The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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-waggles eyebrows- Not fond of bees, either. This whole bee thing is spooky. I'm not sure I'll like it.

Oh, why oh why does Grissom have to like bugs?! -sobs-

Oh, Zodiac, I love the way your mind works. Really.
Thanks suckerforasmile! *hugs* :D

Gah, I'm not much for Griss' entomologistness either. *shudders* Especially his pet tarantula. I'm a major arachnophobic. So... yeah, not a big fan of those past episodes with the big ol' spider.

So, yeah, are ya'll still gonna tune in next week after watching the previews? I'll still watch it, but probably with only one eye open. Gotta find the subtext, ya know? It's my job. :lol:
^_^ I have absolutely no idea what's supposed to happen, other than what I heard in the chat. >_> I'm...I don't know. If I don't bother watching, Nick & Greg'll have a scene, but if I DO watch, there won't be. -sighs- I just KNOW it.

only_true_love said:
BTW I dont know if I have said this b4 but i love your avatar!!!! hehehe
Talking :lol: I'm just clueless tonight.
I dont like spidders either!! *shudders*

ok this is a bit weird subtxty thing but Nick at one point has a striped shirt on! For those who watch ATWT know that Luke has a tendancy to wear striped shirts. SO maybe the influence of Luke who is out and proud is rubbing off on Nick!!! hehehehe
Oh, ew. Spiders.

And I can't believe I forgot about his shirt! Lol, funny thing to think about, but I don't ever recall him wearing anything other than solid colors. What's that about? Am I just extremely oblivious or what?
Heh. And for those that watch Torchwood, Jack also has a tendency to wear striped shirts. Yeap, Nick is definitely hinting something with those shirts of his. Going looking for a screencap of Nick's shirt from tonight now, so I can see if for myself.
Really? I must focus on the smexy suspenders more. ^_^ Speaking of which, I get to watch the episode online, I'm not in a place to actually see it on TV...-sighs- Stupid being not at home...Argh.

-waggles eyebrows- I think I smell a post-ep. We'll see. I think I said this before, but this one...Funny, I got more of an idea for it.
One True Love - about that striped shirt...I wasn't a big fan of it, but maybe it's because it reminds me of the striped golf shirts the old men wear in my mom's retirement community. I like your reference better LOL

Nicky did get a new hair cut though. Very buzzed on the sides, I don't remember him having that look before. If I didn't have to finish my chapter of The Day Before You, I would have a one shot to explain why how he got the haircut and the striped shirt I don't like LOL

My favorite Nick moment was when he saw the dead little girl and he did that little wince of heartbreak. Sniff!

I thought Greg looked totally cute in his first scene with Grissom. The new hair is working for him and he seems very bubbly this season (no doubt because his life with Nick is going so well LOL) We also learned that he has no allergies - add that to canon.

I do NOT like the new girl AT ALL. And I don't get why Sara would be so irritated with her on Day 1. That seemed really contrived. Sara has always been a good teacher. I hated all of their interactions.
So no N/G interaction? But Zodiac, you made it all up for woth your explanation!

Nick has worn a striped shirt before, I think it was in S4 or 5 and Greg wore the almost same shirt in the episode with the burn victim, a white shirt with blue/black stripes. Looked really nice on both of them.

Oh, almost forgot, love the direction your story goes, twins and only_true_love! I think Brass is OK with it, and the way Grissom reacted was positive too. So, what will happen???

Oh and twins, there is an interview in the Advocate about Luke and Noah. I hope I'm allowed to give you the link here.
I don't like Ronnie at all, either. But like I've said before, I'm a bit of a misogynist, especially when it comes to a new chick that could be a potential threat. But Sara was being a bit overbearing; the poor girl only wanted to learn.

But I still have a really bad feeling about her.

Greg does seem more... upbeat this season. I noticed that right away during ALC. Hopefully this will turn out to be a good season for him, he deserves it. Yup. And I'm not really sure how much I'm diggin' Nicky's haircut. I suppose it's better than some of the hairdon'ts he's had in the past.

I just thank God he's not brought back the porn stache... yet.

Maggs~ I'm so excited for the next chapter of TDBY!! :p Know what? After reading both 'Where You Are' and 'The Day Before You' I had to go out and buy that Rascal Flatts album? haha! True story.

love_fan~ Aww, well you know, I live to serve. Glad to cheer ya up after the total lack of N/G-ness tonight. :D *hugs*
The funny thing about the striped shirt is I didnt like it either and they dont look good on Luke either!!! lol

I HATE the new girl!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I can wait for her to DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!
I want to see pictures!

And twins, here's the link, forgot to give it to you in my other post

Hope it works.

And I'm so happy for Greg that he finally has found his wit again, plus who doesn't love him with that hair?
LOL, I didn't think Nicky's hair was all that bad until the scene with Archie & Warrick, where they were looking through the tapes, but it really reminds me of Greg's in early seasons, sooo...

D: I think I just finished the last chapter of DHME. And I only updated it, what, four hours ago? Awww...I'm gonna miss it..

And, lol, I love the way Sara snapped at the new girl. :lol: I'm not sure why, I just...Anyway that anyone can make her stay at the LV crime lab crappy is awesome. And if any character should do it, Sara should, because God knows she needs some serious brownie points.
Muwah?! Finished with DHME, you say? Nuuu, it can't be!! I'm gonna miss it too, and I didn't even write it. *sniffles*

Oooo, now that you mention it, Nicky's hair does sort of look like Greggles in S2... *drools* That was always my fave haircut for G. What can I say? I like punky guys. :devil:

I'm gonna be really disgusted the moment I see either a Nick/Ronnie or Greg/Ronnie thread on the shipper forum. *gags* Whoops, did I just say that out loud? :rolleyes:
omg I think that might be just as bad or worse than snickers!!! *shudders* Greg's hair in S2 was yummy!!! As long as he doesnt shave the sides of his head, I'm ok!!! lol

Oh, I just thought of an interresting question!~ which was worse???? Nick's stache' or Greg's hair with the sides shaved????

BTW sucker who did your avatar??
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