The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

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ok, so for the poll I chose their aniversary too. I can't help it. I just wrote a fluffy aniversary fic not that long ago! lol.
So, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long guys. I've been spending most of my time rereading Maggs stories! And haven't been online for anything since the 24th! So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone who loves the boys and the boys themselves! Hope I'm not too late! Twins, I loved your card! And I'm jealous! You've got all seven seasons! Oh well. I'm poor with one and two, so I'm not complaining too much. I used to give my parents lists of what I wanted for xmas, and it never worked. *sigh* oh well.
Candy- I can't believe Carol M. said that! lol, now that's hilarious! The eye sex is soooo... just soooo.... OMG.... you know? So, believable and romantic, and just makes me shiver and squee! lol.

Clar- I understand how you feel. I'm home on dialup too. Part of the reason I'm not online so much while I'm here. And I'll have to check out that story. I'm almost to the "T" section. Awhile back I caught the summary of a story on there that mirrored one of mine that I was writing at the time. Not wanting to read it before I finished mine incase I ended up "borrowing" ideas or something, I put it out of my mind, then forgot the author and title when I wanted to go back and read it! So, I had to go through the whole archive in alphabetical order. I didn't read everything that looked good, but some stories I just couldn't pass up, so it took awhile. And when I finally found said story, I realized I'd already read it! So, after that, I continued my alphabetical reading, skipping most stories, so I have more to go back to later. And I'm up to the "T" section now. lol, like you wanted to know all that! hehehe. I'm nuts, I know. Just call me Greg. lol. Also, The Net videos sound AWESOME!!!! I can't wait! Ah, my fav show, finally! hehehe. Though, I have to say, I've always shipped Jacob/Angela since I knew them way before Nick/Greg. This is causing me problems in plotting out my crossover piece, you know? But I'll figure it out soon, I hope.

Jay- The book sounds great! I can't wait to find it! I just got two more of the older ones, that I hope to read soon. Snake Eyes and one other, I can't remember the title, and I'm too lazy to get up and walk two feet to get it. lol. As for the quote, it could go either way. But yeah, Nick never talks about his love life. I could see him with someone, Greg knows he's with them, and needs him for a case so it's Greg that has the cop roust Nick out of bed. It would be hilarious, and would end up with Nick realizing he likes Greg. Who knows. Anything's possible with a line like his.
I can't wait to get back to my apartment, with a much better/faster internet connection I can then see all the pics everyone's been posting since I came home. Sucks that they take so long to load here. Oh well. I've got good stuff to look forward to!
Um... speaking of stories, if you don't know, Ghost was updated like, two days before xmas, and the next chapter should be up soon. I'm hoping by the end of this weekend. And I've got two one shots in the works too, don't know when I'll get them done. I also came up with a great title... now I just need a plot to go with it! lol.
ok, that's it for my update, I've got a ton more emails to go through. ttyl!
Happy birthday Clarrisani!

Jay I recently bought that book and remember reading that as well, didn't think anything of it until you brought it up here, but yeah it makes sense.

As far as make out spots, besides the supply closet, I think they might find a quite dark corner in the CSI garage, or the parking area. Maybe in an empty evidence room, or Grissom's office when he's out.
Glad everyone liked the quote. I'm liking the book so far, no that they've taken the focus off the sniper and back on to the CSIs. There was one part where Grissom had to go in to the garage to ask Nick something and, of course, our boys were left alone in a secluded place for an extended amount of time.


Sure they were working on processing the truck, but still...

There have also been a few mentions of Greg on his knees while Nick's in the room. Ok, so Greg's nowhere near Nick while on his kness, but a guy can dream.

And incidentally, that girl with the computer help Archie called out sick for was trying to set him up with her kid brother. When Grissom found out, Archie mutters something to the effect of "Not that I mind what two people ... do to..." and so on.

Plus there's some awesome Bobby Dawson scenes that made me happy.

As for getting caught, I saw on a Catherine/Grissom (one of my other ships) avatar once Grissom looking at Catherine and the caption "Layout Room. Now." So, I kinda like the idea of Nick leading Greg into the Layout Room, closing the door and pinning him against the wall.

I'll stop now.
Dirty dirty thoughts!!

So, since I'm also at home and cursed with a slow internet connection I'll send all of you a belated Merry Christmas!!

Happy Birthday Clarrissani!!

Ok, secret make out spots? Hm, well of course the supply closet, the locker room, the showers (well, the boys could have a case with a very nasty decomp :devil:), I once read a fic where they met on the roof, or the men's room ...
The layout room would be a bit to public, yet with that big table ...

You guys really make me want to read the novels! As if I'm not busy enough with all the fic out there! Can't wait to get home again and read all the new ones.

Nick never uses any gender when he talks about "love interests". That's the best way to avoid any lying to your friends or co-workers if you're not out.

I just love the way he keeps smiling at Greg when he's on a rant about porn or his supposedly well-experienced love life!

Since I'm checking out the used books section on amazon, can you recommend any novels with or without subtext (although preferably with) I know about Double Dealer from Clarrissani's quote and of course the new one ...
"Killing Game"'s pretty good. It's a good story and Nick just happens to have some inside knowledge when one of the suspects happens to be a gay man in the closet *cough*. I also really like "Sin City" I can't remember any subtext, but it's a great story.

I noticed on the back cover of my "In Extremis" and most of the newer books the cast shot in the back. They're all paired more or less by ship. From left to right it's: Greg, Nick, Warrick, Catherine, Grissom, Sara, Brass and Doc Robbins.

Nick, Warrick, Grissom and Brass are in the front row.
Greg, Catherine, Sara and Doc Robbins behind them.

It's like another subliminal message that Nick and Greg are destined to be together! Of course that means the same for Brass and Doc Robbins...
Happy Birthday Clarrisani! :D :D :D

I'd take that as a message too Jay, pairing our boys off like that.

I know this is aftet the fact but I though of a reallllllly good Christmas present for Greggo to give Nicky!!!! A horse! :D Actually I got it from re-reading one of my favorite stories. With a horse, Nickhy could have a little bit of home (Texas) near him in Vegas. As for Greggo, I'll stick buy my earlier suggestions. Or as a belated Christmas gift, Nicky could do some sort of a surprise for Greggo on New Year's Eve. ;)
Hi guys, thanks for voting on the poll :D :D. Its great to see so many people voted & what the results were.There is no end date to the poll (cos how can you put an end date to The Love. LOL!!).

I voted their birthdays (it covers whether they are in a relationship or not ;) ;) ;)).


I miss the old Greg, I think Nicky does too. :confused:
Okay guys I'm back lol.

Was watching Living Doll for Nick and Greg - they're only in like one scene together..but was an interesting episode otherwise.

Erm yeah my brother gave me this look at the end when the "to be continued" came on screen(he's been waiting in anticipation for the finale epy). But the good news is we only have to wait 1 more week till it premiere here. The new series of CSI premiere on Tuesday 8th January :D :D :D- just though I'd include that cause I know candy wanted to know....
Okay thats it for me I talk later
Happy belated Birthday Clarrisani!

Glad to see the CSI premiere is soon for you Shazza and Candy.

So, I was ready to make more Love videos (after I help with yours, Shazza), but then one of my Nuke friends goes and sends me the recent clips. Now I have to make a New Years video. *Responsibilities*

My Nuke site actually topped the CSI Wiki (which is usually 1, but dropped to 4) and became the #3 top Wiki. :D

As soon as my brothers and sisters go back to school I'm going to keep editing the Wiki. Some of the picture and video pages are terrible.

Oh, well. Love The Love. Long live The Love. :p

PS - I think old Greg is appearing in season 8 so far. :)

Yeah i cant wait for the new season to begin, so I can get to watch it all over again. Ugh the opener is totally rubbish. I'm not going to spoil it, so for the episodes that I've seen I'm looking for more subtexy moments regarding either one or both of our men.

Jay I'm still plodding my way through CSI 'IN Extremis' to be honest i bought it ages ago, but I didn't finish it... well i only read like 20 pages so now I've picked of from where i was before.

The thing with this book is, that theres a lot of science and more importanly about guns. Now dont get me wrong I can follow science but it gets a bit hmm borinng in places.

So is there really much Nick and Greg mooments in the books? Lets hope it increases as the books are fanfiction are they not?

I've been watching some random episodes of CSI this evening on Five Us 'CSI Sunday' and one episode from season 2 Nick and Warrick are working the scene and Nick mentions on his bad luck in the lady department.

I think that its soon after this that Warrick sees through Nick's bad run of women, to Nick's true sexuality.

Yes I'm not to sure who first spotted this, but from seeing another season where Greg 'pretends' to have near perfect sight Nick and Warrick walks into his lab.

Nick looks a bit not fed up but annoyed at Greg. Why is this? Is it because Nick was fighting his feelings for this man, this goofy, joker? I mean if anyone was up to Nick's standards of attraction it would be Warrick.

Warrick and Nick are both into sports etc.. Both can be tough yet vanruble- spelling mistake.

The attraction between Nick and Greg, well we know that Greg flirts with everyone, but it was Nick who flirted back... My question is- What attracted Nick to Greg... What made Greg find Nick?
Ack! Okay, that's it. I'm going to dig my CSI books out of the box and write out all the Nick/Greg moments for the wiki... um... if I remember which box I put them in. Something tells me it's the big one at the bottom. Okay, maybe you'll just have to wait til I find my new place and unpack.

In case anyone missed it, I got a new job and am moving to Melbourne in January, so all my things are being packed up at my flat. My CSI books are here somewhere at my parents place, and my DVDs are still at the flat. Oh, and thanks for all the 'happy birthdays'.

As for what attracted Nick to Greg... well, that's a hard one. Those two have just always had this chemistry that is hard to explain, but it's stronger than any other chemistry between characters at the Lab or PD. I'm not sure if Greg found Nick, more than they just hit it off.

Heh, new question for you all. After Nick and Greg start going out, who would tell their parents first? Nick or Greg? How would they tell their parents? Or would it be by pure accident that they find out?
ok, so I had this weird/cute dream early this morning and I have to tell you about it. Why? Because it was about Nick and Greg, of course! lol. So, here goes:

Poor Greg had been arrested for something(don't know what) and was sent to what I'm calling the Aquatic Correctional Facility because he apparently is part fish and could swim underwater without air. (don't ask, he still looks like the beautiful/cute/handsome Greg we all know and love) I was Nick. Someone else was there too, and the only person I can think of was that it was Sara. The person was female, but I never got a good look and we didn't really talk. So, we arrive at the Facility and are walking down the hall, there are huge water tanks on either side, looks just like the ocean floor on the right. On the left it's much brighter with lights and the water is not nearly as deep. Greg is not the only half fish here, apparently. So, I spot a guard(I guess) getting food ready and I ask him where Greg is. He points up ahead to the right, and says he's up there. So, we go and stop to face the tank. These tanks are deeeeep, let me tell you, they went faaaar back, and I couldn't even see the back. There was a white light coming from back there, where the floor kinda looked like a hill with the light behind it(imagine something from The Little Mermaid, I guess) and I see a bunch of people coming, floating in our general direction and I say to Sara "That's him! I know that's Greg." And I put my hand on the glass of the tank and watch him come up, he brakes away from the others and speeds over to us, puts his hand against the glass on the other side of mine. He's talking, and I can hear him, though all I remember him saying is something about life there being kinda cool since it was different than what we're used to. I know he had to have said something about being happy to see us, though he never looked at Sara. His eyes were locked on mine. I knew though, that I could hear him talk, but he couldn't hear me, so I attempted some sign language to tell him that his dinner was ready and waiting and that he needed to go eat. (This was truly Nick coming through because he/I was having trouble signing, and I've taken three years of ASL, where he hasn't) Greg nodded. Then, my ASL skills finally came through and I pointed at myself, signed "love" and pointed at Greg. He signed the same thing back. (Sure it means the same thing Nick signed in that one ep, it's just a longer version, and seems more personal, you know?) Greg swam away towards dinner and I turned away from the tank to leave, intent on getting him freed from there, because being apart was heartbreaking.
And that's all there was to it. Strange, huh? Sad, but enjoyable. I wish I hadn't woken up from that one!
Anyway, two of my fav fanfics have updated so I must go read them and then go work on my own! ttyl!
Wow that was some dream, sounds like it could make a good AU fic. With Greg as a merman! You should write that one.

What brought these two together is chemistry, their attraction just so obvious between them. They became friends and it gradually lead to more, until neither one could deny it any longer and they became lovers.

I think Greg's parents would already know, it's Nick's who might have a problem with it at first but of course they will grow to love Greg because how can anyone not love him?
Greg as a merman. Now thats hot. I think some time ago some one posted a Merman fic but never finished it. Sorry I forgot the name of it.

What do you think their new years resolution will be?
I think Nick and Greg's new years resolution will be to spend more time with each other (and for us, more flirting in the lab, :p). Those poor boys have to work all the time! They're probably lacking in bedroom action, but they're our boys, you know they find a way! :devil: I bet when they're at work, they have little romps in the bathroom or out in their SUV's...or anywhere else. lol

Sheesh, I just realized, I have to add season 6 to the episode guide now that love_fan is done. I've been so busy. I have to go in to work tonight to helps deal with the drunks. lol. I get to wear my new Detroit Tigers shirt!

Anywho! Stacy!!! Email me today if you're on anytime before 2 or 3 and we'll do the RPG over on DMOTL. Any later and I don't think I'll be able to. If your not partying tonight, we can maybe do it then.

Back to our boys. I think they'll share a New Year's kiss. I can picture it now. Do you think they'll be at any party, or just home alone? If they were home alone, they could let the kiss turn into more...
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