The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

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Hey guys! It's been a while, lol. My main excuse, as I have told twins, is bowling (for bowling=life now and for the rest of the season) but I really should be posting more often now.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas/Holiday season.

I know I did, for my grandparents gave me the new CSI computer game (major geeky squee).

This has probably been mentioned before by another Love fan, but I was solving the first case today, which involved a dead cabby with a book of matches in the back seat.

Nick, my partner (I was sooo happy it was him) took the book and said "That's from the Roulette Bar, a gay bar on East something something street, and its a trendy one....or so I hear."

It was truly a eureka type of moment.

Anywhoo, just glad to see all is well with the Fort :)

Ooh, and welcome anyone who I haven't met before!
See lil_love_fan even the computer games knows Nick is gay. But i digress this has been covered before, but where's the harm in going over old ground.

Just finally seeing Felous Monk, and Nick bless him is sooo politically uncorrect, so that has got me thinking. I dont think that his family know that he's gay.

Just because he's politically backwards- bless him- does not mean that he hasn't told his parents. The bond between him and his father is strong, but not no where near as strong as him and his mother. (Or am I confusing what I read to what i see? Sometimes its soo hard to tell!)

Regarding Nick's sexuality, my friend who is so strongly believing that Greg is straight, I have some progress lol.. After a year of saying Nick is gay, she has finally said he might be.

Now I only for her to see that Greg is in fact bisexual.

The eye sex between them two in Grissoms office, is totally classic. It's like I can feel their sexual energy bouncing off of each other.

Also in an interview I watched C.M said as they dont really do sex scenes the eye contact is their verstion of two people having sex.

Ok she was refering to GSR- but that applies to Nick and Greg, as well as Cath and Warrick!

Otherwise that's double standards much!
Can anybody else feel that or is it just me?
Nice poll, LoneWolfe001. I voted their anniversary. After all, what could be fluffier than a wedding anniversary. :p

I agree with your comment about C.M. and it applying to The Love, candygirl1uk. After all, when it comes to eye smut, the boys have the best out of all the characters. In fact, all the top of my head I can't think of any of the other characters having as much.

Oh, and just so everyone knows, I'm in the process of copying "The Net" onto my computer to make music vids. I'll let you know when you can have more Eric goodness over at my YouTube, because my vids will be Eric-centric.
I voted for their anniversary too. Like the first time they kissed, and of course first time for other things too! (minds may go to the gutter this time!) :devil: :devil: :devil:

I agree that the boys have the best eye smut. I wonder though that TPTB are keeping it hush hush in saying things so when they either out either of the boys &/or reveal them as a couple it will be more of a shock. To non-love fans of course!

Candy~ good luck with your friend convicning Greg is bi! I always believed he was, even before I became a fan of the love. I had never truely paired him up with anyone before either. Maybe your friend just reallllly Greg and wants to keep him to herself!?!?!

So any good subtexty moements anyone has discovered that hasnt been realized before dealing with our wonderful boys??? :D :D :D
Hi lil_love_fan! *hugs tightly*! Thanks for popping in.

I voted for their anniversary too. I can Nick and Greg coming up with many different things to give/do each other. :devil: They are some naughty boys. You can just tell.

Great other subtexty moments you ask Stacy...I really can't think of any. But I can think of a lot that have been mentioned, but not enough. Like in "All For Our Country", after Greg goes searching for the soda bottle, he's back in the lab. Grissom walks in and he and Nick are chatting it up. Grissom yells at them both to get to work and Greg says, "I was just filling Nick in."

Of course, that's part two. Part one is "Assume Nothing". There are two Nick/Greg scenes in that episode I forgot about. They weren't THAT great, but a Love scene nonetheless. Also in part one, Nick tells Grissom that "magic fingers" (a vibrating bed) is great for sex. How does he know that now? :devil:
Howdy ho love-erinos!

I come bearing more pics. This time from episode 614 "Killer". Nick and Greg (and Sara) investigate in the desert. Nick and Greg walk off alone to investigate/ make out behind a bush.

No, they're not holding hands. Nick's hand is swaying in front of Greg's. But the camera cuts away one second after this cap, so...

Well, sure Greg could be looking for evidence, but Nick's crotch is right in his line of sight.

Not to be outdone, Nick checks out Greg's ass as Greg passes in front of him.

And, I just love this cap.

On a side note, I love Nick's hair like that.

Oh and, how often have Nick and Greg talked about porn? Or is it usually Greg doing the talking about porn and Nick just smiling and nodding?
Okay hi back again lol

Okay was just watching "Stalker" Great episode if your a Nick fan and there is a slight "The Love" moment when Nick telling Greg to respect his privacy but before that there's this moment where Warrick talking to Greg. It never seemed important before but for some reason its standing out now.

WARRICK: Not hair? Not human? What are you reading?

(GREG turns the cover over and shows it to WARRICK.)

GREG: This is Pink. Pink, this is Warrick.

(GREG looks at the cover.)

GREG: Do you know how hot you are? Ssss!

WARRICK: Bet I know someone who's hotter and I'm not talking about looks.(referring to Nick)
- okay maybe Warrick knows something or maybe it just me and this is just a bit far fetched - he does say I'm not talking about looks. What you guys think?

Thanks for the screencaps Jay *big hugs* :D :D :D

And oh
jay said:

Oh and, how often have Nick and Greg talked about porn? Or is it usually Greg doing the talking about porn and Nick just smiling and nodding?

Well to answer jay it is always like that Greg doing the talking about porn and Nick just smiling and nodding. Its one of the thing he does to try and impress Nick.
But in that episode

Greg: Every time I come to the desert I see porno mags. Who brings spankables out here?
Nick: It's probably just trash... blown in from off the street.
Greg: Porn isn't trash. They're heirlooms that you pass down.

Who does bring spankables to the desert :lol: or may Nick's right it just peoples trash.

lol sorry just had too include that. :lol:

On another note here's an avatar I'd like to share with you guys.........I didn't make it but you can use it if you like it.

okay I'm outta here
There is another talk about porn scene. It's in the episode 'Caged'.
Greg gets into a cabinet and pulls out a book to look up some information for Nick.

Nick: "I always thought you kept your porn in there."

Greg: "I move it around."

Nick says aww and nods in understanding. Caged was an all around good episode for love fans anyway.

Thanks for the caps jay
You know what maybe Warrick was tryiing to persuade Greg that in fact Nick's single and interested in him?
It's not that silly as it sounds.

Do you think that Nick and Greg got together because Warrick or any of the CSIs sort of put them together?

Porn interesting topic, cause Nick doesnt look at porn of any discription. Bless him.

Greg going on about women and having sex with women is SO clearly a lie. Why because someone that does have a partner does not talk about them all the time if at all...

If i had a pound, or a dolla for everytime Greg refers to women, I'd be a millionair!
Hey guys and gals. I got the new CSI novel In Extremis and I want your input on a passage. It may take some maneuvering, but we can spin it as a nick/greg scene.

I can only assume it's set in season 7. Warrick and Nick are trying to recreate the scene of a massive shooting and are having computer problems. Catherine walks in and tries to get them help. Hodges and Wendy are busy with other evidence and Archie is apparently sick.

"My guess is he's over at the residence of that gorgeous young lady he's been telling us about, the one who doesn't seem to be much interested in dating a computer geek, no matter how cute and loveable he may be," Warrick offered. "I remember him saying something about her having trouble with her computer, and how he might use that as an excuse to go over to her apartment and try to get to know her better."
"You mean better than that supposedly steady girlfriend he's always bragging about?" Nick inquired. "Since when do geeks try to expand their horizons with women?"
Warrick shrugged noncommittally.
"Ever the optimist," Catherine commented, shaking her head. "Do we know this new young lady's address?"
"No, but I put in a request to patrol to keep an eye out for his car," Nick said with a smile. "There's nothing quite like an ornery uniform pounding on the door to put the kibosh on a blossoming relationship."
"Spoken like a man with sad but relevant experience?" Warrick smiled sympathetically.
"CSI call-outs can definately put a damper on a guy's love life," Nick agreed.

what do you guys think? Did someone go pounding on Nick's door when he and Greg were in the middle of seeing to each other?
Thanks for the caps and the little bit from the novel to Jay!

Greg does talk about porn a lot. You wanna bet he stares at the male body part a little more than a straight man would? lol Of course!

Shazza, I haven't been able to get on my dad's computer since...before Christmas, lol. When I do, I'll get back to you on your video! :D

Good night Lovers and Lovettes!
Its possible jay that could have happened. It may have upset them a little. Well are dear closeted Nicky more, but I'd like to think they et over it. If that did actually happe, it more than liekly caused them to be more causious and sneakier if they get together! :)

That makes me think of all the embarrasingly ways they could get caught, or where.

So what do you all think would be the best hiding place for the boys to make out? Get CREATIVE! :D ;)
okay only_true_love - Always coming up with interesting stuff for us to discuss :D :D :D.
Best hiding places for the boys to make out - supply closet ~ read that one in a fanfic, its the first thing that popped in my head.
erm.....okay can't really think of anywhere else they could make out without getting caught - maybe the locker room if they're lucky or the lab lol - that last one might not be such a good idea.

Twins - its okay I look forward to seeing whatever you get done.

candy - erm glad you agree. It sounded abit silly at first. But it was stuck in my head so I had to ask about it.

okay I'm outta here guys.
Sometimes I hate the fact my birthday is so close to Christmas. But I did get a printer for my computer! Now I can print the manips and stick them around my home... when I find one.

You know, the supply closet as a making out point for our boys is starting to become cliche. Everyone has done it in fics (even me). We need to come up with a few more, methinks. Like... how about in the back of Nick's Denali in the carpark. Or maybe they find somewhere in the PD (and Sofia and Brass can act as their cover).

And I honestly think a pre-Tina Warrick would notice very quickly a change in the behaviour of Nick and Greg. If they really did hook up prior to season 5, then he'd work it out and probably make some comment to Nick just to let him know he knows. My theory, anyway.
Jay that is the first time Ever i think at least that Nick has actuarly refered to his love life. Plus its non gender persific so anyone who is listening to Nick could think woman instead of man. It's like if Nick said the word 'partner'.

That is also non gendered title, once favoured by gay and bisexual people now hijacked by straight.

Nick has mentioned his college days, but always stops when talking about his love life.

Yes i agree the call to come to work, has dampen his lovelife with our geeky CSI Greg Sanders.

Ok now regarding the best place where they would make out...
(An idead taken from my 3rd fan fiction Hopes and Fears, they make out in a very public place. No clues lol)


They could make out in the cinema/movies way at the back where all eyes should be on the movie/film.

I'll think of more places where Nick and Greg could make out/Kiss.... More to follow.
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