The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

Greg was surprised by Catherine's reaction when she opened the door to greet them. He was even more surprised when he and Warrick entered the house to find Nick standing there looking vaguely dishevelled.

As he and Warrick followed Catherine into the kitchen, he noticed the exchange of glances between Catherine and Nick. "I'm sorry, is this not a convenient time? Its just that we need to sort some things out, but we can always come back later." said Greg, looking at Warrick for conformation.
Catherine looked at Nick as she moistened her lips before she responded to Greg. “Uhhh…No your timing is just fine,” she whispered as her eyes widened briefly. He just happened to have perfect timing at getting her caught. She dared a quick glance at Nick whose whole posture seemed overwrought before she returned her attention back to Greg. “Greg, seriously its okay. I can’t sleep anyhow. So what’s up?” She asked as she looked back at Greg as she wheeled Warrick to her living room knowing they would follow her. " don't look too good. Why are you out and about, and not resting at home?"
"I can't go home. Problems with Tina" he replied as he got himself inside. "Thought at the hospital that it might get better but just the opposite." He wanted to explain without really going into great detail about the whole thing. "I was going to find a room somewhere for a few days while I look for a place but I got stuck at work after she stormed off and Greg offered me a ride with him and I figured I'd better take it."
"Warrick, I'm sorry," Catherine whispered as she looked down before she smiled at him. "You are more than welcome to camp out here until things get solved. It's pointless to waste money on a lonely hotel room when you can spend some quality time with Linds. She'd love it," she said as she rubbed his shoulder.
As Catherine talked to Warrick about him staying with her, Greg lost track of the conversation and noticed Nick standing in the background, looking like he'd never seen him before, kind of distressed.

Greg wondered how he should approach the subject, he didnt think Nick would be very keen to share with him. "Nick, I think there's something wrong with the engine of my car, it didnt sound too good."

Nick agreed and they went to look at the car. As they inspected the engine, Greg started to talk to Nick about the case, but he didnt seem particularly. Greg then just cut straigh to the point. "Man, are you ok? I mean you dont seem your usual self."
oh boy, i'm so glad that it's finally going on here! it took some time but i see now there's some progress. great! :D
"Thanks...I appreciate it" he replied. He could say that he knew Cath understood quite a bit of how he felt. "Yeah, I bet she would." He managed a bit of a smile. "I'll have to ask one thing if you don't mind; I'm gonna have to go get a few things when there's time...Man, I hate not being able to drive" He sighed. "Hopefully they're not out on the lawn already." It was a half-hearted attempt at a little humor but somewhat serious too; it was really impossible to predict what people-especially angry women-would do at times.
"Rick...," Catherine snorted as she smiled at him before she met his green gaze. "If she is anything like me then there is a chance your stuff could be on the lawn as we speak. I donated all of Eddie's prized possessions to good will," she laughed as her tongue flicked her top lip. "But, then again he cheated on me so...I'd say I was well within my rights." They both chuckled at her comment until their smiles both faded.

She could not help but notice his saddened state. Warrick always had held a soft spot in her heart, and currently it ached right along with his. "Of course we can get you some stuff," she said as she rubbed his shoulder. She could not help but notice as Nick followed Greg outside. "Well, I'm under house arrest it seems. I don't think Nick will let me go anywhere...," she stopped as she drifted off momentarily. Her hand grabbing the back of her neck as the tension stirred in her muscles. How was she supposed to tell Nick they had the wrong guy that attacked her in custody?
Warrick found himself laughing with Cath. "Yeah, you were" he put in. He was curious when she talked about Nick. "I'm a little out of the loop...did we catch that guy yet or not?" he asked. "I wish I was in better shape, I'd find him and kick his a** for you. I hated seeing you get hurt."
"I'm a little out of the loop...did we catch that guy yet or not? I wish I was in better shape, I'd find him and kick his a** for you. I hated seeing you get hurt." Catherine heard Warrick say as her mouth fell open. Her blue eyes looked away from his stare quickly as she unleashed a small nervous smile. "I'm fine," she whispered as she saw his firm stare. She sighed as she turned around. "I screwed up Warrick...I think I selected the wrong guy out of the line up," she whispered this last part as the impact of her statement suddenly hit her.
Warrick felt a bit of fear when she said that; he didn't like the thought of the perp still being out there somewhere. "You...have you told anyone?" he asked, whispering. "If he's still out there, someone needs to be trying to catch him. None of us wants to see anything bad happen to you."
"You...have you told anyone?" She barely heard him as he whispered. "If he's still out there, someone needs to be trying to catch him. None of us wants to see anything bad happen to you." She heard the obvious worry in Warrick’s voice which only heightened her sensitivity to the matter.

“I know…I know. God, this is a big mess. It all added up to being Neil Howard…,” she closed her eyes as she felt the fear trickle down her spine. “But, it’s not him, and Warr…I’m scared. I mean HE was here. He’s been to my house,” her voice soft, but increasing with intensity as the fear got the best of her. Cheeks flushed, Catherine didn’t realize that she was crying until she felt a tear that traveled down her lip. “Uhhh…gosh I’m sorry. I…I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she let out a fake smile as she wiped at her face.