The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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The whole details were new to me :lol:
Ohh, it's so obvious that they'll finally work the case on their own, isn't it?
It looks like the main case with Yo!bling and B case with The Love.
And Griss& Sara out of the cases solving their own problem somewhere.
I'm praying now. God, please don't ruin putting others on this!!!!!!!!

Yeah, we should be craving for October, I guess that's when it will be aired :cool: :cool:
It's okay Wojo *huggs*!

Yup it'll air October 4!

Let's starting counting down...66 days! Yay!

Please, please let it happen. I really don't see any strong reason why it would be changed.

I assume if Sara lives that her and Grissom are going to need time or something. Grissom would need it alone if she dies.

So the episode pairings make sense.
LOL @ twins! Your dreams about about Nick and Greg aren't that weird, at least not to me! I have def. have had some odd ones, some nice ones and some naughty ones!!! hehehehe:)

Ehehehe. All this talk about October excites me. Funny thing is, that episode airs two days before my cousins birthday (same one who did all those manips way back whenever that was...) It's a shame she's not as crazy about it, she'd be freaking out.

Nice birthday present, doncha think?

Mmpf. I've got, like, twenty or so pages written in a notebook of another story, but I'm too lazy to type it all up. My original plan was to wait until it was completed to even try to write it, but then I decided it needed to be rewritten, and then I kinda sorta got motivation, but didn't. xD Ha. Oh well. It'll happen someday.

Noooow, what's all this talk about fanfiction? Where's it at, I need new stuff.
Ah! I haven't been on in four days! But it was nice to see all the new posts, which I have been reading for the past hour. I blame parties and Shark Week, for I have been watching that like it's my religion :lol:.

Anyway, I love reading all the spoilers, and 802 looks really awesome. I just hope that it doesn't change.

Concerning dreams: I have dreams occasionally about Nick and Greg, but I rarely remember them. However, just last night I dreamt that the whole graveyard shift was on a vacation of sorts in a boat, Greg goes swimming, gets attacked by a shark, and Nick comes to the rescue. As you can see, Shark Week is affecting me, even seeping into my subconcious :eek:...

And about the banners: They seriously Rock! Do you think I could use the third one down? I really like it. Or has someone already called dibs on it?

Oh yes, and suckerforasmile , I know what you mean about not wanting to type. When I wrote my first fanfic, I did it on paper first, then I finally realized that it was taking me twice as long, so now I just type as I think :D.
I usually type, unless my laptop's not with me.

I seriously need to just sit down and type an ignoring my nagging step-mom. *ugh*

And OF COURSE you can use that banner lil_love_fan!!!! If you need help putting it in your sig, just PM me. I'm here all day! lol

Hey, I'm just gonna ask.

Does anyone have a program that they can download songs from the Web and put them in your videos? Loki used to help me with that, but her Lime Wire went crazy and she's been busy lately. I seriously need like 10 songs or more.

I have quite a few requests I need to finish.

I tried downloading Lime Wire myself and it wanted me to have Java and that wouldn't work because I needed to enable cookies and they already are! *gah*

Can anyone help me with that?
I write my own fanfics, but I am always way to shy to submit them anywhere.

See, I wish I could blame parties for my lack of postingness, but I cannot, so, I will blame it on my job =P. In fact in less then a half an hour I shall be stuck closing at 9:30 again ><. I know it is only 5 hours but still! It is teh boring.

Back on topic about dreams, I for some reason have the amazing ability to continue with my dreams if interrupted or ending, it is kinda cool, it is like an episode, they resume where they left off, mind you I don't have dreams each night but sometimes they do that. Has anyone else had this happen?
twins1729 said:
I usually type, unless my laptop's not with me.

I seriously need to just sit down and type an ignoring my nagging step-mom. *ugh*

And OF COURSE you can use that banner lil_love_fan!!!! If you need help putting it in your sig, just PM me. I'm here all day! lol

Hey, I'm just gonna ask.

Does anyone have a program that they can download songs from the Web and put them in your videos? Loki used to help me with that, but her Lime Wire went crazy and she's been busy lately. I seriously need like 10 songs or more.

I have quite a few requests I need to finish.

I tried downloading Lime Wire myself and it wanted me to have Java and that wouldn't work because I needed to enable cookies and they already are! *gah*

Can anyone help me with that?

Yeah try emule. That is what i normally use. I can give you a link...
What movie maker do you use, I use windows movie maker but it keeps on freezing or just stops responding.. No matter what I do its rubbish. So what movie makers do other people use?

For my stories althought i use my pc, i always carry pen, pencils felt tips... and paper or a jotter down with me. I sometimes write on the way to work. I really should finish the harry potter book sad me I'm reading bits at a time....

By the way nickfangirl you could try and letting the twins put it up on their sites. Give it a go.. Or try or what its also called is what makes the desert beautiful............
I always use my pc too when I write! I can type faster than I can write!!! LOL Another tip in writting is have an outline of what you want to cover if you are having writter's block!!! That and have a min-tape recorder to talk out what you want to say!!! LOL I use my cell phone since i can record audio on it. I need to buy a mini recorder though, than I wont have to be frantically looking around for my cell when I have an idea!!! :)
That's awesome that no one else already wanted the banner I like. I will try to put it in now, but if I do need help, I shall ask you twins :D.

And twins, I might be able to help with your Lime Wire issues. A few months ago I tried to download it too and it was all messed up. I mean, it would have no connection bars, and I figured that I needed to let it through my firewall, for I have McAfee security. So, I went to the help area and it told me how to let it through the wall. Also, it still wouldn't connect, so I just downloaded it again and again every time I needed a song and it finally took after a few times. And if that doesn't work, I also figured that you need the internet open if you plan to download, otherwise it doesn't work.

Here is the link to their help area: Problems Connecting And FireWalls

And if that doesn't work (which it most likely will not because I stink at computers in general :lol:), you can email me with the names of the songs, I can download them and attach them to an email (I think). All in all, I would be happy to help :D
Limewire's always worked for me. D: Weird, though.

Hehe, it's not that I DON'T use my computer (absolutely love it, I think I'd die without it), it's just that it's not a laptop, which means I can only write in my room, or I have to pick it up and move it to another room. I did that a lot at home when I was sick, actually. I've wanted a laptop since I was, like, eleven (heh, when I actually started writing...) but now that I'm constantly coming up with new ideas, it'd be loads easier if I just had a laptop. Then I could write at anytime, anywhere.

I did that when I was in Colorado, my uncle had one so he could connect to work...which he never did, thank god, so we pretty much had the computer in there the entire time. Ha.

Um. A bit late on the dream thing, but I had one the other night. I think it had to do with...something...about episode...whichever...Oh, you guys know. :p I think. I don't remember much, just that it was based on that. I think I only remember the scene from whatever episode towards the end of season seven, where Nick's, like...herding...the pigs...or whatever. I confuse myself sometimes.

And I've got a few oneshots. One of which is ready for typing & rewrite on the computer, and another which is ready for rewrite, and the other, which is in progress. -sigh- And I still have to finish two other chapters of another story before people at FFN and WMTDB start hurting me.

I'm done, now.
EDIT: Whoo! page twenty!
I usually write things out first on pen and paper, make changes, and then type it up on my computer. Continue making changes until I'm satisfied, then it's sent to a beta.

As for dreams I've had a few that I've mentioned before but, one actully involved Nick being killed by sharks, dressed in a shark costume-yeah weird I know, (don't recall if it was shark week though-LOL) and another involving the guys on a couch and Nick was doing things to Greg (can't go into detail because of rating) but then my alarm went off and both me and Greg were left unsatisfied. :lol: :(
only_true_love said:
I always use my pc too when I write! I can type faster than I can write!!! LOL Another tip in writting is have an outline of what you want to cover if you are having writter's block!!! That and have a min-tape recorder to talk out what you want to say!!! LOL I use my cell phone since i can record audio on it. I need to buy a mini recorder though, than I wont have to be frantically looking around for my cell when I have an idea!!! :)

Hmm i never thought about a dictaphone. I do use my phone i text messages and leave them in my drafts lol....
My sister is my personal recorder. We usually pass ideas back and forth. We're also each other's betas. It's nice to have a second part of yourself. :p

I'll definately check out that help tool lil_love_fan, but if that doesn't working, you'll be getting an email request for songs! lol

I use windows movie maker. But I baby it to death. I constantly save and have learned to be very patient with it! lol :)
It would be awesome to have a twin, especially one that also liks the Love.

And I think that the main reason as to why I had so many issues with LimeWire was because I have Vista and many other security programs. But now it behaves and surrenders to my every search :D.

Email me anytime twins . As a matter of fact, I think I'll try to email a few songs to a friend of mine that asked me a while back for said songs so I can see if it is possible.

Oh, and I just recently tried using Windows Movie Maker, and I discovered that in order to get songs form LimeWire, I had to go to my shared to get them and not my main music file, if that is any help to anyone.

And Wojo , I can just imagine Nick in a shark costume! Lol, for that will take the edge off tonight when I sit and watch Shark Week, clinging to the nearest pillow of course :lol:.
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