The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

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No no no shazza our Nick for we love him for who he is, and like our freinds sometimes we dont have to like what they say... Nick can be small minded in his attitude.

Which is funny coming from a gay man... Very funny.

Its true what you said about religion.

But with a hit show like CSI, we all need the characters to have different voices,otherwise it will be the pied pipper and the rows of rats... basically i mean that it would just be Grissom with his relaxed view and opendness and the rest just followers.

No i love nick inspite of his shortfalls. Thats true love baby lol.

Greg has none. Thats just hero worshopping.
jay said:

For me, It was Nicky's "Giddyup" line that really convinced me that he wasn't straight. I mean, come on, what straight guy makes this face?

NO ONE! ;)




The same for Greg here:

Hi guys, I'm still here. My life's crazy at the moment. Really, really, really, thanks for the great, and totally hilarious pics! Made me laugh and that's what I needed! Such a bad day...
Um... Candy, I loved your comment about Greg not having faults, being hero worship... yup, totally hero worshiping him too!

Just a quick note: chapter 13 of Ghost has been posted!
The second pic is so adorable Seabird! Which episode is it from? I'm ashamed to admit that I have no idea :confused: :(

As for Nicky being sometimes a bit close minded (is that an English word?), I noticed that too and yeah it's weird 'cause sitting in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones but then again, people have flaws and that's why we love them.
Greg? Does he have flaws? thinking hard, no I think he's perfect :D

Did Nick really say "Giddyup"? I can't recall but then I've seen this episode only once :p
love_fan said:
As for Nicky being sometimes a bit close minded (is that an English word?)

the English phrase is "closed-minded" technically. I have to say though, I don't think anyone can really fault Nick for something as minor as not liking taking off their shoes before entering a Buddhist temple, it's not exactly common knowledge.

Did Nick really say "Giddyup"? I can't recall but then I've seen this episode only once :p

It was in "Redrum" towards the beginning. Catherine hands out the assignment slips and Nick gets some bogus assignment processing stolen motorcycles. He takes Warrick with him, Makes one of those faces, slaps the assignment slip to Warrick's chest, makes the other face and leaved.

And I watch the scene three times, not sure of what I saw. Greg was never straight, but Nick...?
love_fan said:
The second pic is so adorable Seabird! Which episode is it from? I'm ashamed to admit that I have no idea :confused: :(

I think it's from "Poppin' Tags" but I'm not sure.

Following the evidences. Nick is an ass man:



Nick doesn't seem to like boobies very much.... ;)


....because he likes touching flat chests:


You can say he LOVES touching Greg's chest (he's bitting his lower lip and flat palm on chest means love ;))


And if there's still any doubt... ;) more "evidence" from "Fight Night":

Haha! Seabird!! You made me laugh I've been in a bad mood today so thanks for that!!! :D :D :D

So I was rewatching "The Accused Is Entitled" and the "You beeped me for across the hall" line.......

....And I think Nick's happy to see Greg.....

.....the smile says it all.

And a few more......



The wonders of "The Accused Is Entitled" lol......It makes me wanna put up the previous banner the twins made for me.....


....I really really want to use it but the lyrics in my current one are just too fitting and I'm a huge Backstreet Boys fan so I can't seem to let go lol......But if anyone else wants to use it please feel free to do so!!! :D :D :D :cool: :cool:
(something's wrong with photobucket so sorry if not all my pics appear)

Anyways "The Chick Chop Flick Shop"(Wow! what a title lol) is on in about 1/2 an hour so I'm looking forward to that...hopefully its gonna be good.... :)
Ahh Shazza, yeah i got it on now... It's ok, lol seen them all before remember... But yeah its all good.

I think that i've already left a full detailed summary of that episode. I actuarly liked it a lot...

Aww yeah you know Nick is sooo in love with Greg and the way Greg looks at him,- he oozzes sexual appeal.
I don't know if I'd say Nick is close-minded, some of the comments he makes are politically incorrect, he says things without thinking. Nick can also be very clueless about stuff (stuff a straight man would know about)and I think it's cute. I really adore him, he's grown on me.

As for Greg's faults, he has some but I can't seem to remember any. :lol: :lol: All those screen caps/evidence shots are so nice to see after a long day at work.
candygirl1uk said:
Ahh Shazza, yeah i got it on now... It's ok, lol seen them all before remember... But yeah its all good.

I think that i've already left a full detailed summary of that episode. I actuarly liked it a lot...

Well since you've seen it before its understandable that you would think its okay......

I actually liked it alot lol.....dispite the fact that there was no N/G interaction....

I couldn't stop laughing when Hodges made that comment about Wendy's breast lol.......

Seriously there is something going on between them two lol..

The whole horror movie thing was what I liked best lol.....

Okay gotta go...

Got school tommorow so night night....... :D :D :D
Think I'm gonna use that shazza_018 . Let me know if you want it back or for me not to use it. I love the fort you guys are the best. I always look forward to reading posts. A added bonus i snagged all the pics. :lol:

Anywho heres a pic I found of the boys which I love and thought I would share. I love how close they are heheh.
I'm glad you liked the pics, guys! :D :)

MsCatherineBrown, thanks for sharing. This is one of my favourite pics of them:


I've been watching "Crash and Burn" and in this scene, Grissom turns off Greg's music as he enters the lab:


Then, Nick asks Greg what exactly he's been doing all day in his very best jealous boyfriend voice ;):


They keep staring at each other as if Grissom wasn't in the room:


As they're leaving the lab, Nick turns Greg's music on in an adorable gesture:


And he's rewarded with The Smile ;):


Very couply, don't you think?
MsCatherineBrown, I PM'd you regarding the banner :).

seabird said:
^^I loooooove this pic of them......I think I used it to make a New Years Card for everyone here at The Fort...... ;) ;) ;) :p :p

seabird said:
They keep staring at each other as if Grissom wasn't in the room:


heeheeh this is NOT the first time they've done something like that infront of Grissom......remember the ass check that Wojo capped a while back from "Chasing The Bus"....Oooh and lets not forget the eye sex moment in "Felonius Monk" - I mean common it doesn't get more obvious then that... ;) ;) ;) :p :p :p

And as for the staring lol remember that moment in "Good Bye and Good Luck"....

..despite the fact that Sara inbetween the two of them they act like she's not even there....

.........they never could take they're eyes off each other in the past......

...and now, they can't either ;)


seabird said:

Very couply, don't you think?

Extremely know before you mentioned it I didn't notice that moment so I'm gonna try and watch it again and thanks, as ever, for the screencaps Seabird!! *hugs*
I got your PM shazza_018 . So I created Twins in my bio info. Heres a pic I found while looking for Nick pics for the Ward. Greg is totally checking out Nicks butt in this pic. Enjoy! ;)

Hi, everyone, I'm new here, and I just wanted to say that this has to be the all time greatest pairing ever. They are way too awesome together. They are all I've been able to think about for the past week and a half, ever since a friend of mine got to me to think about them.

And thanks for all the awesome caps, they've made my day so much better.
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