The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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-cries- I know, I was thinking the same thing. Actually, a little more in the "good god, I am so not looking forward to the explosion of Greg/Ronnie fics on the front page of FFN. -sighs- Okay, going to boycott FFN until they're gone. -reassures self-

xD I wouldn't hold your breath on the last chapter. I hate it. :lol: Absolutely hate it. And this is the first chapter I've hated, the others at least seemed worthy to me. Meh, I may do an epilogue. DHME needs at least a chance to stand up to what DD is slowly turning into. I wasn't even going to keep DD on this long, it was supposed to be subtext-y for much longer, but, oh well. I don't know.

Heh, that was always one of my least favorites for Greggo, actually. It went back and forth, though. Sometimes I hated it, sometimes I loved it...

You know, this whole haircut thing could be a way of trying to win Greg back if they broke up....:lol: Imagine Greg telling him to do a bunch of stuff in order for him to win him back. Granted, it OBVIOUSLY wouldn't stop with the hair, but still. :D It makes a nice little story, I think.
Well, I'm gonna say the pornstache, cuz I absolutely LOVED Greg's hair when he had the sides shaved. Mmmm.... sexay, sexay mahn. LOL

Worse than Snickers? Hmm... I dunno if I'd go that far. They're on about the same level of ickyness, IMO. Which, you can't get any worse than Snickers, I think.

Oh, I am so bad tonight! I love it. :devil:
dont ask why I even my brain even went in this direction but I thought of something worse than Snickers, Greg or Nick with new girl(I refuse to refer ot her by her first name i hate her)!!! Ready for it b/c igf your not scroll fast past this post!!!
Ecklie with Greg or Nick!!!! *shudders* ewwwwwwww

Zodiac~ yes Greg/eric is a sexy man but the shaved sides bothered me a bit. It wasnt omg what has he done to his hair make me want ot cry but I still dont like it!! lol

BTW sucker, and not to scare you but when i went ot WMTDB chapter 7/ last chapter isnt up! Is there a time delay?
Huh. I'm actually not as appalled by that as I should be. Lack of sleep, maybe?

LOL, Zodiac all I managed to get from your post was Snickers = bad and a pornstache. Um, I don't think I can handle math if I can't handle basic English...-sighs at self-
lol I think its the sleep!!!

Anyways Twins when you get on dont forget to come over to AOL IM!!! cant wait to continue the role play with our boys!!!! hehehehe
ok to recap where "Go To the Bug Man" left off~ Brass basically outed our boys, but it was out of concern! And Griss reassured Brass that he'd talk to them.

Brass tunrns to leave but turns back to say one last thing to Grissom. "Let them know if ANY other police officeer give them a hard time in any way, let me know." And with that said Brass left.

*wonders how Grissom will handle this???*
love_fan, thanks for the link! I really appreciate it! I posted it on my site. :D

I have yet to watch "Go To Hell", but from what you all, and Natalie, are saying, I don't think I'll like Ronnie (we should give her an evil nick name) either!


Grissom sat in silence. What should he do? Should he give them privacy? Should he confront them? And if he decided confront them, what would he say? He sighed loudly and looked into the hall. At that moment Nick and Greg walked by heading for the garage. He stood up and decided that the best thing to do would be to talk to them about it.

He watched as they talked to Warrick for a moment, obviously about the case, and then they left and went into one of the labs. Grissom took another deep breath and walked towards the lab and walked in slowly. Both Nick and Greg looked up and smiled at their supervisor.
"Hey Grissom, shall I assume your here for an update?" Greg asks Grissom

silent pause long enough for Greg to look back up towards Grissom with concern.

Getting nervous by the expression and the fact that Grissom keeps looking back and forth between him and Nick, Greg finally speaks again. "Is everything alright?" he asks

Grissom takes a deep breath, "Actually I need to ask the both of you about something, and I'm having difficulty how to ask it. I guess the best way is to be direct, so --"

TBC..... sorry folks it will continue so hang in there!!! hehehehehe
suckerforasmile said:

Oh, why oh why does Grissom have to like bugs?! -sobs-

I prefer Grissom's love of bugs over his love of Sara.

Well anyway did you all notice Nick's new hair cut? Shaved sides (similar to Greg is S2 -which I hated) He also looks like he's lost some weight too, looking good. Greg looked fine as well. I agree the first 15 mins with them gone, they just had to be together!!
First off Only True Love, love the icon, love love love it..... Second, I posted some stuff about the site at my LJ, we are having space issues is what the problem is, serious space issues. Matt is trying to check into it but school and work and all, we are going to have to go through everything and see what is junk and what isn't, but that will take too long, so we are going to have to buy more space, we aren't even going to be able to upload fics probably in a few days, and no vids at all.... So please take a look there, and any donations would be greatly appreciated, because, yeah more money....

And Jacob, my youngest, most of you know him and his ear infections, the post is mostly about him, long story short, he's had swollen lymph nodes all week, thought it was strep but no, but he's had fever all week, we thought he was getting better, and he woke up today covered in red spots/bumps, 103 again, they are looking into bigger badder viruses now, update at my LJ, so please keep him in your thoughts....... thanks

Hay people, im here I'm engrossed in Where you are. I started it yesturday at 6 pm- had to finish reading it at midnight. I woke up at 5 am, because I Couldn't stop reading it, its amaing... I'm loving it... Its bloody fantasitc.

Maggs you so should post this on WMTDB, let it reach the masses... I'm even reading the Gil and Sara bits, although sometimes I skip em. Sorry lol. But not always, well I'm on Chapter 30, and I have plans of finishing it tonight, and maybe starting the second book as well.....

Aww, thanks candygirl! It's okay to skip the GSR parts, I wrote it so it would be easy to skip them most of the time.

You know I've tried to post on WMTDB but I just don't get how to get a password and do it, though I've tried twice LOL

For WMTDB, it seems you have to load the whole story there and I don't really want to load every chapter when they're already housed on my website and That's a lot of posting and maintenance if I change a chapter after the fact (i.e. find a typo, replace a line...and I always do). If the link to my website can be listed somewhere on WMTDB, by all means go ahead and do it for me since I can't figure it out. I would like to reply to the Rec post too, since it was written back when the story was subtext. It would be good for Love fans to know it turned out to be more than that. If you could reply to it, great!

Twins offered to post a link to my fanfiction on the Wiki.

I was also asked if I'd let something on Defining Moments of the Love. I'm fine with it, if someone can do it. I'm all for helping spread the love :D I'm just wiki-challenged apparently LOL
Hey all I made some A La Cart icons to share with you, I know Shacky wanted to see some. Hope you enjoy these.



Awww Maggs, i just signed your guest book, and wow I will publically declare that it is fantastic. I love reading long stories, have you read fathers first? Its in that same league. It must be hard to write with for two shippers well three with Catherine and Warrick as well.....

The dedication it must have taken you to write such a detailed and character focused story. Its good, I'm going to start reading the second book. Ahh im sure that Shacky will help you with the WMTDB, but no you dont have to post all chapters on it at the same time.

Yeah it was me lol.... I mentioned definingmomentsofthelove.....

Ok ladies, i've not been able to watch episode 3 yet for legistical reasons... So as soon as I have, then I'll leave a review here....

Ok now going back to read the new a la date, but not called that lol...............

I'm more in love now with the men than i have ever been.
Yeah Wojo, I could kiss you right now, love the icons....Definitley snagging...

Maggs, Hi, I don't think we've ever really talked... First off, I really really really want to read this story, where can I get a hold of it, I need me a Nick/Greg fix.... and I love long stories, the ones that suck you and and you just have to keep going... I would love to have your story at the site, just because I really want the best Nick/Greg stuff there, and from what it sounds, this story is the best. Whatever help you need or questions you have, feel free to ask me, I can do whatever you need. And going back and changing things is pretty easy, once you log into your account, you can upload a chapter as you complete them, or go back and edit anything you may need..... Any questions please feel free to ask...

And I hope you all saw my previous post about space, hopefully it will be cleared up over the weekend, I will have to buy some extra space, Matt does't know what could be eating all the space, well the vids and the boards, so many vids there now, but we'll have to get more space no more what he thinks......

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