The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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I've been wanting to say this lil_love_fan...GO WINGS! lol :devil:

Okay, now that's done.

As long as it's not trouble for you, I do have a few songs I wanted to use and I'm not about going to get a whole CD or even single to use them.
Noooooooo *dramatic slow-motion yell* The Sabres WILL dominate this year, I have faith, for the third time is the charm, right :eek:?

But in all seriousness, as long as you're not a Senators fan, then I'm fine *glares menacingly at Ottowa :mad:* Is it that evident that I am a die-hard fan of MY Sabres :rolleyes:?

Okay, I think that I am done with my hockey-obsessing :lol:. Oh yes, twins , and I sent a few songs to my friend by email and attachments, and even though she hasn't replied, I figured out how to do it (I think). I can only attach 10 MB per message, so I figure that's about three 3 minute songs per message, which is pretty good. The only thing that I don't know is how they open or where for that matter once you get them.

And it's no problem at all, just give me some titles and I'll send them.

Wait a second... I think you need my email address:
(I know, very strange, but it is an obscure refrence to one of my favourite childhood shows: Dexter's Laboratory :D! Dee Dee, get out of my lab!)

BTW, I love the banner! Thanks a bunch! :D
Lmao, I think I remember that! Glad you like the banner too. :D

I'm gonna see what requests I had and then find the other songs I wanted. I actually have an idea for you too, but I'll say that in the email.

Thanks so much for doing this. You're the best. I'll dedicated my next video to you. Pssst...I'm making one now. :D A Nick/Greg one. I think it'll be my 16th (Nick/Greg one).
lil_love_fan said:
Noooooooo *dramatic slow-motion yell* The Sabres WILL dominate this year, I have faith, for the third time is the charm, right :eek:?
I totally agree!!! :)

and Twins when are you able to come back over to We miss you over on the Nick/Greg thread! :(
I really don't know! I'm hoping by 3 am if it's a Western time thing and I'm done by midnight. We'll see I guess.

If I'm not on by morning, email some admins or something for me. *shruggs*

Oh, yeah! 64 Days until "A La Cart."

You know, I think everyone here has read the spoiler. I don't think anyone's affraid to, lol.
well its 2:32 am where I'm at so I'll stay around to see if you are able to get back in!!!! I will be sooo giddy and nervous the night b4!!! I will email the mod. of CSI board or have some protest going on!!! LOL 28 min. until you might be able to get back in !!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!
Lmao! Let's hope!!! That's the time I have!

Okay, to everyone who doesn't know I (Nicole, actually wasn't me!) was suspended from 7 days, for being seriously only slightly rude to someone on the Power Ranger page. She only said something like "We won't miss you" cause they said they weren't posting anymore (meanly, mind you).


I'll stay til 3 to see if it works.

I guess I'll let you all know that I'm done with the season 2 episode guide (Clarrisani!!!!) and I'm getting some of 7 done and will be working on 1 (Stacy!) and 3 soon!
I just read something some main Admin said in a "Tech Support" topic, and apparantly, it's what we're thinking!

So I can't wait. I'm gonna email you first thing if it works. :)

We have so many things about The Love to talk about there! There's so many people we have to convert! lmao!
No, not yet. *sighs*

I'm only staying on a little longer, then I'll check in the morning. I emailed (regular email) support like a mod said, and hopefully they can just lift it if it's not working. Unless it's not going to be lifted until 12am tomorrow or something. I'm going to write and make videos and dream of Nick and Greg.

I hope you all have a wonderful night and dream sweet dreams of our boys!
I hear that there's a new female CSI on the swing shift working with Catherine, called Vivian Lee. And it's already being suggested that she's going to be Greg's new love interest. I REALLY hope not, but if it is... well, we'll all know she's only a beard, won't we?
Then, Eric’s saying was true. Vivian, I don’t like that name smelled already

I'm wondering what will be like :rolleyes:
I really, really, really, REALLY hope that those latest spoilers are not true. If they are, I might have to locate TPTB and poke them with my extremely sharp marshmallow roaster until they change it :devil:.

And only_true_love , you're a Sabres fan too?! Alright! *Gives high-five* And, in the immortal words of Rick Jenneret: "These guys are good, scary GOOD!" :D

Ok, hockey obsessing is once again done, but I can't promise for good :rolleyes:.

Oh yes, and I got your email this morning twins and started gathering the songs. and the sites for large attachments look really easy to use, so I should have your songs to you by tonight. And I will be sure to add a few songs to request to the mix :lol:.

One more thing: I can't believe that you were banned for a comment like that! How ridiculous! Do you want me to poke them with my marshmallow roaster too? *glares at mods :devil:*
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