The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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You guys have been causing havoc without me?
*throws random desk objects at TPTB*

*hugs twins* I've been sick a lot lately, too. I hope you get better... *gives twins some cookies and ice cream loki has been eating all week*

So you will be at Leaving las vegas this week... I can't remember if there was even any Greg in that eppy... but I thought the scene with Nick and Grissom was cute :D
Yeah, Nick's so sensitive. *refrains from making gay lisp on the word sensitive* lol

If you're on, come to the chat box Loki!

*Grabs Bobby Dawson and his gun collection*

Time for a TPTB hunt!

There can be heaps and gobs of Catherine, Grissom, and Sara. As long as there's just as much, if not more, of Greg, Nick, and Warrick.
I'm a trained media critic and published reviewer, and I view many of the GSR scenes as redundent. I view the ending of "Way to Go" as the same - the episode was about Brass, and should have ended with him. If you lurk my LJ I review every episode of Season 7 if you want to check out my thoughts.

And honestly? It's the unnecessary GSR scenes, the fact it's being forced at us, the sacrifice of other characters (namely Warrick and Greg) to give more time to GSR, and those annoying fans, are what turned me right off the pairing. I can't stand it now.

Sara's popularity is decreasing, like Grissoms, since GSR was revealed. I find it interesting that the Grissom fans hate what the relationship has done to him, and I have to agree.

I miss the old Warrick/Nick interaction that they had early on. Those two had those friendly competitions, and that was one of the only high points to season 5 - them working together.

And there definitely needs to be more Greg. See, this is what I'm talking about. Greg is one of the more popular characters in the show. More popular than Sara even. Yet they keep dumping him from the episodes. I mean, for gods sake, take a look at the ratings! Greg + Many Scenes = Good ratings! (and here in Aus, Greg + Nick + Many Scenes = very good raitings)

*forgos the kicking. Uses a crowbar.*
*forgos crowbor and morphs's go with SPD Pink Ranger - picks up car and trows it on TPTB* lol

When I watch an episode and there's not a lot of Greg. I sigh and decide to wait until the next episode. Thinkin that he'll be in the next one more. Then the next episode comes and he'll barely be in it again! I can't even remember how many times that has happened to me!


Seriously, what's going on with Warrick too. I assume Eric doesn't make as much as Jorja, George and Gary, so when Warrick's not in it a lot, that just baffles me. They should all get EQUAL screentime, even if it's based on their pay.

Sometimes I wish Greg was in the lab again. But I'm not sure if that's what Greg/Eric wants.
^^ I heard they just threw the ending of WTG in as a whim, and it was supposed to end with Brass in the hospital. I have to admit, the first time I saw that scene I literally dropped my cookie :lol:

twins, I need to go do something, but I'll be back on in about a half hour if you're still on :)
Eric wants 'funny Greg' back. That's why he started Secret Fun Time, so he can have an outlet.

Rumour has it that if Jorja comes back, she's actually going to appear in the credits before Gary. I'm not sure how valid this rumour is and we won't know for sure til next season, but I hope it's false.

I honestly want to see Greg continue to learn in the field. I want to see him reach CSI 2 (which he should be at), and see all the things he has to learn and do. I want to see more Greg/Hodges banter, and Greg working cases with Nick and Warrick. Or even a case where the three guys work together. That would be nice.

*draws upon the Force and shoots TPTB with lightening, Emperor style*
Of course!

I was so freakin' excited when I saw Sara in the of WTG with Grissom. Mostly because I was chanting "Please don't be Sofia or Catherine *repeated*" lol

I still GSR. Only because I think they make each other happy, and I truely don't care about the characters enough to notice any changes they make in each other.

But the fans ruin it for me. If only they (and TPTB) relized what they were doing to their own ship.

*Collects random fictional soldiers*

Prepare for battle!

EDIT: Clarrisani, if that's what Eric really's truely sad that TPTB aren't letting that happen. If Sara comes before Warrick...I'll...I'll boycott.
I'll admit that I was glad that it wasn't Catherine or Sofia - Cath should be with Warrick, and Sofia with Jim. But I still did not like how they revealed it, or the timing. That scene did not need to be in that episode.

In a way, this is what makes me glad that The Love isn't canon. I know that unless they wise up TPTB would ruin it, or we'd end up being swamped by 13yos who don't use punctuation and type in all capitals - correct spelling optional.

*draws lightsaber - I actually do have one*
And I have a Magi Staff!!!!

*Pulls it out - "Magi Staff, Vine power!"*

Are you an English teacher? I usually pride myself on using correct spelling and grammar, with the occasional typos of course.

I'm glad that most of us here are older, and if they aren't, at least they act older. I have to deal with enough pre-teens in the real world.
*pulls out poke-ball* "Pikachu! I choose you!"

I'm an English teacher, yes. I'm also a qualified Media teacher, and an editor. I'm qualified for so many things it's not funny, and yet there are no jobs... And tell me about pre-teens. I teach 12-18yos. But I will admit, sometimes the older ones are worse.

And just so you know, last night I decided to properly explore the CSIwiki. That's why I'm so ticked off with the GSR fans at the moment. I swear they should just name it the GSRwiki... except the Relationships area. At least there I can duck into The Love and take refuge.
That's why Nick and Greg's page is the best. :D

GSR fans are so arrogent. We're canon, so guess what? We're not only the best, but now we can tell everyone what to do! Grr...

If I were to teach, it would be algebra. I can do basic algebra in my sleep. lol

The problem with most kids these days is the parents don't care what they do. So they never get a decent punishment and therefor never learn.
*pulls out poke-ball* "Pikachu! I choose you!"


You guys crack me up.

I couldn't care one way or the other about GSR anymore. Honestly the only ship I care about anymore is this one. If either Nick or Greg left for any reason I might have to stop watching. Just the entertainment value alone doesn't make it worth watching anymore, and most of the personalities have been dragged through the mud.
Problem here is there's no room for parents to punish their kids. If you smack them, you're up for assualt. If you yell at them, you're told you're psychologically harming them. If you deny them of something they want, you're a bad parent. No wonder kids are the way they are.

That's the core problem with GSR fans - because they're canon, they believe themself superior. So what? Danny/Lindsey is canon, yet I don't see those fans acting the way GSR fans do. D/L fans come across as more mature, and are more open to other pairings... well, thus far. We'll see.

The Nick/Greg page is the best page on there. I actually went into the Video section of the main Wiki, and they had one section called 'CSI Clips', and one called 'GSR Clips'. Both were all GSR. Thus, I have since renamed 'CSI Clips' to 'GSR Clips', and 'GSR Clips' to 'More GSR Clips'. All there is in that section, although I did discover some Sandle and Nick/Grissom. Surpised the GSR fans didn't delete them.

I think having our own video section on the Nick/Greg relationship page was one of the best decisions made on that site.
You know, sometimes I think parents are crazy when they read parenting books and take classes. Though, if that prevents anything bad happening to the child from the parents, or bad behavior from the children. Than I totally think that parents need any help they can get.

Most relationship pages on the WIKI have only a few videos on their pages. I don't get how they don't see that they can add videos to their pages as well. Sometimes I wish I could help, then sometimes I don't care.

"SPD Emergency!"
Once I get the time I'm going to create the Nick/Grissom page. Not sure where to start with that, but it should get my sister off my back for there not being one. She said she'd add to it, but I have to create it. Gotta love her.

The Love has its own well organised video section. That's probably the main thing that the Nick/Greg page has going for it - the fact it is the most organised section on that site. Many are cluttured, especially the general areas.
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