The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #16

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Okay, for those of you who care about ATWT, and Luke and Noah, I have some quick things to say.

LukeVanFan's video of the big kiss has been unflagged because of the numerous complaints about the reason for the flagging. Also, the video has 12 honors!

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I think CBS and everything else in the entertainment business needs to take a look at this and see what the viewers really want!

If a video of Nick/Greg kissing was uploaded, I think the response would would be doubled in the least!

Just seeing the response this video is getting is amazing! I can't wait to see Monday's. Apparently it starts with the kiss again! :D
Hey guys.

While there's nothing wrong with talking about other shows or couples from other shows in relation to Nick and Greg, when the conversation turns more to the other show, everybody needs to get back to Nick/Greg. I've seen a few posts that were about other shows/other couples and nothing about Nick/Greg.

Also, while YouTube videos can be posted now, they need to be posted in the thread pinned at the top of the forum specifically for fan videos instead of the threads themselves. Also, I'm not sure yet if videos from non-CSI shows will be allowed so, for now I'll leave that video link.

thanks :)
only true love- SWEET dream!!! How come I wasn't invited to that awards show? Especially the second one! lol...

Candy- Thanks for the comment, as always! I'm glad you didn't cry, but as you probably know, things will get worse before they can get better. Keep that tissue box close. You'll need it later on.
OMG it starts with the kiss again??? ***jumps up and down and giggles***
QOTU~ why might readers of your fan fiction be needing tisses??? PLLLLLLEEEEAAAAASSSSE dont harm the boys or I might have to take them into protective custody!!! LOL :p
Just to let you know 1CSIMfan we're comparing that relationship to Nick and Greg's. Especially since it's on CBS and that list I posted, I was making a point. That CSI could make Nick and Greg canon and there'd be even a greater reaction.

Yes, it'll start with the kiss. My friend Tommy said there'd be a slight difference.

However, if Nick and Greg were to kiss and the next episode it picked up right during the kiss as well, and there was supposed to be a slight difference. OMG, we'd notice right away. "Greg moves his bottom lip a half-second earlier the second time!" lol

I could just see us doing that. Heck, we do that already and they don't even kiss. :p
This board would be overloaded with posts gong back and forth saying, "Did you see that?" and "omg please tell me my mind isnt playing tricks on me!"
only true love- To convince you not to do the whole protective custody thing, just remember I did say it would get better! Things just have to get worse first. And, if you happen to check out chapter 8 you'll realize that there's a White Knight in this story who's not planning on leaving any time soon! It'll be good, I promise!
It's actually Till Death Do Us Part that you should feel more concern for the boys. lol.
ok, I'm off. Must get ready for the day and get working on chapter 2! I'll be back later!
I think if we ever got to see Nick & Greg kiss I would die of shock or excitment or both!!

Shock that TPTB even allowed it to happen

Excitment because it did happen

Either way, my husband would be scraping me off the floor. I don't know how he puts up with my obsession. :)
Well because wojo- your husband loves you. So Nick and Greg comes along for the ride.

People just giving you all heads up the new chapter to growming up and falling apart is now up...
Just to let you know 1CSIMfan we're comparing that relationship to Nick and Greg's.
First off, there was a complaint made about the non-Nick/Greg posts/pictures and after I checked, I agreed.

If you had actually compared that relationship to Nick and Greg (there was no mention of them), it would have been ok. Please make sure from now on that when you compare that, or any other, relationship to Nick and Greg, that you actually include Nick and Greg in your post. ;) There are several posts that basically are nothing but discussion about the other relationship.

Please keep in mind that the majority of your post content must contain discussion about Nick and Greg. So, keep the discussion about characters from another show (whether it's on CBS or not) out of here unless Nick and Greg are included. If you wish to discuss ATWT, then feel free to go to the General TV & Media forum and open up a thread.

Candy- Will check that out!

1CSIMan- We'll try to remember that. Thanks for the reminder.
Page 3! Woot :lol:!

QOTU : Thank you so much for the directions to the group. There is really a plethora of great vids I haven't seen yet, so that has been keeping me busy. For example, the first one on the list, For You by LisMin was awesome, especially the song, for I love BNL.

Twins : Thank you soooo much for posting those pics and the summary of ATWT. They were awesome, and I actually found the vid for it on YouTube (finally) and it was so sweet. I was imagining Nick and Greg the entire time. And speaking of other TV shows (relating them to The Love of course) I was watching the new SciFi series Flash Gordon (Insert dramatic 'FLASH! Ahhhh! Savior of the universe!') and one scene between Flash and Dale made me go "I wish that was Nick and Greg!" Anyway, Flash and Dale (who is a girl BTW) were tied facing each other by the bad guy and had to roll onto a table and get a knife to untie themselves, but their banter was great and the contact was priceless :devil:! A moment like that on CSI between the boys would truly be awesome. I tried to find a corralating video on YouTube, but have yet to turn up anything :(.

suckerforasmile : I can totally relate to the very religious grandparents, for I have them myself.

QOTU : I saw that Chapter 8 was up and must read and review... right after this of course!

Wojo : Okay, so my bestest friend on Gaia said that she was decorating her binder with CSI pics and came across the perfect one and showed it to me. The problem was that it was too small and wanted to know the link to the original. It baffled me where I had seen the pic before, and hen I realized that it was your avatar! So, if you wouldn't mind posting the link to the original and happen to know it, me and NoHope would thank you a ton :D!

1CSIMfan : I see what you mean, and I will definitely try to tone it down a bit :).
1CSIMfan a lot people here want to know about ATWT, and I'm trying to help out. :) I really thought I gave the impression that I was comparing it....Yeah, sorry about that. :p

Okay, you want to here some interesting!!!???

Apparently I've been nominated for 4 awards on the CSI Music Video Awards 2007. It's a LJ, and I just now heard about it! lol

Cast Video - Movin' On (One of two cast videos I have, and my first one sucked)
Nick Video - Things Will Go My Way (My only Nick video)
Brass Video - St. Jimmy (My only Brass video)
Slash Video - It's Gonna Be Me (Why that one, I don't know!)

Here's the link.

I think I might use the new Backstreet Boys song my "Moment" video. :D And maybe I'll write fiction tomorrow.

Isn't it funny how some slash on the most innocent of shows can seem harmless. I mean, like on PR....Mack was rubbing Dax's shoulder and then he smacked his ass...

If that happened on CSI, we'd be FLIPPING out! lol

EDIT: Where's Serenity and Seabird??? I miss you! :confused:
1CSIMfan 1CSIMfan I appoligize too for any ramblings not related to our boys!!! I love our boys very much like everyone else! And like twins I saw the kiss and it was a mildstone and hope for our boys!!

Congrats Twins!!!! Do you need me to check in on you to make sure you are actually writting??? LOL

If you had to change one thing about our boys other than them admitting their feelings to each other, what would it be??? And please dont hate me for asking this!!! I love our boys verrrrry much!!! Answering this does NOT mean you dont love them!!! It could be that you wish Nick would have his hair spkiky like Greg's!!! LOL :p
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