The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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"Of course I want to know what's going on. You all are acting so strange. All I want is the truth." Ecklie replied lighting up a bit, but still with a stern voice.

Nick looked at Greg. All he wanted to do was hold him. Why was Ecklie picking on Greg anyway? He sighed hoping Greg could keep it together.
Fine here is the truth. And before I begin, Grissom I'm really sorry. You see Ecklie we are acting all strange becasue we almost lost a family member. And yeah I'm speaking of Sara. And then you break up this team by making one of them leave. What do you expect all of us to sit there and not have ANY feelings towards this. We are such a family, this team. I know you come off as this jerk that has no feelings what so ever, but even I thought you could see what all of what has recenlty happened is going to effect us. And that is the TRUTH!

Greg wanted to say more and really lash out at Ecklie. But he knew it was what he wanted. And really he was speaking the truth. All that happened has effected him and the rest of the team.
Ecklie sighed and stared down at Greg and then over to Nick. "Fine, ok." Turning to Grissom, "Just let me know when this case is going to trial." Without another word, Ecklie left. Grissom and Nick both looked over at Greg.

"That was brilliant Greg," Nick replied. He smiled and grabbed Greg's hand. He looked up a Grissom who still looked angry.
Realizing that Grissom looked angry he let go of Nick's hand. Um... "I'm really sorry Grissom."
Greg figured after Grissom saved them from Ecklie seeing them make out he should try an appoligize, but he could only get out a short one.
Nick sat there and licked his lips. He could tell Grissom was very angry, but he wasn't sure what to say to not make it worse, so he followed in Greg's footsteps.

"I'm sorry too Grissom," he said sincerely. He didn't want Grissom to be angry with him after all he's done for them.


love_fan I forgot to say that, yes, Nick gets all teary eyed in "Post Mortem" when Warrick comes to talk with him in the locker room after he leaves the courtroom.
Grissom biting his tongue. He wants to lash out and Nick and Greg for being so careless. And for taking such a risk.

I know both of you are sorry but are you sorry for being caught or for breaking the promise you gave me? Iwant th both of you to think about it and at the end of this shift I want a sincere and honest answer. While it kills me that you broke such promise, I still intend to keep mine.
Once grissom finished having his say, he left the room hurt and mad.

TBC tonight and with a new title!!!!!
@_@ Um what are you guys doing?
Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know,I had a friend draw a picture of Nick and Greg together, it is really cute, so I'll have her scan it for me.
So, any news on Nick and Greg centered eppys?
Oh, poor Greggo! But awesome answer! I was hoping he'd lie a good lie! Really though, I don't blame Gil for being mad. I mean, nick and greg are together but he and sara can't be. That's got to be hard.

Speaking of sara, on Yahoo! There's an article about Jorja's leaving. On the same page I found some videos from the cast that are pretty funny. All George wanted was to pack heat when he signed on! lol. Poor Paul Guilfile (prob spelled that last name wrong, sorry Paul!) didn't say anything, looked kinda bored at one point. Billy had a lot of interesting things to say as did the writers. Jorja hardly said anything and Eric and Gary weren't there, sadly... no talk of The Love... but it was still funny! So, go check it out if you want.
Anyway, I'm off to bed I think. But you know what I would love right now? A good angsty movie, like all the fanfic that's out there, but I can't think of anything. So I guess I'll just go read a book or something. lol. night all!
I'm not a CSI Miami fan, really. I just liked Speedle, so of course I had to watch it last night. :p Mainly, I cannot STAND David Caruso either. The man has no personality whatsoever... kinda like Sara. *cough*

QOTU~ I finally read "Strategies" and it was soooo cute! Thanks for recommending it!

Also, I want to rec. a totally stellar fic by rispacooper, it's called "If That's Your Boyfriend [He Wasn't Last Night]". Awesome, awesome fic. Go read it! XP

Twins & OTL~ If you need a name for your next installment of 'A La Date' might I suggest something like 'Carpe Diem'. I know it's really got nothing to do with the title of the ep. but it does have 'carp' in it. :lol: *headdesk*
nickfangirl, OTL and I are doing our daily Role Playing. You may have to go back to Fort 16 if you wanna catch up! Hope all's good Jon! :D

Zodiac we already have a title. "The Case of the Crisis of the Heart". They're getting longer! He he he. I'll let you all ponder on that while Stacy and I get set to do more tonight.
Nice avatars Zodiac!

Time to start "Go To the Bug Man" (the new chapter will start in a few posts!)


As soon as Grissom left the room, Nick turned straight to Greg and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm so sorry about that. It's all my fault, I let my urges get the best of me. I'm also so sorry about Ecklie, I can't believe he singled you out like that!"
Love the avatars Zodiac

I'm sorry too Nicky. I could have stopped you and reminded you of our promise that we made to Grissom. I hate that he looked so mad, esp. when he looked towards you. I hope I didnt freak you out & make you that I was going to tell Ecklie about us. So what are we going to do about Grissom? He is doing so much for us by supporting us and not saying anything to Ecklie aka Satan.


Nick took Greg's hand into his own and looked at him in the eye.

"I'm your superior, and I've known Grissom longer. If you want I can talk to him alone. I can explain our situation, and apologize for our actions. That way you don't have to get worried."
You sure Nicky? *Nick nods* Whatever you say let him know that I'm truely sorry for breaking the promise. And for kepping his. Most iportantly tell him I'm sorry for what Ecklie has done to him and Sara.
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