The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Nick smilies and grips Greg's hand tighter. Greg was always thinking of others.

"I promise. Everything will work out."

After glancing around the room he quickly gave Greg a kiss on the cheek and headed to Grissom's office.

Once there, he stepped into the doorway and knocked on the open door.
Grissom who was sitting at his desk busying himself with paper work as usual recognized who it was knocking and said, "Come on in Nick and take a seat." once Nick was seasted Grissom finally looked up at Nick waiting to hear what Nick had to say.
"Grissom, I can't tell you how sorry I am. Greg, too. Yes, I am sorry we got caught, and that we betrayed your trust. It's just that I haven't had a boyfriend in years, and I don't want to take it for granted. I...We promise it won't happen again, we can control ourselves. I can't tell you how happy we are that you're still supporting us and protecting us from Ecklie. Especially after what he did with you and Sara, which we're both very sorry about."
Letting out a sigh Grissom could see Nick was sincere.

"I really hope you mean that this time Nick. Ecklie would seriously loose it and easily break up this team even more and none of us want that. Both of you have gone through enough and to be honest I'm glad the two of you finally realized what you mean to each other. You both really deserve some happiness. There is one more thing I think the two of you ought to consider. That being how you are going to tell the rest of the team?"
Nick sighed and looked down at his hands.

"I don't want to tell anyone yet. Except Warrick, he already knows. Not Catherine or Sara though. Mostly because I don't think neither Greg or I am ready to come out to them. You can respect that right?

Grissom nodded. Nick continued.

"I promise me and Greg will have a long talk and decide what to do."
After Nick leaves his office Grissom ponders whether or not to tell Sara. Grissom thinking~ It might help if she knows. She cares for both of them as brothers. Yeah I better let Sara know.

In the locker room....
Greg patiently waits for Nick's return from talking to Grissom. *sigh* "I hope it goes well." Greg silently tells himself. Just then Nicky voice grabs his attention. "Hey there G." Greg hears and looks up.

TBC!!!!! hehhehehehe OK the new title will start next time!!!! As always let us know if you are enjoying!!! *hugs*
Do you really need us to say that we're enjoying it? You know we are, lol. :p I love that Grissom is helping them out, and I can't wait to see how Sara and Catherine find out. Will the boys tell them, will they realise, or will someone else accidently let it slip...
Zodiac- Sweet, I'm glad you enjoyed it, it's definitely my fav story! lol. And I do remember that other one, definitely a good story, though for some reason I didn't leave a review (shocker!) but that's cool, cause it just means I can reread it later! hehe. And I love those icons!

As for Bug Man... I'm not sure about what Nick said to Gil. He said they would/could control themselves... I'm not sure that's possible! lol... Can't wait for the update! You know I'm loving this story!!!
Love the icons, Zodiac. Really niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. :eek:

Twins, I read your story and I really enjoyed it, if only something like that would happen on the show too. But that't why we have people like you who make us happy afterwards.

I still don't find any time to read stories but I have the "Bug Man" to look forward to, look forward to the next part. Ah well, how could they keep their hands of each other, they waited such a long time.

Must go to bed, the day was far too short but tomorrow will be Post Mortem, I so look forward to it. Protective Nicky, and I think I've already said that before, so I just stop now.
Beautiful icons, Zodiac! Oh, and I must ask again, for my cousin's confused - Death Note starts...when? :D ...And can I steal that first icon? I'd give credit, prooomiiisseee.

Ohhh, of course we love it, twins & OTL! Tis amazing, it is. And I know I should REALLY pay attention, but I haven't watched the last few promos/haven't paid much attention, heh, obviously - what's tomorrow nights episode title?

And I think we're flying through Fort #17...

QOTU, I think I've gotten everything ready for NaNoWriMo! :D
Yes we are flying through it.

It's been up for about 2 weeks and we're already on page 11!

As soon as Stacy feels a little better we'll try to continue. :)

Thanks for liking it BTW guys!

Tomorrow's episode is The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp.
*huggles everyone* I feel like a lap cat, the way ya'll keep stroking my ego... haha. That made no sense and I love it! XD Serioulsy though, thanks you guys. I'm glad you like my icons and suckerforasmile, you can have any of 'em you want! Credit or not, it's cool. :p

Great job with 'Bug Man' Twins & OTL! Can't wait for the next part.

So, I'm still keeping hope alive that my sign will be good for tomorrow night. Hopefully we'll have some buzzworthy N/G scenes and not all GSR-ness. *gags* Right? Right.

P.S. Thanks to all of you lovely ladies who read and reviewed my new story on WMTDB. *huggles you some more* XP I'm in a very huggy mood today for some odd reason. I'm kinda scarin' myself! XD

EDIT: *cricket chirps in background* Dang, where'd everyone go? :confused:
Sorry Zodiac! *huggles*

Time to start tonight's RPG!

Case of the Crisis of the Heart

Nick walked up to Greg and gave him a long hug.

"I talked to Grissom. He's not really mad, just disappointed. I promised that you and I could control our urges and never let that happen again."
Greg who had his head resting on Nick shoulder when he hugged him pulled back slighty and said, "oh thank god he's not mad. Not that I'm happy that he's disappointed. Since you promised that we could control our urges, should we even be hugging in the locker room Nicky?"

Greg brought up the question at the end b/c he was worried what would be acceptable in regards to signs of affection towards each other and what wouldnt be ok.

*huggles* for Zodiac :)
-gasps- New story? Where in the world have I been? Well, ha, I know, but that's not the point. I shall read soon...Being that I don't remember seeing it.

Ha, I'm sorry - caught up with preparations for NaNo, and homework is slowly piling on me...For goodness sake, I get to be a lawyer this week in my English class!

I hope I can use the last week of October to find time to finish the ep. guide & DHME...And of course, go into some serious reading on wmtdb...:D
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