The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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I think the first ep that the pornstach appeared was ABRTI but I can't remember how many eps it was in after that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Maggs said:
Shacky - I loaded my oneshots and the first 3 chapters of Where You Are to WMTDB. It was easy. I don't know what I was doing wrong the first time I tried! I'll load more chapters every day.

Great, I got it printed off and I'm really trying to start reading it, but damn it all, everything else keeps getting in my way. I was supposed to go back to work today, but with Jacob so sick he has to stay home until Wednesday, and I'm trying to catch up on some of that cleaning I was supposed to do while I was on break..... HA!!!! But the few first pages I've read, I love, just the writing style, the way you capture the inner emotions, and I love stories that intertwine with canon, makes it that much easier to envision..... How I only wish I could write like that, and thank you for adding them to the site, if you ever need any help, just let me know.....

and Wojo yes, A Bullet Runs Through It, was the first glimpse of the pornstache we had...

LOVE the Video & Banner!!!!!
And BIG SQUEEEEEEEEE! for the ATWT boys~ they were to cute and nervous today!!! hehehehe *sigh*
TPTB~ I cant say this enough but PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE learn from the ATWT boys. There are so many supporters of them and many for Nick and Greg to get together. Just wake up from the coma you are in and realize that you will not loose every fan of the show!!!! We dont need to see Nick in his bedroom and Eric come out of the bathroom. Not that I would personally object to that. But some acknowledgement beyond checking out each other's asses or the touching and flirting that they do already!!!! *sigh*
Twins & OTL~ Yes yes! I watched ATWT today, and everytime either Noah or Luke said 'boyfriend' I was like 'awwww, that's so sweeeeet!' XD I'm crazy, I know, but it's so kyoooot!

Hey, guess what you guys! I had another sign today. I was driving through town today and I saw a silver Jetta and it had a humongous TEXAS decal on the rear windsheild! I started freakin' out... as I was driving. :lol:

True story. Isn't that cool?! XD The only thing that would have made it even better was had it been a Texas A&M sticker on the little silver Jetta. But we gotta take what we can, right?! hehe.
Wojo said:
I think the first ep that the pornstach appeared was ABRTI but I can't remember how many eps it was in after that. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Even with the pornstache they can't take their eyes off each other! ;)


They can NEVER take their eyes off of each other.

Pornstache's, Sara's, TPTB's and bad haircut's can't do ANYTHING about it.

Right out of Jorja Fox's mouth - she's leaving. It's official and I can't wait. Sorry Stacy. :p
LOL Its ok Twins! I've learned to except it!

Cant wait for thurs. episode!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still *crossing fingers* that our boys work the case or at least have some subtexty moments! :D :D :D
twins1729 said:

Right out of Jorja Fox's mouth - she's leaving. It's official and I can't wait. Sorry Stacy. :p

I can't wait either! I think I will enjoy the show alot more without GSR thrown in my face every week, plus one less character means more Nick & Greg time! (I hope)

speaking of interesting, I watched a show a few weeks ago and it was either Cold case or Law and order SVU (can't remember which) but any way there was a murder suspect who's neame was: Nick Greggo - I kid you not!
Lol, Nick Greggo? Was this a character name or the actor's name. It's funny, because when you search Noah and Luke, there's this actor named Noah Luke.

I'm glad that you've accepted it Stacy! :p

I'm just really, really glad that there will be less Sara and GSR. For two reasons, screen time for our boys and less to puke at!
*sniffles* I hope that if either Greg or Nick ever dies [God forbid!] that one has hallucinations about the other and then they can admit their love for each other, even if it would be too late.

Gah, sorry, I actually watched Miami tonight and it just got me thinkin' about stuff. Sooooo much subtext, I could just choke. *sniffle*

I feel a plot bunny brewing. And I swore I'd never do a character death fic! Grrr...
*sigh* I'm in a bit of a sad mood and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for some stories that might cheer me up????

I think I might go re-watch our boys in A La Cart to cheer me up in the meantime.

Wojo~ i think I might have to google Nick Greggo just ot see what comes up.

hehehehe~ just trying to think of good moments of The Love. *sigh*

PS~ Twins you know where to find me. :p
I'm sad too, OTL. :( TPTB hate us, they just hate us!

As for good stories, I'm currently reading 'Cursed' by Madison. It's The Love with a Buffy-esque twist. hehe. If you're looking for one-shots, I'd suggest pretty much anything by Slashboy or kennedy. They always cheer me up. :p

Here's a question I've been wanting to ask everyone: What are some songs you associate with N/G, or even just Nick or Greg?

For me, I think 'The Story' by 30 Seconds to Mars is Nick all the way. Go look up the lyrics and you'll see. :D

Okay, I'm gonna go watch S5. Nigh-night, ya'll!
So, I've got to ask. With the pretty little running story we have had "A La Date" and "Go to the Bug Man", based on the titles of episodes "A La Cart" and "Go to Hell". The question is, what the heck are you going to do with "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp". I mean, what a name... Unless, of course, you make it "The Case of the Cross-Dressing CSI". :p

Well, it could work. After all, we know Nick does think about wearing womens underwear *gestures to PC Game*.
Thanks Zodiac for the suggestions! And to answer you question about songs~ Dido's "White Flag" Twins has a lovely video with part of the song on it. There are others but they escape me right now.

Clarrisani that does sound good. I os want this pc game now. But you'll have to wait and see!!!!
Page 10? Wow. I've missed a lot.

Oh, Zodiac, that's totally a Nick song. :D

And I'm desperately falling behind on S5's ep. guide. Things have gotten in the way, and...Ugh. I'll get to work, I promise! After I watch the week old ep. of QAF I have taped and clean my room and finish that huge project I have...:D Oh, yeah, and the last two chapters of DHME. I know I said it was finished, but heh, I lied. But hey, if everything works out right and I don't completely hate it, you'll all be happier. And you can thank Kassie for her wonderful input!
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