The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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lil_love_fan said:

Wojo : Okay, so my bestest friend on Gaia said that she was decorating her binder with CSI pics and came across the perfect one and showed it to me. The problem was that it was too small and wanted to know the link to the original. It baffled me where I had seen the pic before, and hen I realized that it was your avatar! So, if you wouldn't mind posting the link to the original and happen to know it, me and NoHope would thank you a ton :D!

No problem, here it is:
lil love fan- Thanks for the review! I'll be posting responses to the latest comments shortly. And yeah, For You, was a great video. I put it in my favs list cause it was so great. I think I might have to go watch it now!
There's an even larger picture with full background that is Wojo's icon on the CSI wiki. If you go to the Nick/Greg page, and find the link to the George/Eric page, that's where it is, I believe.

Twins- Yes! St. Jimmy was awesome! And so was Movin' On! I love those two! I can't remember if I've seen the other two, but I'm gonna go on youtube and watch all four anyway. I love your vids! hehehe. Congrats too! That's soooo exciting! I haven't heard the new BSB song, but, since it's them and I'm a big fan, I'm sure it'll be awesome and work perfectly! I can't wait to see it!

only true love- That's a tough question! Cause I'm not sure there is anything I would change about the two of them. At least not at the moment. Though, maybe Greg being a little less toned down would be nice. I'm not sure what, if anything, I would change about Nick...I'll have to think about that!
twins1729 said:

EDIT: Where's Serenity and Seabird??? I miss you! :confused:

Awww, thank you! I am still here, I promise, I've just gone into 'lurker mode' a bit recently. I'm in bed with the flu at the minute.

I'm really looking forward to the new season of CSI starting though, here's hoping there's some slashy moments for us to squee over! :devil:
Ok well this is directly a nick/greg question here- For referance for future story plots who out of Nick or Greg do you think has the longest temper?
Um...Probably Greg. Nick punched K-fed, thought it was for Greg and everything. Also, in Gum Drops when he confronted the teenager. Greg seems a little calmer, but maybe he doesn't have much to be angry about.

It be nice to see an episode where he was just PISSED.

BTW - ATWT wasn't that great. I just wanna see tomorrow's episode.

HI SERENITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QOTU said:

There's an even larger picture with full background that is Wojo's icon on the CSI wiki. If you go to the Nick/Greg page, and find the link to the George/Eric page, that's where it is, I believe.

I love the origonal pic,(it was backstage after they won the PCA) it's one of my faves. However I did manip it just a touch, I moved them closer together! :)

And yeah, Nick looses his temper more. Greg is more laid back and one of the only times I've seen him angry was directed at Aaron James mother. And when the crazy girl bit him in Leapin Lizards. (he said she was a bitch!!)
Thanks so much QOTU and Wojo for the links! My Gaian friend was sooo thrilled that she said her binder was going to be the best in school :lol:. It really is a great pic, and I didn't even notice that you moved the two closer until you mentioned it Wojo.

And candygirl , I would definitely agree that Nick has the shorter temper and always seems a little wound up.
Candy- I agree with everyone else. Nick has the shorter temper. But I also think it would be awesome if Greg ever did get pissed off. Just once, would be great. Especially if it was over something bad that had happened to Nick, you know, like Nick punching k-fed. That was hilarious, as much as it was sad, and horrible. Revenge is sweet...most of the time.

Wojo- I never noticed that you moved them closer together either! lol.

Just to let you know, chapter 2 for Till Death Do Us Part has been posted to WMTDB, however, the site is being a pain and won't let me upload it for some reason, so it may be awhile before it gets up there. Hope you like it!
Ok Queen- question as I plan to write a semi short fanfiction based on our two lovely men. What sort shall it be?? The fanfiction.?

That is opened up to everyone really. i want to try and write something that I find really hard at doing.. So any suggestions please let me know.. Ok people well its nearly 11.30 at night and this shipper isnt getting any younger. :devil: I'm old probably the oldest one here... Ok night all... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
****** Okay ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******

Who needs an avatar??????

And if you need one, what do you want it of? I mean, specific picuters?

I wanna work on it when I get back from getting Nicole.

You know what I always noticed. In the episode "High and Low" Greg seemed unusually irked. Remember when he kicks Warrick and Nick out of the lab? :p

But also he seems pissed when Cath takes a print-out of results, he says "Uh, you can take that if you want?"

She says, "Thanks, I will." Or something like that. Do we ever learn why he was so ticked?
No, I've always wondered why he was so pissy in that ep. Maybe Nick was withholding sex as some form of punishment!! :lol: :lol:
***waves hand*** I need an avatar!!! I've sent pics(on I'd like something like yours in that it "flashes"!
It doesnt have to have all the pics~ at least the boys!!! if any questons PM me!!!

I agree with everyone that Nick has more of a temper. Writting something htat be a challenge could be having Greg reacting to a case or something else in which he seems like he has more of a temper and make it realistic as possible! As for any other ideas I'll have to get back to you!!!

To answer my own question I'd love to see Nick more out going and bubbly like Greg!!! And I'd also like to see what Greg would look like really short hair, almsot a buzz cut!!! ***runs and hides*** LOL :p
Candy- Hmmmm....that's a big question. I've got an AU story in mind that I was gonna write but decided not to cause I've got a lot of newer, more formed ideas in my head. I'll pass it on, see what you think of it. It's complicated, and of course, not fully formed, so I'm sorry about that. Also, if you don't take it, the idea is up for grabs for anyone who wants it. Here tis: About a year ago from the start of this Greg was dating Nick (before CSI ever happened), but something happened and they broke up. Greg ended up working at CSI LV, and Nick ended up someone's sub in a dom/sub relationship (yes, I did switch roles here to make it more interesting. It was originally going to be the other way around.). Now, the team needs another CSI or Grissom is looking for someone to do his grunt work for him(haven't decided yet). There are fights going on where the winner gets whoever happens to be up for bid. In this case, it happens to be Nick who's changed hands a few times. Griss wants Nick for work related purposes. Greg realizes it's Nick, and also that he still loves him, and has felt bad about whatever happened between them for the whole year(or however long) and he decides to fight for Nick too, for personal reasons, to keep him from ending up a slave. Other characters could put a stake in it for their own reasons as well. That's as far as I got in planning it out. It's odd, I know. But I wanted to show Greg fighting for Nick instead of the other way around that usually happens. Does this make any sense? I hope it does. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? It's an odd one, and confusing, I know. Random thought, don't even remember how I got it. lol.
You can kick me out of here now, for having such weird ideas.

Twins- I need one too, but I'm not sure what of just yet. I'll have to peruse the pics I've got and see what I come up with.

And, OMG, ms-maggs just posted chapter 10 of The Day Before You and it's got the best lines between Greg and Mandy! No spoilers, I promise! But here:
“This hug feels so nice,” she whimpered. “Is there any chance you’re Bi?”

“I am Bi actually, but it’s not a casual thing with Nick.” He laughed, “I’m his bitch and you don’t want to get in the way, because he’s a territorial guy.”

So, hilarious! Loving her work!

ok, off to read some fics with Lady Heather. I believe she might actually be making an appearance in Live and Love. I feel honored, really. lol. I've started chapter 9, and there's a break in the case! GASP! I wasn't planning that until tonight.
Oh, and Till Death Do Us Part chapter 2 has been posted, finally, on for those who read there. Enjoy!
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