!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

grissoms_gurl said:
I support GSR 100%!! I mean, forget about the age difference.. or the supervisor/subordinate factor... It's just two people who connect so well together. I'm quite happy that Grissom and Sara finally ended up together! They have so much chemistry together, and it really seems like their relationship has brought out the best in eachother. Both Grissom and Sara seem alot happier because of it.

AMEN I totally agree, good point, "they've brought the best out in each other" ;)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I have to respectfully disagree that they've brought out the best in one another. They've both deviated from who they used to be IMO, and that's NOT a good thing. I liked old!Sara. New!Sara bores me (when I bother to watch, that is :lol: ). I didn't really like old!Grissom either, so there's not really a change there. However, I do notice a difference in his character and it's certainly not for the better IMO.

I think that it is possible for Grissom to be in a relationship and still retain his "Grissomness," but dating a subordinate is so undeniably un-Grissom that I just can't get past it. YMMV.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I think Sara's got more confident, apart from that I don't really see much of a change in her character since being with Gman. To be honest I don't really take much notice of Sara's character, not to be offensive I just think she's a little bland. So I dunno, she might of changed lol.

Grissom has definatly changed, he's softer. I don't really like it. I loved old flirty, sarky, one lining Grissom. I'm all for change, just not this one lol.

I never really saw the GSR chemistry (no offence peeps) just isn't there IMO.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

well, one thing that changed about Grissom is his priorities in life. it is repeated in every single romantic movie or book that you need to put love ahead anything else. and i think he realized that he's tired of living his life but not experiencing it. that's what the whole Butterflied episode was about.

you could see the moment of transition of his character right then. it wasn't a definite "no" to Sara like it was in S3 in Play With Fire when she asked him out. in Butterflied he was considering that it might have been a possibility. but now he lost his opportunity, and i think he wished he could change the past and take a chance to "do it".

a very significant moment happened in Snakes, which is pretty much Sara's reaction to his Butterflied speech. she told him that it's not too late, that he still can do something about them, if he wants to. she stated firmly, blatantly what she feels. and he almost did something, right then right there. but Sara cut him off and only smiled giving him a hint that she is both independent and that her feelings for him run deep for a long time now. that if they start something together, it's going to be serious.

that's what Grissom needed to hear, IMO. he needed to be sure that it's not only a crush on a boss, or that he's not a fatherly figure for her. cuz if it was (and i think that's what he suspected in PWF), it would be too much of a risk for him to even go on a date with her. he knew that he would be able to fall in love with her, and he couldn't take a risk of getting hurt. also, his priorities at that time were set on his job, not on his personal life. it wasn't until Butterflied that he realized how miserable his life had been.

many people say that Grissom changed, and i agree. he went through a metamorphosis, but how much better of a person he is now? he allowes himself to feel, to love and be loved. he finally can experience the fullness of life and feel completed by another person. isn't it what we all strive for in our lives? even though he used to be different,
i really wouldn't want him to stay that socially inept, lonely person that he was before. they balance each other - Sara makes him more human, and he makes her stronger. i think he's much happier now, and he deserves it more than anybody.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

good analysis Adzix here's another perspective.. to maybe make 'others' understand.. lets say Bob and Linda (also a fictious couple) were 'together' and we said you, or me or someone else.."gawd I can't stand those two together" and they have absoutely no chemistry" blah-blah.. the thing is who is anyone, to say who should be together, it's no ones business but the two people who have decided to become one.. it's their business. if Bob and Linda are happy, that's all that matters.. groaning and moaning, whining and complaining because we, you or me, or whoever can't stand it, makes no sense, because it doesn't change anything :(. the main concern, is that they love each other and are happy together.. so if they, this contoversial couple had of chosen to be with someone else, then, that's the way it would be, but they want to be with each other, and are.. it's a done deal.. and it is what it is.. oh, and Bob and Linda lived happily ever-after ;)aka Grissom and Sara!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Wow...I thought this was a debate thread, and not a thread as to make something so "real" like in real life. If I think a 'fictional' couple doesn't work...I'm going to voice it. CSI isn't real life, and to be honest you won't make me UNDERSTAND GSR. We are all going to have our own opinions. I think GSR is overrated and it's not that I'm repulsed by's for the simple fact I don't see it, and don't care to watch a boring yet hidden relationship on television. Isn't that what the main point is anyhow? What people prefer to watch?

Show me a couple that has chemistry...and I'm all over it. I don't see the chemistry between Grissom and Sara. What I see are two people that have a lot in common, but that doesn't equate chemistry.

Oh and couples BREAK UP all the time in real...and fictional life...hehehe :lol: Might not be a DONE deal!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

and to be honest you won't make me UNDERSTAND GSR.
well, someone here asked us to explain why we are drawn to GSR and we replied in the best way we could.

everybody likes a different pairing for a different reason. i couldn't care less if people like GSR or not. the most important thing for me is that i thorougly enjoy it week after week. i'm just a very happy shipper, and that's all that matters to me.
Oh and couples BREAK UP all the time in real...and fictional life...hehehe Might not be a DONE deal!
to be honest i don't see them breaking up right now. but if they hooked up in S3 they would be probably divorced by now as Billy once said. i seriously think they will stay together to the end of the show.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I like GSR. Yes, I do. There is my debate, all.

Okay.. I will indulge. I don't think I need to tell everyone who likes Grissom with another character, or Sara with another that want they want/hope for is lame, stupid..

I mean.. Grissom is with Sara, and that's all there is too it right now :p

I do however; wish Catherine and Nick would get their thang on.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I mean.. Grissom is with Sara, and that's all there is too it right now I do however; wish Catherine and Nick would get their thang on.

Well...I don't wish any harm on GSR...Why would I? I'm just stating my opinion. Honestly, maybe GSR will get better the moment it's out in the open. But, once that happens CSI will have to change. Meaning I don't see them staying together with Grissom being Sara's supervisor...something is going to have to give. I guess that is another reason why I don't care for this couple...

I'd love to see Catherine and Nick together because to me that couple has undeniable chemistry. It's all over the place. And the best thing is...they remain true to how they have always been portrayed on the show. TPTB will not have to work to put Cath and Nick together...they mold beautifully together. I love this ship.
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