Shazza, I'm with you on the Gil thing... It's squicky... no offense to anyone who likes it. It just doesn't turn my crank. Sorry. lol.
Anyway, I had a thought, or better written as: I realized something, as I was rewatching "Chasing The Bus" for the tenth time. And I'm not sure if this has been mentioned here before or not. It probably has, but I'm gonna say it anyway, cause it's important. When Greg first arrives on the scene, though Gil is standing just a few feet away, the first person he talks to directly, the first person he looks directly at, before Gil, is Nick. Now, that's gotta count for something right? lol.
Love-Fan- That scene with Greg mad... that makes two scenes with him mad with no reasons given. Remember the "Whatever," he shot at Gil earlier this season?(or was that last season already... I can't Interesting. And yes, while the romantic side of me doesn't want there to be a breakup, it does seem like there could have been something, especially with Greg upset and then talking to Nick in "riddles" about taking him out on the case. Maybe he really did mean something else... But, if they never become cannon, we may never know.
*sigh* well, I just got a new job, so that's gonna take time away from The Fort for me. Just so you all don't wonder where I've disappeared to. Also note, chapter 12 of Ghost is up, if you're interested. ok, must get sleep... night all!